[MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.2.0]

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[MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.2.0]

by fessmK » Post

Hello everyone, I have made a modpack, QuestTest, adding many adventuresome, novel, and exciting items to the game. It is by no way finished, though past version 1.

screenshots are below.

This Modpack includes new ores, dungeons, tons of mobs, a dimension(more coming), armor, and much more.
Depends: (minetest 0.4.14)
(all installed by default)
3d_armor (form the 3d wielditems and armor modpack)

current version: Version 1.2.0

License: WTFPL (see README for credits, there are quite a few)
v. 1 - not the initial release, but the first mentioned here
v. 1.0.1 - added mobs, 2 new wands, and the Disruptor
v. 1.0.2 - added sheep, two bosses and a miniboss, as well as skulls and several craftitems, and the ability re repair most tools with magic dust
v. 1.0.3 - repaired the registering api if throwables and TNT, made mobs damage all tools, added carbonized skeletons, criminals, and villagers. Also tweaked the spawners
v. 1.0.4 - added the Grim Reaper boss, his scythe, the ent sword, and the elemental tool set
V. 1.0.5 - added sounds. random blocks(similar to minecraft's lucky block mod), and the awesome tool set
v. 1.0.6 - added mob knockback, prevented mobs from spawning in creative, made villagers trade, and added chests
v. 1.0.7 - added a ton of stuff. 2 types of aliens, a pig (purely experimental at the moment) dungeon spawners, and I cannot remember what else.
v. 1.0.8 - a Halloween update finally finished at the end of October, and thus never released. added pumpkins, jack o lanterns, and a structure for the pumpkin headed zombie miniboss.
v. 1.0.9 - CHRISTMAS UPDATE!!!!!! added everything from 1.0.8, as well as snowmen, Christmas presents, and improved the random blocks.
v. 1.1.0 - ADDED A NETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also, added several experimental mobs that will appear in dungeons with the aliens. Their drop can be made into a block
v. 1.1.1 - added many mobs to the nether, and a new boss, if not two. Also, armor was added
v. 1.1.2 - fixed the firestorm, added copper tools, and improved the random blocks. also, the qt.explode() function is exactly the same as the tnt mod from the default game
v. 1.1.3 - other than adding a new boss, a now ingot, and two nether structures, I can't remember what else was added
v. 1.1.4 - Added a new dimension, the Miner's Dimension! Also, the diamond gun, gernades, and Golden Tnt were added. There is also two crafting recepies for the random blocks. See no crafting is posted, see the code, or use a mod. Also, everything (except armor) is under the mod namespace "qt"
v. 1.1.5 - Added the poison dimention, sponge, generated from yellow slime touching lava. Yellow slime will explode on contact with water. Also added are a new tool set, a new armor set, and new mobs, including the mutant turtle boss. Bows finally require ammunition.
v. 1.1.6 - The disrupter now will not destroy undiggable nodes. Ruby and Sapphire wands are updated, a leftclick(punch) will replace the pointed node with a liquid source, a rightclick(place) will add a liquid source, as if placed. Also,lightning is added. it will light flammable nodes on fire, and run a node's on_lightning_strike callback. Callbacks for walking on and in a node were added. A function to get the position and reference of nodes in a radius, like minetest.get_objects_in_radius(), is added. Finally, Ironstone is added. It can only be dug by an Ironstone pick, cannot be exploded, disrupted, or replaced by the ruby and sapphire wands. lightning will turn it to obsidian.
v. 1.1.7 - added support for Minetest 1.4.14. Also, added a new dimention, the Brilliance. This dimention is completely peaceful. Magic Sheep and Villagers spawn there. Also, ores in the nether and poison have been added, as well as two in the Brilliance(beware, one is hard to spot...) Enriched stratite blocks can be created by striking regular stratite blocks with lightning from the stratite wand.
v. 1.1.8 - added the plasma gun and shotgun, which are found in the brilliance tower dungeons. Also, added the respirator, found in the brilliance room-like dungeons. Further, Mines, cobalt grenades, and natural glass has been added. Natural glass is manufactured by striking sand or desert sand with lightning. Mines explode when you walk on them, and cobalt grenades have twice the explosion radius of normal grenades.
v. 1.1.9 - added the murite dimension, crystalmen mobs to spawn there, and its armor and weapons. Armor has been drastically weakened, and mobs increased in power, so be careful in all underworld dimensions. Also, mobs will now float in water
v. 1.2.0 - Added the etheral dimension, where aliens and ghost droids spawn. It has spawning trees and dungeons. Also, snowmen and snowmonsters spawn in snowy biomes. qt_effects has solved the issue with playereffects effects that edit the player physics overriding one another, with a bit of custom api. Issues like the unanimated Fiery Knight(or him being without a sword), and the missing gold tnt top animated images have been fixed. Poisoned throwing stars have been added, as well as other items and blocks.
I highly recommend a mod like Unified Inventory that allows you to view the crafting recipies in-game.

