Post your screenshots!

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by SB66 » Post

screenshot_20221221_221525.jpg (117.42 KiB) Viewed 6454 times
light and shadow

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by apercy » Post

photo_2022-12-21_20-31-02.jpg (62.37 KiB) Viewed 6435 times

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by snoopy » Post

@SB66 - Nice image for the avatar of your MT forum account.
SB66 wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 21:16

light and shadow
Very nice picture and interesting effect of the lights.

Which door mod were you using for this? Or was this a greater structure?

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by snoopy » Post

MT presents a Back To The Future revival apparently.
apercy wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 23:35
A DeLorean DMC-12 model (completed with anti-matter device on the top of the roof) flying over Hogwardish landscape. Funny.

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by SB66 » Post

snoopy wrote:
Thu Dec 22, 2022 05:52
@SB66 - Nice image for the avatar of your MT forum account.
SB66 wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 21:16

light and shadow
Very nice picture and interesting effect of the lights.

Which door mod were you using for this? Or was this a greater structure?
I dont' used a special door mood.
The Building is a simple warehouse. the entry opens in the direction of the sunrise, you can spot the sun.
The mods in the pic : jonez , pkarc, stoneworks
Th structure that gives the structured shadow is simply a fence between two pillars
screenshot_20221222_203501.jpg (331.46 KiB) Viewed 6376 times

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by snoopy » Post

@SB66 - Thank you and good to know.
SB66 wrote:
Thu Dec 22, 2022 19:42
The Building is a simple warehouse. the entry opens in the direction of the sunrise, you can spot the sun.
The mods in the pic : jonez , pkarc, stoneworks
Th structure that gives the structured shadow is simply a fence between two pillars
Apparently, you have a mind open for good architecture and enjoyable dimensions. Obviously, your building concepts and pictures provide a piece of art.

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by JALdMIC » Post

Eris wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 09:04
JALdMIC wrote:
Tue Dec 20, 2022 13:54
Very detailed model, nice. Is it a garden gnome? :>
I not speak English.
In reality the model is the experimental model who i create for the player in my mod,the hat and the shirt are cloths who can be put in the player.

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by Eris » Post

JALdMIC wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 18:10
Eris wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 09:04
Very detailed model, nice. Is it a garden gnome? :>
I not speak English.
In reality the model is the experimental model who i create for the player in my mod,the hat and the shirt are cloths who can be put in the player.
Aha, good job. Now it just needs arms.
Jump in the caac

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by SB66 » Post

Eris wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 09:14
JALdMIC wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 18:10
Eris wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 09:04
Very detailed model, nice. Is it a garden gnome? :>
I not speak English.
In reality the model is the experimental model who i create for the player in my mod,the hat and the shirt are cloths who can be put in the player.
Aha, good job. Now it just needs arms.
It looks like that he has crossed his arms, ....for some reasons....

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by AiTechEye » Post

i tried x2048's example of particle spawners and it looks better now


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Re: Post your screenshots!

by SB66 » Post

this Wolf likes too be high...
screenshot_20221227_222603.jpg (314.15 KiB) Viewed 6111 times
It's the second time he stands on those pillars.....

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by Eris » Post

SB66 wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:19
Eris wrote:
Mon Dec 26, 2022 09:14
JALdMIC wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 18:10

I not speak English.
In reality the model is the experimental model who i create for the player in my mod,the hat and the shirt are cloths who can be put in the player.
Aha, good job. Now it just needs arms.
It looks like that he has crossed his arms, ....for some reasons....
You're right, didn't notice them.
Jump in the caac

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by sorcerykid » Post

Just a throwback to new years eve 2020 on the JT2 server. Even after the celebration was long over and everyone was passed out in bed, maikerumine was STILL at spawn ready to party!


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Re: Post your screenshots!

by snoopy » Post


@SB66 - Nice coincidence and quite a nice picture design.
SB66 wrote:
Tue Dec 27, 2022 21:28
this Wolf likes too be high...


It's the second time he stands on those pillars.....
When in Rome ...

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by SB66 » Post

Didn't know.....
screenshot_20210621_094439.jpg (464.29 KiB) Viewed 5898 times
screenshot_20230103_200316.jpg (385.72 KiB) Viewed 5898 times
screenshot_20230103_203124.jpg (519.41 KiB) Viewed 5898 times
....horses growing on trees !

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by runs » Post

SB66 wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2023 19:33
Didn't know.....


....horses growing on trees !
Try the very last version. Fixed.

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by Hybrid Dog » Post

I did some experiments with Blinn-Phong specular reflection of sun light and moon light where the shininess and intensity is somehow calculated from the albedo colour.
There's the code: ... gment.glsl
2023-01-06-150956_1920x1054_scrot.png (854.06 KiB) Viewed 5763 times
2023-01-06-151438_1920x1054_scrot.png (783.03 KiB) Viewed 5763 times
2023-01-06-151459_1920x1054_scrot.png (860.06 KiB) Viewed 5763 times


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Re: Post your screenshots!

by apercy » Post

Hybrid Dog wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 14:38
I did some experiments with Blinn-Phong specular reflection of sun light and moon light where the shininess and intensity is somehow calculated from the albedo colour.
There's the code: ... gment.glsl
very interesting!
So I'm playing with it a bit, and I'm faking water reflection with an adaptation of your code

