Stix wrote:... i planted a sapling on some dirt and surrounded it with meselamps, but it won't grow! ... *EDIT: Ok it just grew, but ...
I am glad that you figure out how to do it! :-) But, if nothing has changed in this matter so far, there is one simple rule at this server: no trees grow underground except
Firetree. It naturally occurs in Nether, it grows on islands around the brimstone ocean, but you can intentionally plant it anywhere, not only underground. Firetree sapling need to be planted on
dauthsand not on dirt. Dauthsand is more like sand, but have different texture and can be found only in Nether (unless someone sells it in a shop on surface). Adding a strong light source next to sapling may be necessary for the tree to grow, and bonemeal can speed up this process. So, If you want a tree to grow quickly, you must use bonemeal. But do not expect that the one-time use of 1 bonemeal item will work - there is only some probability that it will work. That's why it's good to have 64 bonemeal at hand, or to have a luck ;-).
BTW - if you find around a lot of cobble blocks lying chaotically on road, garden or even inside your home, here is the reason: these quasi-griefers were caught when they tossed the cobble blocks straight to Prairiesky Park!