website: https://sites.google.com/site/questtestwiki/ It is incomplete, but has all the crafting, mob, and dimension information finished. (as of 1.1.1 it has not been updated. I hate updating web pages....just use unified inventory or equivalent to look up the crafts.)

all mobs drop a mob soul 1/2 chance

only mobs addded before v. 1.1.0 here, the rest on the website

traditional zombie
drops zombie flesh and rarely steel ingots

Armored Zombie:
zombie wearing dark grey armor
drops flesh, sometimes steel armor fragments, and rarely mese armor fragments

Elite Zombie
zombie wearing light grey and gold armor
drops flesh, sometimes gold armor fragments, and rarely diamond armor fragments

basically, a zombie without any flesh on him
drops bones and rarely steel ingots (however, he doesn't have any pockets to keep the steel in )

Advanced skeleton
a skeleton wearing dark grey armor
drops bones, sometimes steel armor fragments, and rarely mese armor fragments

Carbonized Skeleton
a black skeleton, he walked in lava and all that is left is the ash.
drops coal

an evil villager wearing a prison uniform, and will attack you
drops copper ingots

a Sam wearing a QuestTest cape...does not trade yet
drops nothing but normal mob will

Trades: right-click with a certain item to trade
cobblestone --> Stone Bricks
stone --> coal
desert stone --> iron lump
steel ingot --> villager's surprise chest

a sheep. Follows wheat, on left click, will eat any wheat in your hand, or will give you wool
drops freshly dead meat

Magic Sheep (does not spawn)
also a sheep, however, it is light blue. Follows magic dust, will eat magic dust on leftclick, or will give you magic dust
drops freshly dead meat

Pig (experimental, mesh looks horrible, does not spawn)
wanders around, and is pinkish
drops freshly dead meat (it will eventually drop bacon!!!)

peaceful, sometimes it arms are not visible ?????????
drops snow

BOSS Living Sand
does not shoot anything
discover the rest yourself

BOSS Avenging Ent
An ent that is mad because someone chopped down a tree
does not shoot anything

MiniBoss Pumpkin-Headed Zombie
punch the spawner in the middle, that will spawn him in, but it is cheating to break the other spawners first!

Boss Grim Reaper
drops dark sky crystals, obsidian, and his scythe
craft the warp block:
obsidian|steel ingot|obsidian
steel ingot|steel ingot|steel ingot
obsidian|steel ingot|obsidian

left-click to enter or exit, and you MUST craft 2, one to enter, one to exit!
on entering, it teleports you to a given height, so be prepared to fall into lava or be buried. This happens because it teleports you to a given height, because you are teleported in before blocks are loaded, therefore, I cannot check the blocks under the player, and adjust the height accordingly.

Both nethersand and netherstone are fuel in a furnace, nethersand lasting as long as a coal block, netherstone lasting longer.
QuestTest V. 1.2.0.zip
.ZIP contains a list of villiger trades
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Last edited by fessmK on Sun Aug 28, 2016 00:42, edited 31 times in total.

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Re: AdventureTest for 0.4.10

by hoodedice » Post


We already have a subgame called AdventureTest. (viewtopic.php?f=15&t=9184). =/

I would recommend you change your mod pack's name to avoid conflicts =)

Crafting recipe would be nice, but you need to include depends in the first post. Also the title of the post should be labelled as [MODPACK] AdventureTest [internal working name of modpack] [version number]

Sorry if I'm being a little too harsh =(
7:42 PM - Bauglio: I think if you go to staples you could steal firmware from a fax machine that would run better than win10 does on any platform
7:42 PM - Bauglio: so fudge the stable build
7:43 PM - Bauglio: get the staple build

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Re: AdventureTest for 0.4.10

by fessmK » Post

hoodedice wrote:Sorry if I'm being a little too harsh =(
That is fine, I obviously need someone to help me get this straight. Thanks for the corrections

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by fessmK » Post

Added several mobs and a few bosses...your world is no longer safe, so battle for your lives!

