Minetest - Education Version

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Minetest - Education Version

by alanpt » Post

Hello there. I use Minetest in classes and holiday programmes I run. But I always have to start each session with these three rules:
* Don't use Water, Lava or Fire blocks
* No punching
* No chatting

I know. I'm mean, but I think the most fun comes when we collaborate and build things together.
I would like to create a full modification/Game that disables those functions but also allows a non-destructive road block and fence that only the admin/server host can create. That also prevents stacking above it (still allow tunnels).

With those changes in place, this will be perfect for my use. This is a serious project for me and I won't stop till I can get it working like this. Minetest has far more potential than Minecraft Education does.

So can I have some help/tips to point me in the right direction for this. Thanks

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by stormchaser3000 » Post

do you all use windows or mac or linux or bsd or what operating system?

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Topywo » Post

There might be/probably are better/different methods, but to kick off:

-- Water and lava --> (re)move the bucket mod from games/minetest_game/mods
-- Fire --> (re)move the fire mod from games/minetest_game/mods or remove the word fire out of the flammable blocks their groups. Example:

minetest.register_node("default:junglewood", {
description = "Junglewood Planks",
tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"},
groups = {choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3,wood=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),

-- Punching --> In the file minetest.conf.example you'll find these lines:
# Whether to enable players killing each other
#enable_pvp = true
I don't think it will prevent punching, since that has also other uses, but should prevent killing. Copy/paste this:
enable_pvp = false in your file minetest.conf

-- Chatting --> In the file minetest.conf.example you'll find this line:
#default_privs = interact, shout
Copy/paste the following line, without shout, in your minetest.conf file:
default_privs = interact

-- Indesctructible blocks --> Create a new node or change an old one, which has no 'breaking' words in its groups. So no words like choppy, oddly_breakable_by_hand, cracky and crumbly)

-- That only the administrator can create --> The administrator normally has all the privs, including the giveme priv. You can remove the line 'description' under the minetest.register_node code, so it isn't visible in creative, while you can still give it yourself.

There's also this mod admin tools, from Calinou, that might be useful for you: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1882&hilit=admin

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Wuzzy » Post

Topywo, two of your alternative solutions are not best solutions as well. :P
Topywo wrote:-- Indesctructible blocks --> Create a new node or change an old one, which has no 'breaking' words in its groups. So no words like choppy, oddly_breakable_by_hand, cracky and crumbly)
The node may still be damaged by other events somehow where you don’t expect it. Indesctructible nodes should be added to the group “immortal” with value 1. This is a special group which disables the damage system for the node. I think this is the most elegant solution.
Topywo wrote:That only the administrator can create --> The administrator normally has all the privs, including the giveme priv. You can remove the line 'description' under the minetest.register_node code, so it isn't visible in creative, while you can still give it yourself.
This is pretty hacky and it is pointless to remove the description. Much more elegant is adding the node to the group “not_in_creative_inventory” with value 1. Creativity mods ought to expude all members of this group. Also the privilege is called “give”, not “giveme”. :P

Further reading:
Minetest community wiki on privileges
Minetest developer wiki on groups (It is a bit outdated …)

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Topywo » Post

Wuzzy wrote:Indesctructible nodes should be added to the group “immortal” with value 1. This is a special group which disables the damage system for the node. I think this is the most elegant solution.

Much more elegant is adding the node to the group “not_in_creative_inventory” with value 1. Creativity mods ought to expude all members of this group.

Also the privilege is called “give”, not “giveme”. :P

True, true and true, sloppy me...

P.s. alanpt, ingame you can use the command /help to see the available commands

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by alanpt » Post

Thank you for your help stormchaser3000, Topywo and Wuzzy. I am running on Windows Stormchaser3000.

Is it best I just modify a build and upload it with adjustments for others to download, or are these adjustments best done (or able to be done) within a mod? Does hosting with these modified settings override client settings?

The indestructible block would be for laying out paths, when recreating locations or defining neighbourhoods. I don't mind the students digging tunnels under or even building from two blocks above. So tunnels and garages can be built. Just not concealing them by directly placing on the blocks.