Code: Select all

	    // Get the Y component of base.rgb converted to YCbCr as an approximate
	    // brightness of the albedo
	    float albedo_y = dot(base.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
	    // There are no specular map textures, so approximate the shininess
	    // and specular reflections strength with albedo_y
	    //~ float shininess = 16.0;
        float shininess = 16.0 * pow(1.0 - albedo_y, 2.0);
	    float specular_visibility = pow(albedo_y, 1.0); //old value 3.0
	    //~ float specular_visibility = 1.0;
	    // view_dir: Vector from the fragment to the eye in world space.
	    // (eyeVec is view_dir in view space, but v_LightDirection is in
	    // world space)
	    vec3 view_dir = normalize((eyePosition - cameraOffset) - worldPosition);
	    vec3 halfway = normalize(normalize(view_dir) + normalize(-v_LightDirection));

	    // Colour (and intensity) of the sun/moon light
	    vec3 light_colour = skyBgColor.rgb * (0.5-adjusted_night_ratio);

	    specular_visibility *= 1.0 - shadow_int;  // darken in shadows
        if(base.a < 0.8) specular_visibility *= 7.0 - shadow_int; //testing water and some glasses

	    // Calculate specular reflections with the Blinn-Phong model
	    float spec = specular_visibility * pow(max(dot(vNormal, halfway), 0.0), shininess);

	    shadow_int *= f_adj_shadow_strength;

        col.rgb =
		        adjusted_night_ratio * col.rgb + // artificial light
		        (1.0 - adjusted_night_ratio) * ( // natural light
				        col.rgb * (1.0 - shadow_int * (1.0 - shadow_color)) +  // filtered texture color
				        light_colour * spec +  // Specular reflection of the sun/moon
				        dayLight * shadow_color * shadow_int);                 // reflected filtered sunlight/moonlight
screenshot_20230106_183121.png (709.15 KiB) Viewed 5720 times
screenshot_20230106_183114.png (702.56 KiB) Viewed 5720 times
screenshot_20230106_183106.png (382.8 KiB) Viewed 5720 times

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by CalebJ » Post

apercy wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 21:34
very interesting!
So I'm playing with it a bit, and I'm faking water reflection with an adaptation of your code
Wow, looks great! Well done!

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by JALdMIC » Post

I don't speak English.
I upload the last alpha version of Assets warehouse 1.0,this is a preview of the experimental player model,if some o yours know a form of obtain the bones from a .x model in game you can tell me,i ask this because the actual method for the clothes is not ideal and for create some better i need to know how to obtain the bones from a model in the game.

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by apercy » Post

CalebJ wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 14:56
apercy wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 21:34
very interesting!
So I'm playing with it a bit, and I'm faking water reflection with an adaptation of your code
Wow, looks great! Well done!
Thank you!

If you want to test my last experiment, try this:

Code: Select all

uniform sampler2D baseTexture;

uniform vec3 dayLight;
uniform vec4 skyBgColor;
uniform float fogDistance;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;

// The cameraOffset is the current center of the visible world.
uniform vec3 cameraOffset;
uniform float animationTimer;
	// shadow texture
	uniform sampler2D ShadowMapSampler;
	// shadow uniforms
	uniform vec3 v_LightDirection;
	uniform float f_textureresolution;
	uniform mat4 m_ShadowViewProj;
	uniform float f_shadowfar;
	uniform float f_shadow_strength;
	uniform vec4 CameraPos;
	uniform float xyPerspectiveBias0;
	uniform float xyPerspectiveBias1;

	varying float adj_shadow_strength;
	varying float cosLight;
	varying float f_normal_length;
	varying vec3 shadow_position;
	varying float perspective_factor;

varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec3 vPosition;
// World position in the visible world (i.e. relative to the cameraOffset.)
// This can be used for many shader effects without loss of precision.
// If the absolute position is required it can be calculated with
// cameraOffset + worldPosition (for large coordinates the limits of float
// precision must be considered).
varying vec3 worldPosition;
varying lowp vec4 varColor;
#ifdef GL_ES
varying mediump vec2 varTexCoord;
centroid varying vec2 varTexCoord;
varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying float nightRatio;
varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;

const float fogStart = FOG_START;
const float fogShadingParameter = 1.0 / ( 1.0 - fogStart);


// assuming near is always 1.0
float getLinearDepth()
	return 2.0 * f_shadowfar / (f_shadowfar + 1.0 - (2.0 * gl_FragCoord.z - 1.0) * (f_shadowfar - 1.0));

vec3 getLightSpacePosition()
	return shadow_position * 0.5 + 0.5;
// custom smoothstep implementation because it's not defined in glsl1.2
float mtsmoothstep(in float edge0, in float edge1, in float x)
	float t = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
	return t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);


// c_precision of 128 fits within 7 base-10 digits
const float c_precision = 128.0;
const float c_precisionp1 = c_precision + 1.0;

float packColor(vec3 color)
	return floor(color.b * c_precision + 0.5)
		+ floor(color.g * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1
		+ floor(color.r * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1;

vec3 unpackColor(float value)
	vec3 color;
	color.b = mod(value, c_precisionp1) / c_precision;
	color.g = mod(floor(value / c_precisionp1), c_precisionp1) / c_precision;
	color.r = floor(value / (c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1)) / c_precision;
	return color;

vec4 getHardShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	vec4 texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).rgba;

	float visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth.r);
	vec4 result = vec4(visibility, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0));//unpackColor(texDepth.g));
	if (visibility < 0.1) {
		visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth.b);
		result = vec4(visibility, unpackColor(texDepth.a));
	return result;


float getHardShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).r;
	float visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth);
	return visibility;


