[Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.22] [slope_test]

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[Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.22] [slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

Here's a simple mod that uses the new mesh draw type to supply some geometric primitives and a few shapes derived from them, suitable for roof shingles, columns, etc.

These aren't entities, they're nodes, and unlike the old method of using tons of small nodeboxes to create shapes, they are perfectly flat and/or diagonal and/or round (well, as much so as a computer is capable of anyway). The slopes consist of only a few faces/polygons each, while the more rounded objects have far more (though enormously less than a nodebox-based equivalent at a passable resolution would have).

All of the objects are based on Blender's built-in primitives. Why re-invent the wheel, right? :-)

Some of the shapes that can be made with this mod. The inventory at the bottom shows the full set of primitives.


Nothing special to using them really. Get a few (creative or /giveme, see list below) and place them. Note that a few of these only have the "_onetexture" variety. The one-piece "long" slope takes up two nodes; point at where the back/thick end should go. The code does not check for adequate space before placing. Also, the code does not attempt to auto-place the front/back halves of the two-node version of the long slope..
There are 29 items:

Technical info:
The "_onetexture" versions are made to use just one ordinary texture file. In this case they point to default_stone.png and are designed exactly as you'd expect. That is, they'll use any ordinary 16px (or larger) texture you want, so they'll work with all texture packs, and the texture appears on all sides/faces of the model. Those models should work well as drop-in replacements in mods that currently use tons of nodeboxes to get slope/curve effects.

The versions without "_onetexture" in their names are designed to use a UV-mapped texture such that each face of the object is cut from a particular region of the texture file. Included in the textures/ directory you will find GIMP .xcf project files which should aid in understanding how these UV maps are laid out. Note that the numbers in those GIMP images are arbitrary and don't have any direct relation to the numbering of the faces or vertexes in the models - they're just there to help you compare a face in-game to the corresponding section of the texture file, and to aid in orienting the images.

Note that the UV maps are hardly what one would consider "ideal" layouts - there's a lot of wasted space in the textures, but this is deliberate. I wanted to leave everything "upright" and well-separated for the sake of understanding.

The colored borders in the GIMP images indicate where the UV map objects' edges are (roughly, in the case of diagonal lines). In the example files, you can see that I extended the wood textures out past the colored borders on all sides by one pixel, for all of the UV map objects. This is to account for Irrlicht rounding errors that would cause razor thin black lines between neighboring nodes (since the example image has a black background).

For the UV-mapped version of the cylinder (e.g. the one without "_onetexture"), I've used default_wood.png, tiled to 64 pixels, where the top-left 16x16 region goes to the top face, the 64x16 pixel strip below that is wrapped around (starting from the left-most point at -X and going around the front/-Z), and the next 16x16 pixel zone below that is for the bottom face. The rest of the image is set to black as it is unused. Like the slopes, there are 1-pixel "borders" zones around the active areas here to account for Irrlicht rounding errors.

Most other objects with per-face/per-side imagery generally have 48px textures to go with them, typically divided into 3x3 zones (which can be easily assessed by looking at the blender files). Not all objects in this mod have GIMP example images.

I had trouble getting the plain/one-texture sphere to texture properly. The mapped (not-onetexture) version of the sphere comes with an image of the Earth, thus making this object into a simple globe by default. The map image used here is Gall-Peters cylindrical projection.

Some of the more complex objects exhibit minor lighting/shadow glitches.

Included in the blends/ directory are the original .blend files.

When exporting a model from Blender to .obj format, it is important that you be in "Edit Mode" and that you've selected all faces of the model (or at least, that which you want to export), and that the following export options be set in the Export screen, or there will be wierd lighting glitches in your models when rendered in-game:

[X] Apply Modifiers
[X] Include Edges
[X] Write Normals
[X] Include UVs
[X] Objects as OBJ Objects
Convert and update old stuff!

Got nodebox models you want to import into Blender for further editing? Try my bash script below to help out.
Bear in mind, it is not intended for people to just convert their nodeboxes directly into meshes and merely stop there. That should work fine if you want to use it for that, but that's not necessary for the simpler models as the game will handle that for you anyway. This script and method goes a step further and tries to simplify your objects' structure to make it possible to change their shapes around and texture them in ways that nodeboxes simply can't do.