I'll get to work on this in the next couple of days,

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by sfan5 » Post

alanpt wrote:Is it best I just modify a build and upload it with adjustments for others to download, or are these adjustments best done (or able to be done) within a mod? Does hosting with these modified settings override client settings?
Any changes you do to the settings or Lua code on the server will apply to all clients.
More technical explanation: When the client connects to the server it downloads all game data (including textures), this means clients could even connect without having any subgames or textures for those installed.
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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by stormchaser3000 » Post

alanpt wrote:Thank you for your help stormchaser3000, Topywo and Wuzzy. I am running on Windows Stormchaser3000.

Is it best I just modify a build and upload it with adjustments for others to download, or are these adjustments best done (or able to be done) within a mod? Does hosting with these modified settings override client settings?

The indestructible block would be for laying out paths, when recreating locations or defining neighbourhoods. I don't mind the students digging tunnels under or even building from two blocks above. So tunnels and garages can be built. Just not concealing them by directly placing on the blocks.

I'll get to work on this in the next couple of days,
ok um so now time for me to attempt to get rid of the chat system and then ask sfan5 or another person that makes windows builds to compile it.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Topywo » Post

alanpt wrote:Just not concealing them by directly placing on the blocks.

I'll get to work on this in the next couple of days,
Maybe a protector block mod will suit this purpose (you probably can change the reach of the protection/and also the texture):


There are some more protection mods, just look in the mod releases (there are also links to those mods in the games and server threads of this server).

Edit: just some text
Last edited by Topywo on Tue Jun 10, 2014 17:05, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Jordach » Post

stormchaser3000 wrote:
alanpt wrote:Thank you for your help stormchaser3000, Topywo and Wuzzy. I am running on Windows Stormchaser3000.

Is it best I just modify a build and upload it with adjustments for others to download, or are these adjustments best done (or able to be done) within a mod? Does hosting with these modified settings override client settings?

The indestructible block would be for laying out paths, when recreating locations or defining neighbourhoods. I don't mind the students digging tunnels under or even building from two blocks above. So tunnels and garages can be built. Just not concealing them by directly placing on the blocks.

I'll get to work on this in the next couple of days,
ok um so now time for me to attempt to get rid of the chat system and then ask sfan5 or another person that makes windows builds to compile it.
You can simply remove chat by simply revoking the users shout priv.

Then to make sure that sticks;

Code: Select all

default_privs = interact
Which means putting that into the minetest.conf.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by alanpt » Post

Modifying it as a game has been incredibly easy. In one hour I had accomplished most of what I had wanted. I am definitely going to show my club members how to make their own game mods.

Besides myself the main users are teachers, who generally don't have a high knowledge in coding, so I need to have either gui buttons or the most used commands displayed on the command/chat window.

I just need to implement:
  • Disable chat
  • Admin/Host - Show LAN IP Address
  • Admin/Host - Show main admin commands //pos1 /teleport etc

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by stormchaser3000 » Post

alanpt wrote:Modifying it as a game has been incredibly easy. In one hour I had accomplished most of what I had wanted. I am definitely going to show my club members how to make their own game mods.

Besides myself the main users are teachers, who generally don't have a high knowledge in coding, so I need to have either gui buttons or the most used commands displayed on the command/chat window.

I just need to implement:
  • Disable chat
  • Admin/Host - Show LAN IP Address
  • Admin/Host - Show main admin commands //pos1 /teleport etc
worldedit: viewtopic.php?id=572

sethome: viewtopic.php?id=741

and then to disable the students ability to chat ingame:

go into the world folder: /(minetest folder)/worlds/(worldname)/
then delete the auth.txt
then exit out of the folder and go to the minetest folder and then open minetest.conf in notepad (if you have notepad intalled other wies use word pad) and ten make a new line at the bottom and put:

default_privs = interact

then save the file and then open the lan server and have your students connect. they won't be able to use the chat

as for the showing the lan ip..... that hasn't been added yet but someone could add it mabey

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by alanpt » Post

stormchaser3000 wrote: and then to disable the students ability to chat ingame:

go into the world folder: /(minetest folder)/worlds/(worldname)/
then delete the auth.txt
then exit out of the folder and go to the minetest folder and then open minetest.conf in notepad (if you have notepad intalled other wies use word pad) and ten make a new line at the bottom and put:

default_privs = interact

then save the file and then open the lan server and have your students connect. they won't be able to use the chat

as for the showing the lan ip..... that hasn't been added yet but someone could add it mabey
I would prefer to just make all the changes only within the Games folder if possible. This would make it more portable and easier to maintain. Am I right in assume that minecraft.conf can't be implemented within the Game folder?

