Assets: no assets at the moment.
Mod dependencies: banners (though this one can be easily removed)
This mod at last brings real factions to Minetest servers, with faction wars (still a WIP but almost done), claiming based on power, faction chat, customizable ranks, etc.
Basic use:
- /f : shows the faction you're in.
- /f create <name>: create a faction with yourself as the leader.
- /f claim : claim the parcel you're on, provided that you've got enough power.
- /f disband : disband your faction
- /f join <faction>: join an existing faction, provided that you are invited (or the faction is open).
- /f invite <player>: invite a player (feature warning: the player has to be online) to your faction.
- /f help: lists all available commands, including the many that are not included here.
- Doing stuff within factions require different permissions, which are given to different ranks (see commands /f newrank, /f promote, /f ranks, etc.)
- Default ranks are "leader", "moderator" and "member", but you can add new ones with custom privileges
- Factions can be free-to-join (see commands /f close and /f open)
- Power is given by crafting power banners (by default, each one of them gives 10 power)
- Claiming a parcel costs, by default, 0.5 power (customizable with a single variable in factions.lua)
- You can claim parcels from a faction which has negative power
- War banners can be placed on an enemy parcel, allowing editing in it for your team until it is removed (WIP, still not working)
- Parcels are 16x16 columns of nodes.
- Testing MP modes in SP isn't easy, bugs are to be expected.
- As a design decision (though this can be overriden with a single variable), parcel protection only works down to Y=-512.