The best use of this script is to convert a model into a mesh that you can import into Blender, and then *move it aside* so that you can draw a new model from scratch next to the imported one, using the imported one as a guide. If however you want to load, convert, and then edit:

To use this code, save it out as something like nodebox-to-obj.sh, make it executable, then go to your mod code and save out your node_box={} definition to a separate file. You're really interested only in the coordinates table, e.g. this stuff:

Code: Select all

	{-0.5, -0.5,   -1.5,  0.5, -0.375, 0.5},
	{-0.5, -0.375, -1.25, 0.5, -0.25,  0.5},
	{-0.5, -0.25,  -1,    0.5, -0.125, 0.5},
	{-0.5, -0.125, -0.75, 0.5,  0,     0.5}
Only include the node_box={} definition, not any of the surrounding code - the script only does a very basic filtering of its input. Point the script at your nodebox file, and give a second filename to save the converted data as. The code will also attempt to evaluate arithmetic expressions in nodebox coordinates (e.g. if you prefer to write 1/16 instead of 0.0625).

This script requires 'bc'.

Usage: nodebox-to-obj.sh <infile> <outfile.obj>

Script code license: WTFPL

Code: Select all


outfile=$(basename -s ".obj" $2)

echo "# auto-converted from nodebox format" > /tmp/f1.txt
echo "# via script by Vanessa Ezekowitz" >> /tmp/f1.txt
echo "mtllib "$outfile".mtl" >> /tmp/f1.txt
echo "o converted_"$outfile >> /tmp/f1.txt

echo "usemtl none" > /tmp/f2.txt
echo "s off" >> /tmp/f2.txt


rm -f $outfile

while read n ; do
	if [ -n "$n" ]; then
		coords=$(echo $n|cut -f 2 -d "{"|cut -f 1 -d "}"|tr -d " "|grep -v "="|grep -v "\"")
		if [ -n "$coords" ]; then
			echo $coords

			read x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 <<< "$coords"

			x1=$(echo "scale=5;0-("$x1")"|bc)
			x2=$(echo "scale=5;0-("$x2")"|bc)

			y1=$(echo "scale=5;"$y1|bc)
			y2=$(echo "scale=5;"$y2|bc)

			z1=$(echo "scale=5;"$z1|bc)
			z2=$(echo "scale=5;"$z2|bc)

			# Vertex list

			echo "v $x1 $y1 $z1" >> /tmp/f1.txt
			echo "v $x1 $y1 $z2" >> /tmp/f1.txt
			echo "v $x1 $y2 $z2" >> /tmp/f1.txt
			echo "v $x1 $y2 $z1" >> /tmp/f1.txt

			echo "v $x2 $y1 $z1" >> /tmp/f1.txt
			echo "v $x2 $y1 $z2" >> /tmp/f1.txt
			echo "v $x2 $y2 $z2" >> /tmp/f1.txt
			echo "v $x2 $y2 $z1" >> /tmp/f1.txt

			# Mark this nodebox as a new group in the .obj file

			echo "g nodebox-"$nb >> /tmp/f2.txt

			# connect vertexes... the X- face

			echo -n "f " >> /tmp/f2.txt
			seq -s " " $vc $((vc+3)) >> /tmp/f2.txt

			# the X+ face

			echo -n "f " >> /tmp/f2.txt
			seq -s " " $((vc+4)) $((vc+7)) >> /tmp/f2.txt

			# the Z- face

			echo "f $vc "$((vc+3))" "$((vc+7))" "$((vc+4)) >> /tmp/f2.txt

			# the Z+ face

			echo "f "$((vc+1))" "$((vc+2))" "$((vc+6))" "$((vc+5)) >> /tmp/f2.txt

			# the Y- face

			echo "f $vc "$((vc+1))" "$((vc+5))" "$((vc+4)) >> /tmp/f2.txt

			# the Y+ face

			echo "f "$((vc+3))" "$((vc+2))" "$((vc+6))" "$((vc+7)) >> /tmp/f2.txt

done < $infile

# combine the vertex list with the face defs and save the result

cat /tmp/f1.txt /tmp/f2.txt |grep -v "v  "|grep -v "^$" > $outfile".obj"

