[Game] Voxus (cancelled)

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

WhoAreYou wrote:Kenney, will be multiplayer aviable in VoXus?
Absolutely, Minetest supports mutliplayer so Voxus will too!
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

Kenney um if you're writing yourself, don't forget that physical=true ok :) :D
Or another ABJ might start crying about collision detection (As I have done)
@WhoAreYou how can he not make it available?

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by rubenwardy » Post

WhoAreYou wrote:Kenney, will be multiplayer aviable in VoXus?
It uses the Minetest engine, so it will probably be. If servers are hosted for it, ofc.
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by jojoa1997 » Post

Kenney this looks awesome. Nice job!
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

jojoa1997 wrote:Kenney this looks awesome. Nice job!
Thanks, glad to hear that! :)

Little progress update; writing design document which pretty much covers every gameplay aspect, will be published once done. Also putting all planned nodes into an Excel sheet, I will program a little app later on that converts it to something LUA can read. Because of the sheer number of nodes an Excel sheet is absolutely necessary.

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by twoelk » Post

such a list might be useful for things like making a colors.txt for the minetest-mapper

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

Hmmmm..........scaffold is going to be useful.
And could you consider adding trains as a future thing? jordan4ibanez is working on a train mod and he has gone far.

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

ABJ wrote:Hmmmm..........scaffold is going to be useful.
And could you consider adding trains as a future thing? jordan4ibanez is working on a train mod and he has gone far.
Trains aren't planned yet, just minecarts.

Update on progress:
Started writing the CSV2LUA application, works really well and saves a lot of time. Now expanding to also easily allow multiple nodes (grass1, grass2, grass3 etc.).

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by jojoa1997 » Post

Kenney wrote:
ABJ wrote:Hmmmm..........scaffold is going to be useful.
And could you consider adding trains as a future thing? jordan4ibanez is working on a train mod and he has gone far.
Trains aren't planned yet, just minecarts.

Update on progress:
Started writing the CSV2LUA application, works really well and saves a lot of time. Now expanding to also easily allow multiple nodes (grass1, grass2, grass3 etc.).

Is the CVS thing what you were talking about with the excel sheets?
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

jojoa1997 wrote:Is the CVS thing what you were talking about with the excel sheets?
Yep, basically it converts a sheet with data into nodes that Minetest understands.

The spreadsheet has been made public, so you can see what I'm working on :)

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by srifqi » Post

This subgame is getting nicer!

Will be there a translation support?
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

/me goes mining for stuff for voxus

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

Small progress update on boring stuff:

I've decided to switch from CSV to TSV files, it doesn't really make a difference other than TSV files using tabs to split content and CSV uses commas - the comma made a few things like tiles impossible to keep hold of.

The TSV2LUA script is doing an excellent job, I can even add functions like on_place to the sheet and create series of items (grass1, grass2, grass3 etc.) which are randomly placed in the world.

Progress so far:

Nodes listed: 100,00%
Nodes drawn: 76,09%
Nodes exported: 28,99%
Nodes in-game: 2,90%
Crafting recipes: 7,25%
Design document: ~10%

And here's a screenshot to make this post a bit more interesting;

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Sokomine » Post

Kenney wrote: The TSV2LUA script is doing an excellent job, I can even add functions like on_place to the sheet and create series of items (grass1, grass2, grass3 etc.) which are randomly placed in the world.
Your script may help a lot with repetitive work of decorative nodes. However, most nodes tend to get additional functionality later on, and then it'll be easier to have it all just in lua.
Kenney wrote: And here's a screenshot to make this post a bit more interesting;
Nice! Lots of comftable chairs for tired travellers :-)
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

You will not be disappointed in my opinion of that Kenney! ;)
BTW what are crate-skeleton like nodes?

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Baggypants » Post

ABJ wrote:You will not be disappointed in my opinion of that Kenney! ;)
BTW what are crate-skeleton like nodes?
I think they are proto-crates

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

You first craft one of those framework blocks (with either wood, aluminium, iron or titanium) and then put plating on it (again, either wood, aluminium, iron or titanium). That way you build your base, monsters can remove the plating and ultimately destroy the framework too.
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

That's horrible. I hope you don't make it too easy for them. And is ordinary blockbuilding possible too? As a way of protection?

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

ABJ wrote:That's horrible. I hope you don't make it too easy for them. And is ordinary blockbuilding possible too? As a way of protection?
Nah, it'll take quite a lot of force to break a block and mobs will behave a bit different than normally in Minetest. They attack only if they've seen you, and back off after X seconds, and be pretty rare and only at night. Normal blockbuilding will be in there too, but mostly for other types of blocks like stairs, windows, spikes and doors.
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

OK :) Well, that and I would like some sort of an explosion destructive mob, like the MC Creeper and a super destroyer that can cause a LOT of destruction. And what if someone was using another mod that has blocks? You'll need to take this into account or the frames and cool stuff will become easily circumventable and thus useless.

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

ABJ wrote:And what if someone was using another mod that has blocks? You'll need to take this into account or the frames and cool stuff will become easily circumventable and thus useless.
Won't be taking other Minetest mods in account when creating Voxus, so it won't be directly compatible with any of the mods.
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Excalibur Zero » Post

ABJ wrote:And what if someone was using another mod that has blocks? You'll need to take this into account or the frames and cool stuff will become easily circumventable and thus useless.
If Voxus uses its own nodes (ex. "voxus:apple") rather than the default nodes (ex. "default:apple") then most mods will not be compatible with it. Since most mods depend on the default mod that contains all of the default nodes.

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by ABJ » Post

sad :'( But hope you will make a Voxus version of popular mods such as homedecor, streets, mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, etc

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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by rubenwardy » Post

He doesn't really need to do that, the community could port it. And anyway, Voxus will probably not need many content mods like homedecor when he's done with it.
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Re: Voxus (WIP)

by Kenney » Post

rubenwardy wrote:He doesn't really need to do that, the community could port it. And anyway, Voxus will probably not need many content mods like homedecor when he's done with it.
That's what I'm aiming for, would like Voxus to have enough content to be sufficient out of the box. Ofcourse, with a little modification here and there Minetest mods could easily fit within Voxus.
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