LionsDen wrote:You dig up grass and sometimes they will give you seeds. Then you just plant them in soil. After a while, you will be able to dig the cotton.
To plant the seeds in soil, you will need to use the hoe on some dirt or dirt with grass that is near water.
To get the cotton, you may have to wait until the plant goes through 5 or more different looks before it is ready to harvest.
Nope, this game is based on default, not default itself
metouto wrote:BlockMen .... I know that there is cotton in your game .... but where or how do you get or find it ??? Again thanks for you time and help )
There is currently no way to get cotton since i have no use for it (yet) [and for now i want no beds]
LionsDen wrote:You dig up grass and sometimes they will give you seeds. Then you just plant them in soil. After a while, you will be able to dig the cotton.
To plant the seeds in soil, you will need to use the hoe on some dirt or dirt with grass that is near water.
To get the cotton, you may have to wait until the plant goes through 5 or more different looks before it is ready to harvest.
Nope, this game is based on default, not default itself
metouto wrote:BlockMen .... I know that there is cotton in your game .... but where or how do you get or find it ??? Again thanks for you time and help )
There is currently no way to get cotton since i have no use for it (yet) [and for now i want no beds]
Ok .... thanks for this information )
You can always tell a real friend: when you've made a fool of yourself he doesn't feel you've done a permanent job. ~Laurence J. Peter
LionsDen wrote:You dig up grass and sometimes they will give you seeds. Then you just plant them in soil. After a while, you will be able to dig the cotton.
To plant the seeds in soil, you will need to use the hoe on some dirt or dirt with grass that is near water.
To get the cotton, you may have to wait until the plant goes through 5 or more different looks before it is ready to harvest.
Nope, this game is based on default, not default itself
That's funny, I tried this a while ago and I remember getting seeds from grass or maybe weeds and then planting them. Maybe it changed since then but I am pretty sure it was in this game.
LionsDen wrote:You dig up grass and sometimes they will give you seeds. Then you just plant them in soil. After a while, you will be able to dig the cotton.
To plant the seeds in soil, you will need to use the hoe on some dirt or dirt with grass that is near water.
To get the cotton, you may have to wait until the plant goes through 5 or more different looks before it is ready to harvest.
Nope, this game is based on default, not default itself
That's funny, I tried this a while ago and I remember getting seeds from grass or maybe weeds and then planting them. Maybe it changed since then but I am pretty sure it was in this game.
BlockMen ... just a thought for your Wasteland game ... what if you had it rain (once in a great span of time) and then had some kind of plant grow that was needed to help the players development (food, firstaid, etc, ect, ect,) but the rain would not be collectible.
Just an idea .... )
You can always tell a real friend: when you've made a fool of yourself he doesn't feel you've done a permanent job. ~Laurence J. Peter
metouto wrote:BlockMen ... just a thought for your Wasteland game ... what if you had it rain (once in a great span of time) and then had some kind of plant grow that was needed to help the players development (food, firstaid, etc, ect, ect,) but the rain would not be collectible.
Just an idea .... )
Weather (at least the way i think of) is not good enough to add it to the game. So yeah, in general a nice feature but don't expect something like that coming soon...
Try pressing the F5 key and see where it says you are. If you are outside approximately -31000 or 31000 than you spawned outside of the mapping area. You can try to type the following /teleport 0,0,0 and see if that does anything.
EDIT: Syntax errors.
Last edited by LionsDen on Tue Feb 25, 2014 21:27, edited 1 time in total.
LionsDen wrote:Try pressing the F5 key and see where it says you are. If you are outside approximately -31000 or 31000 than you spawned outside of the mapping area. You can try to type the following /teleport 0,0,0 and see if that does anything.
Thanks for reporting, its caused by the modified terrain generation of this game. Im working on a new version atm, but you may have to wait for a few days at least until its updated.
Update to 0.2.2, needs Minetest 0.4.9-dev as of 2014-4-12 or later
- fixed snowcaps
- added support for third person view
- new player skin
- many new textures
- switched to PilzAdam's MiniTest tools
- a bit more realism (no more mese, steel is now iron)
- more fixes, updates, etc...
A little bit more information what you did and what is not working would be nice.
I have latest version of minetest and i cant use betterHUD mod :D
In general or just with this game?
If in general: wrong topic
If with this game: please dont use it, it has already a modified version of BetterHUD included
With this game. But if i remove it from folder, game crashed.
Default/player attempt to call method "set_local_animation". I have this problem in other new minetest games too.
AMMOnym wrote:With this game. But if i remove it from folder, game crashed.
Default/player attempt to call method "set_local_animation". I have this problem in other new minetest games too.
Version 0.2.2: Download (for Minetest 0.4.9-dev as of 2014-4-12 or later)
Update your client if you want play new mintest games.
AMMOnym wrote:With this game. But if i remove it from folder, game crashed.
Default/player attempt to call method "set_local_animation". I have this problem in other new minetest games too.
Version 0.2.2: Download (for Minetest 0.4.9-dev as of 2014-4-12 or later)
Update your client if you want play new mintest games.
Just updated minetest to latest dev version and downloaded latest version of wasteland. Get hard crash a few seconds after world loads. Anyone else seeing this?
Last edited by spillz on Sat Apr 26, 2014 21:21, edited 1 time in total.
AMMOnym wrote:With this game. But if i remove it from folder, game crashed.
Default/player attempt to call method "set_local_animation". I have this problem in other new minetest games too.
Version 0.2.2: Download (for Minetest 0.4.9-dev as of 2014-4-12 or later)
Update your client if you want play new mintest games.
I have latest version
Latest stable from hte website is not the latest minetest you could get ;)