	#define PCFBOUND 2.0 // 5x5
	#define PCFSAMPLES 25
#elif SHADOW_FILTER == 1
	#define PCFBOUND 1.0 // 3x3
	#define PCFSAMPLES 9
	#define PCFBOUND 0.0
	#define PCFSAMPLES 1

float getHardShadowDepth(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	vec4 texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy);
	float depth = max(realDistance - texDepth.r, realDistance - texDepth.b);
	return depth;
float getHardShadowDepth(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).r;
	float depth = realDistance - texDepth;
	return depth;


float getPenumbraRadius(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	// Return fast if sharp shadows are requested
	if (PCFBOUND == 0.0 || SOFTSHADOWRADIUS <= 0.0)
		return 0.0;

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float y, x;
	float depth = getHardShadowDepth(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);
	// A factor from 0 to 1 to reduce blurring of short shadows
	float sharpness_factor = 1.0;
	// conversion factor from shadow depth to blur radius
	float depth_to_blur = f_shadowfar / SOFTSHADOWRADIUS / xyPerspectiveBias0;
	if (depth > 0.0 && f_normal_length > 0.0)
		// 5 is empirical factor that controls how fast shadow loses sharpness
		sharpness_factor = clamp(5 * depth * depth_to_blur, 0.0, 1.0);
	depth = 0.0;

	float world_to_texture = xyPerspectiveBias1 / perspective_factor / perspective_factor
			* f_textureresolution / 2.0 / f_shadowfar;
	float world_radius = 0.2; // shadow blur radius in world float coordinates, e.g. 0.2 = 0.02 of one node

	return max(BASEFILTERRADIUS * f_textureresolution / 4096.0,  sharpness_factor * world_radius * world_to_texture * SOFTSHADOWRADIUS);

const vec2[64] poissonDisk = vec2[64](
	vec2(0.170019, -0.040254),
	vec2(-0.299417, 0.791925),
	vec2(0.645680, 0.493210),
	vec2(-0.651784, 0.717887),
	vec2(0.421003, 0.027070),
	vec2(-0.817194, -0.271096),
	vec2(-0.705374, -0.668203),
	vec2(0.977050, -0.108615),
	vec2(0.063326, 0.142369),
	vec2(0.203528, 0.214331),
	vec2(-0.667531, 0.326090),
	vec2(-0.098422, -0.295755),
	vec2(-0.885922, 0.215369),
	vec2(0.566637, 0.605213),
	vec2(0.039766, -0.396100),
	vec2(0.751946, 0.453352),
	vec2(0.078707, -0.715323),
	vec2(-0.075838, -0.529344),
	vec2(0.724479, -0.580798),
	vec2(0.222999, -0.215125),
	vec2(-0.467574, -0.405438),
	vec2(-0.248268, -0.814753),
	vec2(0.354411, -0.887570),
	vec2(0.175817, 0.382366),
	vec2(0.487472, -0.063082),
	vec2(0.355476, 0.025357),
	vec2(-0.084078, 0.898312),
	vec2(0.488876, -0.783441),
	vec2(0.470016, 0.217933),
	vec2(-0.696890, -0.549791),
	vec2(-0.149693, 0.605762),
	vec2(0.034211, 0.979980),
	vec2(0.503098, -0.308878),
	vec2(-0.016205, -0.872921),
	vec2(0.385784, -0.393902),
	vec2(-0.146886, -0.859249),
	vec2(0.643361, 0.164098),
	vec2(0.634388, -0.049471),
	vec2(-0.688894, 0.007843),
	vec2(0.464034, -0.188818),
	vec2(-0.440840, 0.137486),
	vec2(0.364483, 0.511704),
	vec2(0.034028, 0.325968),
	vec2(0.099094, -0.308023),
	vec2(0.693960, -0.366253),
	vec2(0.678884, -0.204688),
	vec2(0.001801, 0.780328),
	vec2(0.145177, -0.898984),
	vec2(0.062655, -0.611866),
	vec2(0.315226, -0.604297),
	vec2(-0.780145, 0.486251),
	vec2(-0.371868, 0.882138),
	vec2(0.200476, 0.494430),
	vec2(-0.494552, -0.711051),
	vec2(0.612476, 0.705252),
	vec2(-0.578845, -0.768792),
	vec2(-0.772454, -0.090976),
	vec2(0.504440, 0.372295),
	vec2(0.155736, 0.065157),
	vec2(0.391522, 0.849605),
	vec2(-0.620106, -0.328104),
	vec2(0.789239, -0.419965),
	vec2(-0.545396, 0.538133),
	vec2(-0.178564, -0.596057)


vec4 getShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	vec4 visibility = vec4(0.0);
	float scale_factor = radius / f_textureresolution;

	int samples = (1 + 1 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFSAMPLES; // scale max samples for the soft shadows
	samples = int(clamp(pow(4.0 * radius + 1.0, 2.0), 1.0, float(samples)));
	int init_offset = int(floor(mod(((smTexCoord.x * 34.0) + 1.0) * smTexCoord.y, 64.0-samples)));
	int end_offset = int(samples) + init_offset;

	for (int x = init_offset; x < end_offset; x++) {
		clampedpos = poissonDisk[x] * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);

	return visibility / samples;


float getShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadow(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float visibility = 0.0;
	float scale_factor = radius / f_textureresolution;

	int samples = (1 + 1 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFSAMPLES; // scale max samples for the soft shadows
	samples = int(clamp(pow(4.0 * radius + 1.0, 2.0), 1.0, float(samples)));
	int init_offset = int(floor(mod(((smTexCoord.x * 34.0) + 1.0) * smTexCoord.y, 64.0-samples)));
	int end_offset = int(samples) + init_offset;

	for (int x = init_offset; x < end_offset; x++) {
		clampedpos = poissonDisk[x] * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadow(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);

	return visibility / samples;


