[Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP][Suspended]

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[Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP][Suspended]

by v-rob » Post

I've suspended this because I can't get things to work properly. I probably will return to this and make a game based off of the earlier Minetest versions, but it will not be a perfect replica.
NOTICE: As of now, this subgame is suspended until I find a way to code dungeon masters. I also need to know what fireflies look like.

This subgame aims to emulate Minetest version 0.2.20110922_3, which can be found here.

This subgame is supposed to be exactly the same as that version with a few exceptions, such as the fact that in the old version, junglegrass made dirt with grass under it into dirt. I'm not going to implement that.

Make a skybox that changes at different times of day.
Make rats, dungeon masters, oerrki, and fireflies. (I have not seen any fireflies yet, so could someone provide a screenshot/description?)
Fine-tune tools, ore generation, and decoration spawning.
Make trees spawn. (I don't know how to spawn tables as provided in trees.lua instead of schematics.)
Make the creative inventory match 0.2.20110922_3's, or at least 0.4.0's.
Make inventory images look like they do in the older version.

Note: I used 0.3.0's glass textures because I couldn't stand 0.2.20110922_3's.

Licence for media: CC BY-SA. All credit goes to Celeron 55.
Licence for code: LGPL

Please tell me if I am forgetting anything. I would like this to be an almost perfect replica.
Last edited by v-rob on Fri Feb 02, 2018 22:25, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

look in the minimal subgame (its included by default) and go to the legacy folder for the textures for the c-55 mobs.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by v-rob » Post

Stix wrote:look in the minimal subgame (its included by default) and go to the legacy folder for the textures for the c-55 mobs.
I already got the textures for them from the official 0.2.20110922_3 build. I just need to code them. 0.2.20110922_3 does not support Lua, so the mobs are hard-coded. I can't do anything with that, so I have to basically start from scratch.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

Try using simple_mobs's api: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3063
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

HINT: To get an idea of what a firefly looks like, load up minetest on the minimal subgame and use the /giveme command to get firefly's spawned into your world quickly.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

If you need help with mapgen i think it would be best to ask Duane.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

WAIT!!! Hold the phone!!!, i just realized that the nostalgia subgame already has 2-d c55-like mobs using the api from PilzAdam's simple_mobs mod.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

looks like a nice game.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Wuzzy » Post


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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

Wuzzy wrote:WHY?
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by v-rob » Post

It's an OLD game, not a NICE game. It's for anyone who loves the older versions of Minetest but doesn't want the bugs, glitches, and slowness.
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by duane » Post

The noise used in the old code isn't what I'm used to, so I'm not entirely sure I've interpreted it right. Does this terrain look like what you were expecting? (Please excuse the crudity of the model -- I didn't have time to paint it or build it to scale.)




I may need to multiply the spread values of the density noise by four, which might reduce the cragginess.

At the moment, it's about as fast as Squaresville, but I haven't added the caves, dungeons, or decorations.
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Re: Mapgen

by v-rob » Post

EDIT: This post is useless.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by paramat » Post

That version of MT seems to use what was called 'Mapgen V5', which is actually a current core mapgen, so you can just use that.
However MT 0.2 doesn't use 'eased 3D noise' so you need to un-ease that noise in .conf.
Add this to .conf or set it using 'minetest.settings_set ..':

Code: Select all

# mgv5_np_ground = {
#    offset      = 0,
#    scale       = 40,
#    spread      = (80, 80, 80),
#    seed        = 983240,
#    octaves     = 4,
#    persistence = 0.55,
#    lacunarity  = 2.0,
# }

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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by celeron55 » Post

I don't like this version.

I think 2011-07-23 is probably the best one, before those pesky minetest-delta merges!

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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by paramat » Post

To be more precise, that seems to use an early version of mapgen v5.
The current mgv5 we have is a modernised version which has large caves and massive caverns added, and it does not generate small blobs of lava everywhere.
So to get close also use these settings to disable large caves and massive caverns:

Code: Select all

mgv5_large_cave_depth = -32000
mgv5_spflags = nocaverns
Then you will need to register a new 'scatter' ore to place small blobs of lava everywhere underground, otherwise you will have no lava.

If you use Duane's Lua mapgen it will be much slower to generate and will cause Lua lag as each mapchunk is generated (could take 1+ seconds per mapchunk), which will be a big problem on multiplayer servers.

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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by v-rob » Post

paramat wrote:That version of MT seems to use what was called 'Mapgen V5', which is actually a current core mapgen, so you can just use that.
However MT 0.2 doesn't use 'eased 3D noise' so you need to un-ease that noise in .conf.
Add this to .conf or set it using 'minetest.settings_set ..':

Code: Select all

# mgv5_np_ground = {
#    offset      = 0,
#    scale       = 40,
#    spread      = (80, 80, 80),
#    seed        = 983240,
#    octaves     = 4,
#    persistence = 0.55,
#    lacunarity  = 2.0,
# }
I feel very, very stupid now. I knew that from the mapgen evolution page, but I forgot completely.
How do you make V5 always selected even if you choose a different mapgen?
celeron55 wrote:I don't like this version.

I think 2011-07-23 is probably the best one, before those pesky minetest-delta merges!
Why? What's minetest-delta?
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by duane » Post

v-rob wrote:How do you make V5 always selected even if you choose a different mapgen?
Try this:

Code: Select all

P.S. I think Paramat exaggerates the importance of C mapgens for speed, but lua is only about half as fast, generally.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by paramat » Post

minetest.register_on_mapgen_init() is deprecated now, you can just use the 2nd line.

From timing similar mapgens coded in Lua and a C++ MT engine core mapgen version, i found the C++ verison to be roughly 10 times faster.

More importantly, the core mapgen is in a separate thread while a Lua mapgen will interupt server operations while each mapchunk generates, not so bad in singleplayer while you are exploring, but on a multiplayer server with many players exploring and generating terrain this causes the game to lag for other players who are not exploring and are trying to do other things. So Lua mapgens can be problematic for multiplayer servers.

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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Lone_Wolf » Post

When the TODO list shrinks a bit I'll try this out. I've always wanted to see what the old Minetest was like...
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

Lone_Wolf wrote:When the TODO list shrinks a bit I'll try this out. I've always wanted to see what the old Minetest was like...
ever heard of minimal dev-test? try that until you try v-robs game you should.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by Stix » Post

note: minimal-dev-test isnt exactly the same as old MT i know that cuz i used to play the old MT versions.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by twoelk » Post

you might want to study [Game] Minetest Nostalgia by Dan Duncombe. Some of his sollutions might solve some of your issues. The look and feel he tried to recreate was what minetest 0.3.1 presented. Besides here you may also find flat sprite like mobs in

This is the subgame used on VanessaE's Nostalgia Server

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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by v-rob » Post

The sprites used there are not the same. A real dungeon master is a type of sprite that always faces you, but the textures changed relative to which way the dungeon master was facing.
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Re: [Game] Minetest_c55 [WIP]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

v-rob wrote:The sprites used there are not the same. A real dungeon master is a type of sprite that always faces you, but the textures changed relative to which way the dungeon master was facing.
a way it is still possible to do as the function is 'hidden' in the API.

EDIT: neverming, can't find it back. I'm sure i saw it tough. maybe select_horiz_by_yawpitch.
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