[Server] Just Test Tribute

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How many of you have ever played on Lag's original Just Test server?

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[Server] Just Test Tribute

by sorcerykid » Post


Welcome to JT2, aka Just Test Tribute, anarchy survival in an all-stone world.

Your server owner and operator is Nemo. You may submit questions, comments, concerns, etc. into the mailbox at spawn.

Official Homepage: jt2.intraversal.net

Connect to jt2.intraversal.net port 30002 with any compatible Minetest 0.4.x client.
Server restarts daily at 00:00 UTC (7:00 PM Central) for automated backup and rendering of map.


Rules: No griefing, doxxing, trolling, dating, cheating, hacking or cursing.

Penalty for violating these rules will range from jail to ban depending on the severity of the infraction.

Note: A list of players whose shout or interact privileges have been suspended can be found at the Citations Wall kiosk on Church St directly behind Castle Nemo.


Feel free to tune-in to our live video feed of spawn, alongside a relaxing mix of vaporwave, chillwave, and lo-fi music for your listening and working pleasure. And don't forget to drop a follow, so you can be notified of upcoming special events!



Your objective is to farm, mine, trade, and help build the greatest city in an all stone world filled with dangerous mobs! Craft dirt from bones. Then craft a sapling from dirt and an apple. And don't forget to keep an eye on the seasons and the weather, because extreme temperatures can kill you. This includes standing in close proximity to heat-generating nodes like lava, fire, and yes even furnaces.

Quick Starter Tips:

Below are some tips to get you started on JT2! Of course you can always ask for help from other players as well.
  • Starter Tip #1: Stand on one of the Memorial Blocks at Castle Nemo or in the Bell Tower to quickly restore your health and hunger. It's totally free!
  • Starter Tip #2: Donations of food, tools, armor, and more can be found in the Chests of Sharing at spawn. Take what you need, give what you don't.
  • Starter Tip #3: To avoid the risk of heat stroke and frost bite, you may need to seek shelter indoors, or better yet equip yourself with suitable armor.
  • Starter Tip #4: Each grade of armor has certain insulation and conduction capabilities, providing enhanced protection from sources of heat or cold.
  • Starter Tip #5: Except for flowers, most plants do not spread naturally. They are typically obtained from mob drops or by trading among other players.
  • Starter Tip #6: Watch out for rotten eggs. If you stand too close, the stench will damage you. Rotten eggs are an ideal deterrent against trespassers.
  • Starter Tip #7: You can hide your nametag from other players by wearing a costume. It's an easy way to go incognito if you prefer stealth gameplay.
  • Starter Tip #8: Rare deposits of dirt, clay, sand, and gravel can be found in shallow lakes and caves. These items can also be crafted from bones.
  • Starter Tip #9: You can sit in a chair or on a bed by right-clicking it. To stand up again, simply walk forward. You must always stand up to teleport.
This is just scratching the surface. There are many other tricks of the trade that you will discover along the way. Good luck!

Useful Chat Commands:

The following chat commands are custom tailored to the Just Test Tribute server:
  • /spawn
    Teleport to the static spawnpoint

    Show the list of online players

    /status [server|client|player|engine|config]
    Print detailed information about the player, client, server, engine, or config

    View realtime server and player statistics

    View graphical logs of recent weather activity

    View your latest mail delivery notifications

    Show the coordinates of your assigned bed

    View the current weather conditions

    /who [player_name]
    Show detailed information about the given player

    /w [search_phrase]
    Show a list of online players with names matching the given search phrase.

    Show your position and distance from spawn

    /where [player_name]
    Show the position and relative distance of the given player (within 1000 meters)

    Show information about the wielded item

    /what [item_name]
    Show information about the given item

    /near [range]
    Show a list of players within the given range (maximum of 1000 meters)

    Display a burst of emoji particles around your character

    Assign gestures to one or more slots of your hotbar

    View the chat history with optional message filters

    /chat [player_name]
    View the chat history of the given player

    /c [search_phrase]
    Search the chat history for the given search phrase

    /craft [search_phrase]
    Search for an item within the Craft Guide

    /dice [chance]
    Roll the dice with the given chance (whole number or fraction).