/* poisson filter disabled */


vec4 getShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	vec4 visibility = vec4(0.0);
	float x, y;
	float bound = (1 + 0.5 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFBOUND; // scale max bound for soft shadows
	bound = clamp(0.5 * (4.0 * radius - 1.0), 0.5, bound);
	float scale_factor = radius / bound / f_textureresolution;
	float n = 0.0;

	// basic PCF filter
	for (y = -bound; y <= bound; y += 1.0)
	for (x = -bound; x <= bound; x += 1.0) {
		clampedpos = vec2(x,y) * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);
		n += 1.0;

	return visibility / max(n, 1.0);

float getShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadow(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float visibility = 0.0;
	float x, y;
	float bound = (1 + 0.5 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFBOUND; // scale max bound for soft shadows
	bound = clamp(0.5 * (4.0 * radius - 1.0), 0.5, bound);
	float scale_factor = radius / bound / f_textureresolution;
	float n = 0.0;

	// basic PCF filter
	for (y = -bound; y <= bound; y += 1.0)
	for (x = -bound; x <= bound; x += 1.0) {
		clampedpos = vec2(x,y) * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadow(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);
		n += 1.0;

	return visibility / max(n, 1.0);



void main(void)
	vec3 color;
	vec2 uv =;

	vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;
	// If alpha is zero, we can just discard the pixel. This fixes transparency
	// on GPUs like GC7000L, where GL_ALPHA_TEST is not implemented in mesa,
	// and also on GLES 2, where GL_ALPHA_TEST is missing entirely.
	if (base.a == 0.0)
	/*if (base.a < 0.5)

	color = base.rgb;
	vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb * varColor.rgb, 1.0);

	if (f_shadow_strength > 0.0) {
		float shadow_int = 0.0;
		vec3 shadow_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		vec3 posLightSpace = getLightSpacePosition();

		float distance_rate = (1.0 - pow(clamp(2.0 * length(posLightSpace.xy - 0.5),0.0,1.0), 10.0));
		if (max(abs(posLightSpace.x - 0.5), abs(posLightSpace.y - 0.5)) > 0.5)
			distance_rate = 0.0;
		float f_adj_shadow_strength = max(adj_shadow_strength-mtsmoothstep(0.9,1.1,  posLightSpace.z),0.0);

		if (distance_rate > 1e-7) {

			vec4 visibility;
			if (cosLight > 0.0 || f_normal_length < 1e-3)
				visibility = getShadowColor(ShadowMapSampler, posLightSpace.xy, posLightSpace.z);
				visibility = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			shadow_int = visibility.r;
			shadow_color = visibility.gba;
			if (cosLight > 0.0 || f_normal_length < 1e-3)
				shadow_int = getShadow(ShadowMapSampler, posLightSpace.xy, posLightSpace.z);
				shadow_int = 1.0;
			shadow_int *= distance_rate;
			shadow_int = clamp(shadow_int, 0.0, 1.0);


		// turns out that nightRatio falls off much faster than
		// actual brightness of artificial light in relation to natual light.
		// Power ratio was measured on torches in MTG (brightness = 14).
		float adjusted_night_ratio = pow(max(0.0, nightRatio), 0.6);

		// Apply self-shadowing when light falls at a narrow angle to the surface
		// Cosine of the cut-off angle.
		const float self_shadow_cutoff_cosine = 0.035;
		if (f_normal_length != 0 && cosLight < self_shadow_cutoff_cosine) {
			shadow_int = max(shadow_int, 1 - clamp(cosLight, 0.0, self_shadow_cutoff_cosine)/self_shadow_cutoff_cosine);
			shadow_color = mix(vec3(0.0), shadow_color, min(cosLight, self_shadow_cutoff_cosine)/self_shadow_cutoff_cosine);

	    // Get the Y component of base.rgb converted to YCbCr as an approximate
	    // brightness of the albedo
	    float albedo_y = dot(base.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
	    // There are no specular map textures, so approximate the shininess
	    // and specular reflections strength with albedo_y
	    //~ float shininess = 16.0;
        float shininess = 6.0 + (16.0 * pow(1.0 - albedo_y, 1.0));
	    float specular_visibility = pow(albedo_y, 1.0); //old value 3.0
	    //~ float specular_visibility = 1.0;
	    // view_dir: Vector from the fragment to the eye in world space.
	    // (eyeVec is view_dir in view space, but v_LightDirection is in
	    // world space)
	    vec3 view_dir = normalize((eyePosition - cameraOffset) - worldPosition);
	    vec3 halfway = normalize(normalize(view_dir) + normalize(-v_LightDirection));

	    // Colour (and intensity) of the sun/moon light
	    vec3 light_colour = mix(dayLight.rgb/4, col.rgb, 0.5);
        shadow_int *= f_adj_shadow_strength;

        if(base.a < 0.9) {
            specular_visibility *= 7.0 - shadow_int; //testing water and some glasses
        } else {
            specular_visibility *= 1.0 - shadow_int;  // darken in shadows