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Amaz » Post

alanpt wrote: I would prefer to just make all the changes only within the Games folder if possible. This would make it more portable and easier to maintain. Am I right in assume that minecraft.conf can't be implemented within the Game folder?
Make a minetest.conf in the game folder, and then add the line default_privs = interact to it. It overwrites the default minetest.conf!

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by PilzAdam » Post

Amaz wrote:
alanpt wrote: I would prefer to just make all the changes only within the Games folder if possible. This would make it more portable and easier to maintain. Am I right in assume that minecraft.conf can't be implemented within the Game folder?
Make a minetest.conf in the game folder, and then add the line default_privs = interact to it. It overwrites the default minetest.conf!
The minetest.conf of the user overrides the one from the game. But the game settings override the default values (not sure what you mean by "default minetest.conf").

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Amaz » Post

I meant the default values.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by alanpt » Post

This is what I have in my

creative_mode = true
enable_damage = false
default_privs = interact
enable_pvp = false

Can someone please point me towards making gui buttons (or at least adding text) to the command/chat overlay?

Also is Lua Socket installed in Minetest, so I cna integrate this: http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/2110 ... ua-socket/

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by Krock » Post

alanpt wrote:Also is Lua Socket installed in Minetest, so I cna integrate this: http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/2110 ... ua-socket/
Do it like in this IRC mod: (not Win16/32/64 compatible, yet)
Look, I programmed a bug for you. >> Mod Search Engine << - Mods by Krock - DuckDuckGo mod search bang: !mtmod <keyword here>

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by alanpt » Post

Needs to be Windows compatible. That's at least what all NZ schools seem to run.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by summercamp12 » Post

I know. I'm mean, but I think the most fun comes when we collaborate and build things together.
I would like to create a full modification/Game that disables those functions but also allows a non-destructive road block and fence that only the admin/server host can create. That also prevents stacking above it (still allow tunnels).

With those changes in place, this will be perfect for my use. This is a serious project for me and I won't stop till I can get it working like this. Minetest has far more potential than Minecraft Education does.

Actually in my point of view you would prefer to change the folder if it is possible for you so it makes more easier to handle or maintain.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by christoferlevich » Post

I guess this IS the Minetest Education community? I am currently ramping up a Minetest "mess" to start using in our Elementary Schools. Learning is easy and a lot of fun in the minetest community, even if it seems a little less than busy. I call it a mess because whatever we want to call the project I am working on, its definitely evolving.

I started with a model of the new school our district just built, and we are incorporating mods from others, and mods we've hacked (for lack of a better word).

We've messed with modified textures.
We've modified a currency mod (is that technically called a fork?) to deal with US Currency and we issue the currency based on in game goals as well as out-of-game goals that the teacher must reward (academic, behavioral, etc).
We are removing swords and weapons (both are obviously issues in public school) and modifying them to be virus defense tools, as we have also had to exclude monsters and thus we are re-inventing them in the form of viruses (teaching kids to avoid fishing scams, certain file types, websites, etc).
We have one in-game "game" designed by the kids so far, but it was a game made on paper that I designed in Minetest using simple messecon switches and the dice2 mod.

The point of all this is to demonstrate that if you are a school looking into Minetest, you aren't alone. Its very doable, but it takes a person like myself willing to immerse themselves into the system and really learn the ins and outs (not that I am there yet).

We should have our server up and running this week, so the 'world' will be open for inspection, suggestions, and criticism. Let me know if you're doing something similar. Colaborating would be awesome!

I am more than happy to help in any way I can. I'd share our US Currency mod but I haven't got a clue how to do that properly.

As an incentive, we are using items found in home decor mods in shops to get the kids to buy.

everything can be a learning experience...


Re: Minetest - Education Version

by u19503 » Post

christoferlevich wrote:I guess this IS the Minetest Education community? I am currently ramping up a Minetest "mess" to start using in our Elementary Schools. Learning is easy and a lot of fun in the minetest community, even if it seems a little less than busy. I call it a mess because whatever we want to call the project I am working on, its definitely evolving.