    Open the Macro Crafting Manager

    /days [day_count]
    Convert the in-game day count to "Day, Month, Year" format

    Show the current world date in "Day, Month, Year" format

    Show the current world time in "Hour:Minute AM/PM" format

    Show the local time and date of the Minetest server

    Show your assigned player rank (either Basic, Guardian, or Moderator)

    /jail [player_name]
    Forcibly jail the given player, or yourself (requires "jail" privilege)

    /kill [player_name]
    Forcibly kill the given player, or yourself, and bypass jail when killing players (requires "kill privilege)

    /mute [player_name]
    Grant or revoke the shout privileges of the given player (requires "basic_privs" priv)

    /lock [player_name]
    Grant or revoke the interact privileges of the given player (requires "basic_privs" priv)
The city has an extensive roadway network, making it easy to travel by foot or by rail to virtually any location within a 400 meter radius of spawn. The Spawntown District depicted below has the most developed infrastructure. It is bordered by Crystal Lake on the west, Lava Mountain on the east, and the canal on the north and south.


Created by maikerumine

Dedicated to lag

My skuchayem i lyubyat vas.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by rnd » Post



2.10 minute of gameplay and mr. "blitzkrieg" can already build this:

3. edit: 30 minutes later
is it a bird, is it a plane? no its "luftwaffe"
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by rnd » Post

4. satisfied with the results of the operation "grief"

"fuhrers" base lies in ruins

conclusion: dont be an a**hole, play nice
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

RND, I love you man. :) You are hillarious!
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post


On the following topics:
*Desert_cobblestone - Have a craft with red dye and cobble to create?
*Flowers - How to implement into the world, random spot on map with vending or add to mob drops.
*Vending - The original / outdated laggy machines, TBD to be swapped with new fast machines.
*Anti-grief - RND made helpful code to deter griefers. LOL.
*Mobs - As close to lags as possible.
*TNT - Is updated by obey protection and does not make huge craters.
*Server restarts and delete player files.

When re-creating this server the main goal was to keep it as similar to the original back in 2014. To simulate the incredible world Andrey made for us to play in. After all, it was our favourite server, favourite community, and favourite gameplay. It was a very unique place that a lot of us could call home. Not that is no longer, I would like to carry on the JT experience, and this is where I need your help.

The aforementioned topics if changed would modify from the original game, I rather not do this, but want to have a more secure server not at the cost of losing the original feel of the game.

So my questions for you are this: What would you like to see in this server without changing too much from the original gameplay?

I am open to any suggestions.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by twoelk » Post

nope, not gonna get hooked on this one, no way

just gonna build a little hut, nice server
hm, explored the east coast, yeah I remember;
not that structure on the lava hill though
found the tree hall, sadly it got emptied pretty fast; was lava really that close under spawn area?
hm, built some paths under spawn with others;
....... nope not gonna get hooked ...
explored south of spawn - ooh the memories
- but wait some 1024 south of spawn or so the landscape becomes unfamiliar
... cool, those mountains need castles
....... nope not gonna get hooked!
three hours allready today?
so much to do on other servers
why are you doing this to me?
hmm - could build a castle on this spire

hmm? what hook?

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by disableclouds » Post

Cheers guys ;)

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

disableclouds wrote:Cheers guys ;)
Cheers, good old friend. :D
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by 843jdc » Post

I absolutely LOVE this server! Great job Maikerumine and many thanks for hosting it xD

Ok for your proposed changes.
Maybe increase the sound of placing seeds slightly. I can barely hear doing it though I can hear footsteps fine.
Maybe add protection logos. If players use them, it won't look so horrible in the air.
Delete voting booths. Nice idea but dumb players.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by rnd » Post


new bones update makes it possible to create fabulous spawn houses ;)
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

I dislike vending machines, they are too limiting, outdated and slow, smartshop is much better.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

Fixerol wrote:I dislike vending machines, they are too limiting, outdated and slow, smartshop is much better.
ServerError: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'smartshop' in callback on_playerReceiveFields(): C++ exception

too bad. they are buggy and will be rolled back asap.