        // Calculate specular reflections with the Blinn-Phong model
        float spec = specular_visibility * pow(max(dot(vNormal, halfway), 0.0), shininess);
        col.rgb =
	            adjusted_night_ratio * col.rgb + // artificial light
	            (1.0 - adjusted_night_ratio) * ( // natural light
			            col.rgb * (1.0 - shadow_int * (1.0 - shadow_color)) +  // filtered texture color
			            light_colour * spec +  // Specular reflection of the sun/moon
			            dayLight * shadow_color * shadow_int);                 // reflected filtered sunlight/moonlight

	// Due to a bug in some (older ?) graphics stacks (possibly in the glsl compiler ?),
	// the fog will only be rendered correctly if the last operation before the
	// clamp() is an addition. Else, the clamp() seems to be ignored.
	// E.g. the following won't work:
	//      float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
	//		* (fogDistance - length(eyeVec)) / fogDistance), 0.0, 1.0);
	// As additions usually come for free following a multiplication, the new formula
	// should be more efficient as well.
	// Note: clarity = (1 - fogginess)
	float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
		- fogShadingParameter * length(eyeVec) / fogDistance, 0.0, 1.0);
	col = mix(skyBgColor, col, clarity);
	col = vec4(col.rgb, base.a);

	gl_FragData[0] = col;
screenshot_20230107_192903.png (808.44 KiB) Viewed 5604 times
screenshot_20230107_192854.png (670.09 KiB) Viewed 5604 times
screenshot_20230107_192847.png (405.53 KiB) Viewed 5604 times

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Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2020 16:31
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Location: Pinheiral - RJ - Brazil

Re: Post your screenshots!

by apercy » Post

And for my last experiment, I adjusted it to work only with translucent objects reflections, to avoid some strange effects with bloom activated
screenshot_20230108_115603.png (567.7 KiB) Viewed 6732 times

Code: Select all

uniform sampler2D baseTexture;

uniform vec3 dayLight;
uniform vec4 skyBgColor;
uniform float fogDistance;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;

// The cameraOffset is the current center of the visible world.
uniform vec3 cameraOffset;
uniform float animationTimer;
	// shadow texture
	uniform sampler2D ShadowMapSampler;
	// shadow uniforms
	uniform vec3 v_LightDirection;
	uniform float f_textureresolution;
	uniform mat4 m_ShadowViewProj;
	uniform float f_shadowfar;
	uniform float f_shadow_strength;
	uniform vec4 CameraPos;
	uniform float xyPerspectiveBias0;
	uniform float xyPerspectiveBias1;
	varying float adj_shadow_strength;
	varying float cosLight;
	varying float f_normal_length;
	varying vec3 shadow_position;
	varying float perspective_factor;

varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec3 vPosition;
// World position in the visible world (i.e. relative to the cameraOffset.)
// This can be used for many shader effects without loss of precision.
// If the absolute position is required it can be calculated with
// cameraOffset + worldPosition (for large coordinates the limits of float
// precision must be considered).
varying vec3 worldPosition;
varying lowp vec4 varColor;
#ifdef GL_ES
varying mediump vec2 varTexCoord;
centroid varying vec2 varTexCoord;
varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying float nightRatio;
varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;

const float fogStart = FOG_START;
const float fogShadingParameter = 1.0 / ( 1.0 - fogStart);


// assuming near is always 1.0
float getLinearDepth()
	return 2.0 * f_shadowfar / (f_shadowfar + 1.0 - (2.0 * gl_FragCoord.z - 1.0) * (f_shadowfar - 1.0));

vec3 getLightSpacePosition()
	return shadow_position * 0.5 + 0.5;
// custom smoothstep implementation because it's not defined in glsl1.2
float mtsmoothstep(in float edge0, in float edge1, in float x)
	float t = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
	return t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);


// c_precision of 128 fits within 7 base-10 digits
const float c_precision = 128.0;
const float c_precisionp1 = c_precision + 1.0;

float packColor(vec3 color)
	return floor(color.b * c_precision + 0.5)
		+ floor(color.g * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1
		+ floor(color.r * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1;

vec3 unpackColor(float value)
	vec3 color;
	color.b = mod(value, c_precisionp1) / c_precision;
	color.g = mod(floor(value / c_precisionp1), c_precisionp1) / c_precision;
	color.r = floor(value / (c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1)) / c_precision;
	return color;

vec4 getHardShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	vec4 texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).rgba;

	float visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth.r);
	vec4 result = vec4(visibility, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0));//unpackColor(texDepth.g));
	if (visibility < 0.1) {
		visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth.b);
		result = vec4(visibility, unpackColor(texDepth.a));
	return result;


float getHardShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).r;
	float visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth);
	return visibility;


	#define PCFBOUND 2.0 // 5x5
	#define PCFSAMPLES 25
#elif SHADOW_FILTER == 1
	#define PCFBOUND 1.0 // 3x3
	#define PCFSAMPLES 9
	#define PCFBOUND 0.0
	#define PCFSAMPLES 1

float getHardShadowDepth(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	vec4 texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy);
	float depth = max(realDistance - texDepth.r, realDistance - texDepth.b);
	return depth;
float getHardShadowDepth(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).r;
	float depth = realDistance - texDepth;
	return depth;


float getPenumbraRadius(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	// Return fast if sharp shadows are requested
	if (PCFBOUND == 0.0 || SOFTSHADOWRADIUS <= 0.0)
		return 0.0;

