Forum rules and conditions

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Forum rules and conditions

by Luanti » Post

1. General Behaviour
  1. You agree to act suitably, like on any other forum, e.g.: no illegal content (according to the Finnish law), pornography, flooding, spamming, viruses and such.
  2. You are responsible for your posts, and the other users are responsible for their posts, not the operators of this forum.
  3. No personal attacks: Members of this forum should not be insulted or otherwise attacked on the basis of who or what they are. If you wish to criticize someone for their actions, it should be constructive. Please remember this is a game forum. You should be polite when possible and leave political and other unrelated opinions elsewhere if they might prove disruptive.
  4. Excessive trolling/baiting and/or toxic behavior is not welcome
  5. The language of this forum is English, except for the "other languages" section.
  6. Offtopic: The "Offtopic" section, while not necessarily Luanti-related in content, shall be kept to a clean standard as appropriate for the rest of these forums. In short, that means shitposting (in "Offtopic", or anywhere else for that matter) will be removed without warning, and may result in temporary bans if persistent.
  7. Moderator decisions are final: You are expected to heed requests from moderators and should avoid arguing with moderators about decisions in public. If you feel that you were treated unfairly, you can request that the case be reviewed by all active moderators by emailing or PMing one.

2. Content (meaning Games/Mods/Texture Packs)
  1. Content deletion: If a user no longer want to support a mod/modpack, game, or texturepack, we recommend that they comment in the topic why and then request that the topic be moved to "Old Mods" / "Old Games" etc. However, they may alternatively request that their topic be removed completely by raising a report on the topic. Please do not just blank out the topic.
  2. Hacking/Cheating: It is not permissible to promote, link, or otherwise direct Forum users to any kind of "hacking" or "cheating" tools, regardless of their claimed purpose. This includes but is not limited to scripts, bots, modified Luanti clients, CSM mods, third-party programs, etc.
  3. Allowed licenses: The use of licenses which do not allow derivatives or redistribution is not permitted for mods, games, and texture packs. This includes CC-ND (No-Derivatives) and most other non-free licenses. The use of licenses which discriminate between groups of people or forbid the use of the content on servers or singleplayer is also not permitted. This applies where ever the content is found, including but not limited to any forum or signatures

3. Housekeeping
  1. Change of host: You also agree that this forum can be moved to a different host and a different country (might be needed if the traffic increases a lot), including the user account data.
  2. Changes to these rules will be notified by a comment to this topic.
  3. If you'd like to delete your user data according to GDPR, please PM celeron55 and send an email to, with the subject 'Please delete my account'

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Amendment 1: Behaviour

by celeron55 » Post

There has been some behavior on the forum that warrants adding some points about general conduct. Added two new points: "No personal attacks" and "Moderators' decisions are final"

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Amendment 2: Licenses

by rubenwardy » Post

Added allowed licenses
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Amendment 3: Rewrite for clarity

by rubenwardy » Post

Rules have been updated:
  • Increased clarity
  • Changed "Moderators' decisions" section, adding an appeal process
  • Added "Changes to these rules will be notified by a comment to this topic."
  • Added anti-trolling rule
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Re: Forum rules and conditions

by rubenwardy » Post

Rules have been updated:
  • Relaxed rule on content deletion
  • Removed bullet point about warnings/bans, as it was redundant
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