I get this error far too much in both servers to keep them around.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

Don't forget to report it back to mod author to fix the error.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by BBmine » Post

**Server reset will start Monday the 15th, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Time.
2014? Are we in a time machine? lol

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

I'm against player profiles reset, original j-t does not have this iirc. Performance impact is minimal in 0.4.14.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by BlueFireIceUn » Post

if you call that just test, so bye the best server of the world. Plus, in server description, there is 'no admin' so why is there admin log in every day? I know I'm banned and don't unban me cause I still have a hearth about just etst adn that server isn't a reference to just test. Few people likes but I don't. What people liked in just test is they were free, they had few limites (no cheat) but this server is more like ESM with no mods who wants be just test. But maike, just test is just test cause it was free server and that server isn't a reference to just test, you just remade old map with sam mods but just test's spirit isn't here, the free spirit. Thanks for reading and if you want answer, I wil answer.
Blue who loves you all but mostly someone :)

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

Flowers within 1000 or near edges? :} How much of them?

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

If i try to dig protected block - I die. Thats insane (too much, can you decrease it?) :}
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

Fixerol wrote:I'm against player profiles reset, original j-t does not have this iirc. Performance impact is minimal.
Lag did actually run a cleaner script to scrub the player files daily, I remember, and have many o videos showing this as well.
Here is his script:
And as we all know, his server was the fastest, most optimised server on the list.
I would like to keep this tradition also for gameplay. There is no reason to have people running all over the map making bases tens of thousands of blocks away to grow the map in unacceptable size proportions.
As with the original, this server will also do periodic map shrinks with his same unexplore script to keep the map size small.
He once sent me in private the entire map, a year old map and it was 267 megs. ESM on the other hand is about 5 gigabites, much too much to be read and written constantly, I am suprised my HDD's are still alive, actually.

It makes a tremendous difference in backups. It takes over 20 minutes to back up esm with over 70,000 playerfiles, and that is costing me space and time. I believe there is a huge performance hit, as all the other servers I had ran ran well until the player file size got massive.
I really should be posting this at esm, it is down for maintenance as well.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

Fixerol wrote:Flowers within 1000 or near edges? :} How much of them?
Sadly, rnd grabbed them all. :(
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

Fixerol wrote:If i try to dig protected block - I die. Thats insane :}
NO way.... what!!!!???????????? I will change this asap. Sorry.


i changed the wrong number.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

In version 4.9 that was really critical, because minetest was reading/writing all those files constantly, not sure about that now.
I believe this was fixed somewhere in 0.4.13-dev. Hmm, it feels like this script needs updating, because in theory it removes all files with default staff or empty ones.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

20160816 MAP:
Added special block for Lag.
Made Axes reversible to craft.
Added trap door.
Tried to make spawn a "safer" place.

Special Thanks to sorcerykid for all the amasing work she has put into the roads, if it were not for her, the city would be landlocked.

Crafting for Lag Block:
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

Protector range increased a LOT? o_0 We have a problem!

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

BlueFireIceUn wrote:if you call that just test, so bye the best server of the world. Plus, in server description, there is 'no admin' so why is there admin log in every day? I know I'm banned and don't unban me cause I still have a hearth about just etst adn that server isn't a reference to just test. Few people likes but I don't. What people liked in just test is they were free, they had few limites (no cheat) but this server is more like ESM with no mods who wants be just test. But maike, just test is just test cause it was free server and that server isn't a reference to just test, you just remade old map with sam mods but just test's spirit isn't here, the free spirit. Thanks for reading and if you want answer, I wil answer.
This is a tribute server. It not Just Test.
There are rules, please read first post.
You seem to want to grief and get a reward, here is your reward: You are grounded from the server for one week. I really hope your attitude changes for the better.

Please beg lag to turn his server back on if you want grief. This server is MY version, not yours or anybody else, if you don't like it then please cry somewhere else and let us build without the threat of griefing.

Good day to you sir.
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