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float y, x;
	float depth = getHardShadowDepth(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);
	// A factor from 0 to 1 to reduce blurring of short shadows
	float sharpness_factor = 1.0;
	// conversion factor from shadow depth to blur radius
	float depth_to_blur = f_shadowfar / SOFTSHADOWRADIUS / xyPerspectiveBias0;
	if (depth > 0.0 && f_normal_length > 0.0)
		// 5 is empirical factor that controls how fast shadow loses sharpness
		sharpness_factor = clamp(5 * depth * depth_to_blur, 0.0, 1.0);
	depth = 0.0;

	float world_to_texture = xyPerspectiveBias1 / perspective_factor / perspective_factor
			* f_textureresolution / 2.0 / f_shadowfar;
	float world_radius = 0.2; // shadow blur radius in world float coordinates, e.g. 0.2 = 0.02 of one node

	return max(BASEFILTERRADIUS * f_textureresolution / 4096.0,  sharpness_factor * world_radius * world_to_texture * SOFTSHADOWRADIUS);

const vec2[64] poissonDisk = vec2[64](
	vec2(0.170019, -0.040254),
	vec2(-0.299417, 0.791925),
	vec2(0.645680, 0.493210),
	vec2(-0.651784, 0.717887),
	vec2(0.421003, 0.027070),
	vec2(-0.817194, -0.271096),
	vec2(-0.705374, -0.668203),
	vec2(0.977050, -0.108615),
	vec2(0.063326, 0.142369),
	vec2(0.203528, 0.214331),
	vec2(-0.667531, 0.326090),
	vec2(-0.098422, -0.295755),
	vec2(-0.885922, 0.215369),
	vec2(0.566637, 0.605213),
	vec2(0.039766, -0.396100),
	vec2(0.751946, 0.453352),
	vec2(0.078707, -0.715323),
	vec2(-0.075838, -0.529344),
	vec2(0.724479, -0.580798),
	vec2(0.222999, -0.215125),
	vec2(-0.467574, -0.405438),
	vec2(-0.248268, -0.814753),
	vec2(0.354411, -0.887570),
	vec2(0.175817, 0.382366),
	vec2(0.487472, -0.063082),
	vec2(0.355476, 0.025357),
	vec2(-0.084078, 0.898312),
	vec2(0.488876, -0.783441),
	vec2(0.470016, 0.217933),
	vec2(-0.696890, -0.549791),
	vec2(-0.149693, 0.605762),
	vec2(0.034211, 0.979980),
	vec2(0.503098, -0.308878),
	vec2(-0.016205, -0.872921),
	vec2(0.385784, -0.393902),
	vec2(-0.146886, -0.859249),
	vec2(0.643361, 0.164098),
	vec2(0.634388, -0.049471),
	vec2(-0.688894, 0.007843),
	vec2(0.464034, -0.188818),
	vec2(-0.440840, 0.137486),
	vec2(0.364483, 0.511704),
	vec2(0.034028, 0.325968),
	vec2(0.099094, -0.308023),
	vec2(0.693960, -0.366253),
	vec2(0.678884, -0.204688),
	vec2(0.001801, 0.780328),
	vec2(0.145177, -0.898984),
	vec2(0.062655, -0.611866),
	vec2(0.315226, -0.604297),
	vec2(-0.780145, 0.486251),
	vec2(-0.371868, 0.882138),
	vec2(0.200476, 0.494430),
	vec2(-0.494552, -0.711051),
	vec2(0.612476, 0.705252),
	vec2(-0.578845, -0.768792),
	vec2(-0.772454, -0.090976),
	vec2(0.504440, 0.372295),
	vec2(0.155736, 0.065157),
	vec2(0.391522, 0.849605),
	vec2(-0.620106, -0.328104),
	vec2(0.789239, -0.419965),
	vec2(-0.545396, 0.538133),
	vec2(-0.178564, -0.596057)


vec4 getShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	vec4 visibility = vec4(0.0);
	float scale_factor = radius / f_textureresolution;

	int samples = (1 + 1 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFSAMPLES; // scale max samples for the soft shadows
	samples = int(clamp(pow(4.0 * radius + 1.0, 2.0), 1.0, float(samples)));
	int init_offset = int(floor(mod(((smTexCoord.x * 34.0) + 1.0) * smTexCoord.y, 64.0-samples)));
	int end_offset = int(samples) + init_offset;

	for (int x = init_offset; x < end_offset; x++) {
		clampedpos = poissonDisk[x] * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);

	return visibility / samples;


float getShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadow(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float visibility = 0.0;
	float scale_factor = radius / f_textureresolution;

	int samples = (1 + 1 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFSAMPLES; // scale max samples for the soft shadows
	samples = int(clamp(pow(4.0 * radius + 1.0, 2.0), 1.0, float(samples)));
	int init_offset = int(floor(mod(((smTexCoord.x * 34.0) + 1.0) * smTexCoord.y, 64.0-samples)));
	int end_offset = int(samples) + init_offset;

	for (int x = init_offset; x < end_offset; x++) {
		clampedpos = poissonDisk[x] * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadow(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);

	return visibility / samples;


/* poisson filter disabled */


vec4 getShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	vec4 visibility = vec4(0.0);
	float x, y;
	float bound = (1 + 0.5 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFBOUND; // scale max bound for soft shadows
	bound = clamp(0.5 * (4.0 * radius - 1.0), 0.5, bound);
	float scale_factor = radius / bound / f_textureresolution;
	float n = 0.0;