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by davidthecreator » Post

Oh snap ur mod looks cool

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by MinecraftBoy3 » Post

im a not seed the foulder with your mod i think someone is a hacked your mod and all downloaders is a not see the foulder this is a my think plsss put the foulder too with a your mod plssssss

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by balthazariv » Post

Your file is empty. Can you repost it ?


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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by fessmK » Post

Oops, my fault. I'll fix it tomorrow morning.

edit: Actually, I'll fix it now. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by Krock » Post

Nice mobs :)
"Come together, right now."
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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by balthazariv » Post

fessmK wrote:Oops, my fault. I'll fix it tomorrow morning.

edit: Actually, I'll fix it now. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Thanks, nice mod.

Add screenshots and will be perfect to showcase your mod.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by Krock » Post

balthazariv wrote:Add screenshots and will be perfect to showcase your mod.
So my screenshots don't count?
Look, I programmed a bug for you. >> Mod Search Engine << - Mods by Krock - DuckDuckGo mod search bang: !mtmod <keyword here>

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by Inocudom » Post

This modpack is too quiet, so the sound effects linked to below might help:

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by fessmK » Post

Thanks for the sounds. I will add some soon. As with the meshes, I cannot make my own.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by Inocudom » Post

fessmK wrote:Thanks for the sounds. I will add some soon. As with the meshes, I cannot make my own.
Unfortunately, I can't help you there. Try asking Jordach, for he is the Blender god of this community. You can also place requests in the topic below:

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.3]

by balthazariv » Post

Krock wrote:
balthazariv wrote:Add screenshots and will be perfect to showcase your mod.
So my screenshots don't count?
Oh yes of course, but it's better when it's in the header ;-)

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.5]

by fessmK » Post

I have added some sounds, again, thanks, Incudom. Also thanks for telling me about blender, I am finding the mesh making easy. Also, please leave ideas about a crafting recipe for the random block, as well as other actions. At the moment, there are 21 or 22 actions(each equally rare). Thanks, Krock, for the screenshots, I may put them in the first post.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.6]

by fessmK » Post

Updated. Sorry for missing a update last week, could not help it.
I would like to add armor compatible with unified inventory, but i STINK at inventory design. Can anyone Help me?
The idea is: a page with four vertical slots, and when the correct type of tool is placed in each slot, the player's fleshy armor is reduced by the amount of toolcapabilitys.armor[1]
However, MOB KNOCKBACK IS ADDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.7]

by fessmK » Post

Updated. I still need ideas for random block actions, a crafting recipe for the random block, and more villiger trades

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.7]

by Sokomine » Post

As far as trading is concerned, my traders mod might help. You can supply them with your own skins.
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.7]

by fessmK » Post

Sokomine wrote:As far as trading is concerned, my traders mod might help. You can supply them with your own skins.
I was going for a unique trading method. I will look at your mod, though.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.9]

by fessmK » Post

Updated again. Sorry it took a wile, I have been busy. This update is two in one, however, Halloween and Christmas!
I actually finished the Halloween at the end of October, so no point releasing it by itself. I still need an idea for the random block recipe.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.9]

by Hybrid Dog » Post

please add screenshots and use pictures for craft recipes, people don't like reading text on screens


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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.0.9]

by fessmK » Post

Screenshot crafting added, and spoilers used. MUCH shorter first post!

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.1.0]

by fessmK » Post

Updated again, and I have added a new dimension. this dimension is open and airy, like minecraft's nether, but generates underground, like plzadam's nether. it is rather shallow, but more dimensions will be coming soon, including a miner's dimension, and others.

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Re: [MODPACK] QuestTest [QuestTest] [v1.1.0]

by Minetestforfun » Post


Good work ! Please, can you add screenshots of your mobs/bosses ?

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