I started with a model of the new school our district just built, and we are incorporating mods from others, and mods we've hacked (for lack of a better word).

We've messed with modified textures.
We've modified a currency mod (is that technically called a fork?) to deal with US Currency and we issue the currency based on in game goals as well as out-of-game goals that the teacher must reward (academic, behavioral, etc).
We are removing swords and weapons (both are obviously issues in public school) and modifying them to be virus defense tools, as we have also had to exclude monsters and thus we are re-inventing them in the form of viruses (teaching kids to avoid fishing scams, certain file types, websites, etc).
We have one in-game "game" designed by the kids so far, but it was a game made on paper that I designed in Minetest using simple messecon switches and the dice2 mod.

The point of all this is to demonstrate that if you are a school looking into Minetest, you aren't alone. Its very doable, but it takes a person like myself willing to immerse themselves into the system and really learn the ins and outs (not that I am there yet).

We should have our server up and running this week, so the 'world' will be open for inspection, suggestions, and criticism. Let me know if you're doing something similar. Colaborating would be awesome!

I am more than happy to help in any way I can. I'd share our US Currency mod but I haven't got a clue how to do that properly.

As an incentive, we are using items found in home decor mods in shops to get the kids to buy.

Nice screenshot you got There Must Have tekenen Ages to build that 0_o

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by twoelk » Post

Looks real well done christoferlevich. Don't hesitate to explain more details - please.
I added your post to the list of "Modelling Realworld Content" links in the http://wiki.minetest.net/Mods:Learning page.

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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by christoferlevich » Post

As our project is growing, there are new ideas coming and lots of creation to be done. The first big thing has been to convert the idea of 'monsters' into 'viruses', and convert weapons into 'anti-virus' devices or avd's (using names inspired by computers in sci-fi literacy) to combat the 'viruses'. This has really been a matter of tweaking the weapons and textures, but it leads me to the next big step in forming a new educational mechanism within Minetest.

We would like to introduce a turn based combat system (formspec?) that will quiz the kids to cause damage to 'virus' that is impacted by the strength of their avd. For instance, when a student hits another student with an adv, it heals the opposing players health (again, in accordance to the level of the avd), but when they hit a 'virus' it brings up a screen much like the 'trader' screen, but instead of offering merchandise for trade, we want to force the student to solve simple questions to cause damage. The first general area we need to focus is simple math, then, perhaps, other forms of quizes (determined by avd) to cover English, social studies, etc.

We are hoping to find a way for the program to randomize the numbers used (for example, single digit addition, double and single digit addition, etc.) and interpret the students answers as true or false to determine the damage done to the virus until the virus is eradicated.

At the end of the battle, the virus should drop something of value (as the claim of the game narration will be that viruses steal blocks around the map, damaging structures as well as the enviroment.)

I know a lot of this is completely un-Minetest like, but if we can pull it together, I KNOW teachers will flock to the game.

Thus, if you've seen a mod like this and can share it, that would be great... if you have any suggestions or ideas, please share... any help at all is welcomed... in the meanwhile, I'm studying up on Lua till I can get it done.
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Re: Minetest - Education Version

by christoferlevich » Post

So though it seems this forum is slow, I will post here anyway. I understand a Minetest Education Edition isn't all that exciting for hardcore players, but let me tell you, we are starting to really get the kids in our town excited about Minetest.

Over the last three days we have been testing the program (which I've been calling Minetest Education in an effort to shield the program from accusations of being just a game) with classes of 14 students at a time. It has quickly become a huge hit in our first elementary school and I am in the process of working up a version for our second elementary school.

I am running into some issues that I am working on but if anyone can assist on this one it would be highly appreciated.

Even though I have set the coordinates for the default spawn to bring the students to a specific spot players are continually spawning over a lake. On the plus side, every student now knows how to swim in MT with a keyboard (they all want touch screen or controller)... on the bad side, its a nice little hike to get to the starting point of what we are doing. It was almost too funny seeing students grades 1-4 just falling from the sky into a lake - lol. So I guess if anyone knows why this happens - it's something I would like to repair. :)
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