	// basic PCF filter
	for (y = -bound; y <= bound; y += 1.0)
	for (x = -bound; x <= bound; x += 1.0) {
		clampedpos = vec2(x,y) * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);
		n += 1.0;

	return visibility / max(n, 1.0);

float getShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadow(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float visibility = 0.0;
	float x, y;
	float bound = (1 + 0.5 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFBOUND; // scale max bound for soft shadows
	bound = clamp(0.5 * (4.0 * radius - 1.0), 0.5, bound);
	float scale_factor = radius / bound / f_textureresolution;
	float n = 0.0;

	// basic PCF filter
	for (y = -bound; y <= bound; y += 1.0)
	for (x = -bound; x <= bound; x += 1.0) {
		clampedpos = vec2(x,y) * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadow(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);
		n += 1.0;

	return visibility / max(n, 1.0);



vec3 get_transparent_reflections(vec4 base, vec3 eyePosition, vec3 cameraOffset, vec3 worldPosition,
                        vec3 v_LightDirection, vec3 dayLight, vec4 col, float f_adj_shadow_strength,
                        vec3 vNormal, float shadow_int)
    if(base.a > 0.9) return vec3(0.0);
    // Get the Y component of base.rgb converted to YCbCr as an approximate
    // brightness of the albedo
    float albedo_y = dot(base.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
    // There are no specular map textures, so approximate the shininess
    // and specular reflections strength with albedo_y
    //~ float shininess = 16.0;
    float shininess = 6.0 + (16.0 * pow(1.0 - albedo_y, 1.0));
    float specular_visibility = pow(albedo_y, 1.0); //old value 3.0
    //~ float specular_visibility = 1.0;
    // view_dir: Vector from the fragment to the eye in world space.
    // (eyeVec is view_dir in view space, but v_LightDirection is in
    // world space)
    vec3 view_dir = normalize((eyePosition - cameraOffset) - worldPosition);
    vec3 halfway = normalize(normalize(view_dir) + normalize(-v_LightDirection));

    // Colour (and intensity) of the sun/moon light
    vec3 light_colour = mix(dayLight.rgb/4, col.rgb, 0.5);
    shadow_int *= f_adj_shadow_strength;

    specular_visibility *= 7.0 - shadow_int; //testing water and some glasses

    // Calculate specular reflections with the Blinn-Phong model
    float spec = specular_visibility * pow(max(dot(vNormal, halfway), 0.0), shininess);
    vec3 retVal = light_colour * spec;
    return retVal;

void main(void)
	vec3 color;
	vec2 uv =;

	vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;
	// If alpha is zero, we can just discard the pixel. This fixes transparency
	// on GPUs like GC7000L, where GL_ALPHA_TEST is not implemented in mesa,
	// and also on GLES 2, where GL_ALPHA_TEST is missing entirely.
	if (base.a == 0.0)
	if (base.a < 0.5)

	color = base.rgb;
	vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb * varColor.rgb, 1.0);

	if (f_shadow_strength > 0.0) {
		float shadow_int = 0.0;
		vec3 shadow_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		vec3 posLightSpace = getLightSpacePosition();

		float distance_rate = (1.0 - pow(clamp(2.0 * length(posLightSpace.xy - 0.5),0.0,1.0), 10.0));
		if (max(abs(posLightSpace.x - 0.5), abs(posLightSpace.y - 0.5)) > 0.5)
			distance_rate = 0.0;
		float f_adj_shadow_strength = max(adj_shadow_strength-mtsmoothstep(0.9,1.1,  posLightSpace.z),0.0);

		if (distance_rate > 1e-7) {

			vec4 visibility;
			if (cosLight > 0.0 || f_normal_length < 1e-3)
				visibility = getShadowColor(ShadowMapSampler, posLightSpace.xy, posLightSpace.z);
				visibility = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			shadow_int = visibility.r;
			shadow_color = visibility.gba;
			if (cosLight > 0.0 || f_normal_length < 1e-3)
				shadow_int = getShadow(ShadowMapSampler, posLightSpace.xy, posLightSpace.z);
				shadow_int = 1.0;
			shadow_int *= distance_rate;
			shadow_int = clamp(shadow_int, 0.0, 1.0);


		// turns out that nightRatio falls off much faster than
		// actual brightness of artificial light in relation to natual light.
		// Power ratio was measured on torches in MTG (brightness = 14).
		float adjusted_night_ratio = pow(max(0.0, nightRatio), 0.6);

		// Apply self-shadowing when light falls at a narrow angle to the surface
		// Cosine of the cut-off angle.
		const float self_shadow_cutoff_cosine = 0.035;
		if (f_normal_length != 0 && cosLight < self_shadow_cutoff_cosine) {
			shadow_int = max(shadow_int, 1 - clamp(cosLight, 0.0, self_shadow_cutoff_cosine)/self_shadow_cutoff_cosine);
			shadow_color = mix(vec3(0.0), shadow_color, min(cosLight, self_shadow_cutoff_cosine)/self_shadow_cutoff_cosine);

		shadow_int *= f_adj_shadow_strength;

        vec3 reflections = get_transparent_reflections(base, eyePosition, cameraOffset, worldPosition,
                        v_LightDirection, dayLight, col, f_adj_shadow_strength,
                        vNormal, shadow_int);

		// calculate fragment color from components:
		col.rgb =
				adjusted_night_ratio * col.rgb + // artificial light
				(1.0 - adjusted_night_ratio) * ( // natural light
						col.rgb * (1.0 - shadow_int * (1.0 - shadow_color)) +  // filtered texture color
                        reflections +
						dayLight * shadow_color * shadow_int);                 // reflected filtered sunlight/moonlight