# clean up
rm -f /tmp/f1.txt /tmp/f2.txt

echo -e "\nDone converting.  The converted mesh is deliberately left as a set"
echo "of singular nodeboxes in the converted file.  To use them, start Blender,"
echo "delete the default cube, and do 'File --> Import--> Wavefront (.obj)'."

echo -e "\nIf desired, adjust the positions of the nodeboxes."

echo -e "\nIf they're okay, go into 'Object' mode, select at least one nodebox,"
echo "then select all of them by pressing 'a' once or twice.  Press ctrl-J to"
echo "join all of the selected nodeboxes together into a single object."

echo -e "\nThen, turn on the 'Properties' panel, click the 'Modifiers' tool,"
echo "select the 'Remesh' modifier and give it an Octree Depth of around 5 or"
echo "6 (use the lowest value you can that doesn't distort your mesh.  Apply"
echo "the modifier."

echo -e "\nNow, go back into the Modifiers list, add the 'Decimate' modifier,"
echo "and set it to 'Planar' mode.  Hit 'Apply'."

echo "Reposition your object on the X axis to put it back over the origin,"
echo "if necessary."

echo -e "\nFinally, go edit and UV-map your mesh like any normal object."
Please note that once you've imported your converted nodeboxes into Blender, the process of converting them into a single, hollow mesh is NOT perfect - it will very likely fail to clean up your converted model. You can directly edit and use them without these clean-up steps if you want.

If you choose to do the clean-up steps the script tells you to do, expect to have to patch up small holes here and there and remove lots of excess faces on more complex models. This is due to Blender having to make guesses as to what parts of the mesh are really on the outside of the original model, where adjacent faces should come together, etc.

What is most helpful in avoiding these kinds of errors is avoiding overlapping nodeboxes in your models. Best to minimize overlap by shifting them around and/or resizing them in Blender before you use the Remesh modifier, or edit your nodebox table definitions before you import them into the initial .obj file. Another helpful tip is to separate your nodeboxes into small groups and move them apart, applying your clean-up steps to each group separately. For example, I made the books on Home Decor's 3d bookshelf four separate sets prior to clean-up, and the shelf itself was another set.

Ultimately, it's best to design your model from scratch, but failing that, convert it from nodeboxes with this script and then just clean up the model by hand.
Depends: minetest_game/default and Minetest engine development build from commit d2219171 or later (anything older will either just show cubes, or models that are way too small).

(2.76 MiB) Downloaded 531 times
License: WTFPL for code and models, CC-By-SA for the textures.
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Re: [Mod] Meshes Slope test [0.1][slope_test]

by philipbenr » Post

Cool. /me searches for the download... :(

This will help speed the learning process. I need to learn UV texturing for my Subgame. Thanks VanessaE!

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by ExeterDad » Post

Thanks VanessaE
Valuable learning tool. Totally re-invents the wheel... errr Block.

At the time I was just getting off my butt and mastering a nodebox or two. :D

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by Linuxdirk » Post

Looks great! I hope all requirements for this will make it in Minetest 0.5.x and the new technique will make it into home decor and thus into Carbone game :)

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by TriBlade9 » Post

Awesome Vanessa! That looks absolutely wonderful, and it has so many more implications for the game. Keep up the good work!

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by Minetestforfun » Post

Wow, good work VanessaE !

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by Hashlime » Post

Really cool but the collision/selection box can't be defined with the .obj ?

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by Nathan.S » Post

Looking very cool. Just in time to add 3d models to my new mod.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.1][slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

New version, fixes the texture errors some folks had with the previous one (Irrlicht rounding errors at the edges of the UV objects?). Also got rid of some redundant/leftover files.

This required that I rearrange the texture maps slightly and enlarge them to 64x64px, to allow for some added space between the various objects so that there is room to lay down some border pixels around them.

