Welcome to JT2, aka Just Test Tribute, anarchy survival in an all-stone world.
Your server owner and operator is Nemo. You may submit questions, comments, concerns, etc. into the mailbox at spawn.
Official Homepage: jt2.intraversal.net
Connect to jt2.intraversal.net port 30002 with any compatible Minetest 0.4.x client.
Server restarts daily at 00:00 UTC (7:00 PM Central) for automated backup and rendering of map.

Rules: No griefing, doxxing, trolling, dating, cheating, hacking or cursing.
Penalty for violating these rules will range from jail to ban depending on the severity of the infraction.
Note: A list of players whose shout or interact privileges have been suspended can be found at the Citations Wall kiosk on Church St directly behind Castle Nemo.

Feel free to tune-in to our live video feed of spawn, alongside a relaxing mix of vaporwave, chillwave, and lo-fi music for your listening and working pleasure. And don't forget to drop a follow, so you can be notified of upcoming special events!

Your objective is to farm, mine, trade, and help build the greatest city in an all stone world filled with dangerous mobs! Craft dirt from bones. Then craft a sapling from dirt and an apple. And don't forget to keep an eye on the seasons and the weather, because extreme temperatures can kill you. This includes standing in close proximity to heat-generating nodes like lava, fire, and yes even furnaces.
Quick Starter Tips:
Below are some tips to get you started on JT2! Of course you can always ask for help from other players as well.
- Starter Tip #1: Stand on one of the Memorial Blocks at Castle Nemo or in the Bell Tower to quickly restore your health and hunger. It's totally free!
- Starter Tip #2: Donations of food, tools, armor, and more can be found in the Chests of Sharing at spawn. Take what you need, give what you don't.
- Starter Tip #3: To avoid the risk of heat stroke and frost bite, you may need to seek shelter indoors, or better yet equip yourself with suitable armor.
- Starter Tip #4: Each grade of armor has certain insulation and conduction capabilities, providing enhanced protection from sources of heat or cold.
- Starter Tip #5: Except for flowers, most plants do not spread naturally. They are typically obtained from mob drops or by trading among other players.
- Starter Tip #6: Watch out for rotten eggs. If you stand too close, the stench will damage you. Rotten eggs are an ideal deterrent against trespassers.
- Starter Tip #7: You can hide your nametag from other players by wearing a costume. It's an easy way to go incognito if you prefer stealth gameplay.
- Starter Tip #8: Rare deposits of dirt, clay, sand, and gravel can be found in shallow lakes and caves. These items can also be crafted from bones.
- Starter Tip #9: You can sit in a chair or on a bed by right-clicking it. To stand up again, simply walk forward. You must always stand up to teleport.
Useful Chat Commands:
The following chat commands are custom tailored to the Just Test Tribute server:
- /spawn
Teleport to the static spawnpoint
Show the list of online players
/status [server|client|player|engine|config]
Print detailed information about the player, client, server, engine, or config
View realtime server and player statistics
View graphical logs of recent weather activity
View your latest mail delivery notifications
Show the coordinates of your assigned bed
View the current weather conditions
/who [player_name]
Show detailed information about the given player
/w [search_phrase]
Show a list of online players with names matching the given search phrase.
Show your position and distance from spawn
/where [player_name]
Show the position and relative distance of the given player (within 1000 meters)
Show information about the wielded item
/what [item_name]
Show information about the given item
/near [range]
Show a list of players within the given range (maximum of 1000 meters)
Display a burst of emoji particles around your character
Assign gestures to one or more slots of your hotbar
View the chat history with optional message filters
/chat [player_name]
View the chat history of the given player
/c [search_phrase]
Search the chat history for the given search phrase
/craft [search_phrase]
Search for an item within the Craft Guide
/dice [chance]
Roll the dice with the given chance (whole number or fraction).
Open the Macro Crafting Manager
/days [day_count]
Convert the in-game day count to "Day, Month, Year" format
Show the current world date in "Day, Month, Year" format
Show the current world time in "Hour:Minute AM/PM" format
Show the local time and date of the Minetest server
Show your assigned player rank (either Basic, Guardian, or Moderator)
/jail [player_name]
Forcibly jail the given player, or yourself (requires "jail" privilege)
/kill [player_name]
Forcibly kill the given player, or yourself, and bypass jail when killing players (requires "kill privilege)
/mute [player_name]
Grant or revoke the shout privileges of the given player (requires "basic_privs" priv)
/lock [player_name]
Grant or revoke the interact privileges of the given player (requires "basic_privs" priv)

Created by maikerumine

Dedicated to lag

My skuchayem i lyubyat vas.