Mapgen news for 0.4.12dev
Texts copied from Github so please excuse the use of tenses.
Biome API: Re-calculate biome at every upper surface detected while working down a mapchunk column.
Removes 'node shore top', 'node shore filler', 'node underwater', 'height shore'.
Enables an unlimited number of biome layers within a mapchunk.
See as an example of how to use this new biome API.
Mgv6: Add heightmap. Do not make large caves that are entirely above ground.
This fixes the common shadow bugs in mgv6.
Adds a heightmap to mgv6, which is needed by decorations if they are used in future in mgv6.
Mgv5 and mgv7 already have heightmaps, the heightmap is available for use in an 'on generated' function as the 'mapgen object heightmap'.
Checks startpoint and endpoint of large caves, if both are above ground aborts cave generation, if one is above and one below the cave passes through the surface and therefore is needed to shape terrain as currently.
Tested by flying around for 5 minutes, could not find a single shadow bug.
I also tested the code by making large caves formed from water nodes to confirm they are still often formed intersecting (and therefore shaping) the terrain surface, while also not being formed high above terrain as noticed before.
This may occasionally slightly change mgv6 terrain from how it has been before, but this will be very rare and i feel is justified by the bugfix.
For details of the cause and the fix see
Mgv7: Lava caves only below -256
Only flood large caves with lava below -256, to match mgv5 which only has large caves, and therefore lava, below -256. Gold appears at -64 and diamond at -128, makes good sense to have lava below these not above. Also to create more of a challenging destination, instead of having lava just below surface as in mgv6.
Mgv5/mgv7: Add desert temples if desert stone detected in mapchunk.
'Desert temples' are the desert dungeons, currently not found in mgv5 or mgv7.
Mgv6: Desert stone above y = -32 not water_level.
Mgv7: 1 up , 1 down overgeneration for chunk border continuity.
Adds mgv5 type overgeneration to mgv7. Each mapchunk's generation is extended vertically by 1 node up and 1 node down, the overlap solves some mapchunk border glitches.
Fixes stone layer in base/alt terrain at y = 47 when base/alt terrain exceeds y = 47.
Also fixes missing dust and missing biome node glitch at y = 47 in mountain terrain.