See first post attachment.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.6][slope_test]

by Don » Post

Wow. That's all I can say is wow
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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.6][slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

Update: new version. Now there are versions of these models in the mod that use ordinary texture files (these just happen to point to default_stone.png), so they'll work with any texture or texture packs you want. These secondary models should be suitable as drop-in replacements for all those nodebox-based slopes that were derived from the ones Jeija's "irregular" mod.

...and this time the screenshot shows the original wood texture on the neighboring cubes instead of the tweaked one that my game uses. ;-)
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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.7][slope_test]

by Don » Post

I just compiled the latest minetest. was playing with your slopes. They look awesome.

One thing I did notice is when bumpmapping is turned on the texture looks blury. I don't usually use bumpmapping so it isnt a big deal to me. Just though I would let you know.

Besides that I am very impressed.

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.7][slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

Try the stone-based ones. They use the original default textures, so they'll do whatever a stone block does. Feel free to edit the code to swap in, say, wood or sandstone, or any other standard texture.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.7][slope_test]

by Don » Post

VanessaE wrote:Try the stone-based ones. They use the original default textures, so they'll do whatever a stone block does. Feel free to edit the code to swap in, say, wood or sandstone, or any other standard texture.
The stone works great with bumpmapping.
I plan on doing some swapping and playing. I just wish I knew Blender so I can make more models.

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Re: [Mod] Mesh slopes test [0.7][slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

New version, just moved the .blend files to their own folder to keep them out of the way (some folks' Minetest clients were throwing warnings because of their presence in the models/ folder).
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.10] [slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

New version, includes blender's cylinder primitive now.

EDIT: updated to v0.10, made the texture for the UV-map version of the cylinder 64x64 px so that the pixels don't look stretched out.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.10] [slope_test]

by Don » Post

VanessaE wrote:New version, includes blender's cylinder primitive now.

EDIT: updated to v0.10, made the texture for the UV-map version of the cylinder 64x64 px so that the pixels don't look stretched out.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.10] [slope_test]

by Topywo » Post

Thanks VanessaE :-)
I tested the versions before cylinders and they looked good (I prefer the full collison box by the way).

I have one (very general) question you may know the answer.
What impact have the meshnodes on the performance of minetest compared with other node types?

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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.10] [slope_test]

by jp » Post

Topywo wrote:What impact have the meshnodes on the performance of minetest compared with other node types?
Equivalent or even better. All meshes (nodeboxes included) are directly handled by Irrlicht.

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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.11] [slope_test]

by VanessaE » Post

Update: Version 0.11, added models equivalent to the various shapes found in Technic's CNC machine. Specifically, only those shapes where a model is actually needed: the quarter-rounded blocks, their corresponding corners, pyramids, and one other object I can only describe as a squared-sphere "blob". Meshes/models would be overkill for the other shapes provided by that machine.

See first post for download link and node list.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.11] [slope_test]

by Inocudom » Post

VanessaE wrote:Update: Version 0.11, added models equivalent to the various shapes found in Technic's CNC machine. Specifically, only those shapes where a model is actually needed: the quarter-rounded blocks, their corresponding corners, pyramids, and one other object I can only describe as a squared-sphere "blob". Meshes/models would be overkill for the other shapes provided by that machine.

See first post for download link and node list.
Nodebox models draw all faces of all cubes that they are made of, which is in contrast to the fact that meshes do not have this flaw. Of course, very simple nodebox models shouldn't need to become meshes, unless a gain in fps could come from doing so.

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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.11] [slope_test]

by rubenwardy » Post

All nodeboxes are converted to mesh nodes now when the game is loading, iirc.
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.11] [slope_test]

by Krock » Post

Yay! Totally round nodes exist now!
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.11] [slope_test]

by Esteban » Post

Krock wrote:Yay! Totally round nodes exist now!
Could smooth grass hills can be done using meshnodes? :D
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Re: [Mod] Mesh primitive objects [0.11] [slope_test]

by Evergreen » Post

For some reason, the new meshnodes aren't working for me. I have the latest git version, but they just appear as cubes.
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