	// Due to a bug in some (older ?) graphics stacks (possibly in the glsl compiler ?),
	// the fog will only be rendered correctly if the last operation before the
	// clamp() is an addition. Else, the clamp() seems to be ignored.
	// E.g. the following won't work:
	//      float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
	//		* (fogDistance - length(eyeVec)) / fogDistance), 0.0, 1.0);
	// As additions usually come for free following a multiplication, the new formula
	// should be more efficient as well.
	// Note: clarity = (1 - fogginess)
	float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
		- fogShadingParameter * length(eyeVec) / fogDistance, 0.0, 1.0);
	col = mix(skyBgColor, col, clarity);
	col = vec4(col.rgb, base.a);

	gl_FragData[0] = col;

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Posts: 667
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2020 16:31
GitHub: APercy
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Location: Pinheiral - RJ - Brazil

Re: Post your screenshots!

by apercy » Post

Shadows improved
screenshot_20230108_181212.png (537.64 KiB) Viewed 6690 times

Code: Select all

uniform sampler2D baseTexture;

uniform vec3 dayLight;
uniform vec4 skyBgColor;
uniform float fogDistance;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;

// The cameraOffset is the current center of the visible world.
uniform vec3 cameraOffset;
uniform float animationTimer;
	// shadow texture
	uniform sampler2D ShadowMapSampler;
	// shadow uniforms
	uniform vec3 v_LightDirection;
	uniform float f_textureresolution;
	uniform mat4 m_ShadowViewProj;
	uniform float f_shadowfar;
	uniform float f_shadow_strength;
	uniform vec4 CameraPos;
	uniform float xyPerspectiveBias0;
	uniform float xyPerspectiveBias1;
	varying float adj_shadow_strength;
	varying float cosLight;
	varying float f_normal_length;
	varying vec3 shadow_position;
	varying float perspective_factor;

varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec3 vPosition;
// World position in the visible world (i.e. relative to the cameraOffset.)
// This can be used for many shader effects without loss of precision.
// If the absolute position is required it can be calculated with
// cameraOffset + worldPosition (for large coordinates the limits of float
// precision must be considered).
varying vec3 worldPosition;
varying lowp vec4 varColor;
#ifdef GL_ES
varying mediump vec2 varTexCoord;
centroid varying vec2 varTexCoord;
varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying float nightRatio;
varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;

const float fogStart = FOG_START;
const float fogShadingParameter = 1.0 / ( 1.0 - fogStart);


// assuming near is always 1.0
float getLinearDepth()
	return 2.0 * f_shadowfar / (f_shadowfar + 1.0 - (2.0 * gl_FragCoord.z - 1.0) * (f_shadowfar - 1.0));

vec3 getLightSpacePosition()
	return shadow_position * 0.5 + 0.5;
// custom smoothstep implementation because it's not defined in glsl1.2
float mtsmoothstep(in float edge0, in float edge1, in float x)
	float t = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
	return t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);


// c_precision of 128 fits within 7 base-10 digits
const float c_precision = 128.0;
const float c_precisionp1 = c_precision + 1.0;

float packColor(vec3 color)
	return floor(color.b * c_precision + 0.5)
		+ floor(color.g * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1
		+ floor(color.r * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1;

vec3 unpackColor(float value)
	vec3 color;
	color.b = mod(value, c_precisionp1) / c_precision;
	color.g = mod(floor(value / c_precisionp1), c_precisionp1) / c_precision;
	color.r = floor(value / (c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1)) / c_precision;
	return color;

vec4 getHardShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	vec4 texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).rgba;

	float visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth.r);
	vec4 result = vec4(visibility, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0));//unpackColor(texDepth.g));
	if (visibility < 0.1) {
		visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth.b);
		result = vec4(visibility, unpackColor(texDepth.a));
	return result;


float getHardShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).r;
	float visibility = step(0.0, realDistance - texDepth);
	return visibility;


	#define PCFBOUND 2.0 // 5x5
	#define PCFSAMPLES 25
#elif SHADOW_FILTER == 1
	#define PCFBOUND 1.0 // 3x3
	#define PCFSAMPLES 9
	#define PCFBOUND 0.0
	#define PCFSAMPLES 1

float getHardShadowDepth(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	vec4 texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy);
	float depth = max(realDistance - texDepth.r, realDistance - texDepth.b);
	return depth;
float getHardShadowDepth(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float texDepth = texture2D(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy).r;
	float depth = realDistance - texDepth;
	return depth;


float getPenumbraRadius(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	// Return fast if sharp shadows are requested
	if (PCFBOUND == 0.0 || SOFTSHADOWRADIUS <= 0.0)
		return 0.0;

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float y, x;
	float depth = getHardShadowDepth(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);
	// A factor from 0 to 1 to reduce blurring of short shadows
	float sharpness_factor = 1.0;
	// conversion factor from shadow depth to blur radius
	float depth_to_blur = f_shadowfar / SOFTSHADOWRADIUS / xyPerspectiveBias0;
	if (depth > 0.0 && f_normal_length > 0.0)
		// 5 is empirical factor that controls how fast shadow loses sharpness
		sharpness_factor = clamp(5 * depth * depth_to_blur, 0.0, 1.0);
	depth = 0.0;

	float world_to_texture = xyPerspectiveBias1 / perspective_factor / perspective_factor
			* f_textureresolution / 2.0 / f_shadowfar;
	float world_radius = 0.2; // shadow blur radius in world float coordinates, e.g. 0.2 = 0.02 of one node

	return max(BASEFILTERRADIUS * f_textureresolution / 4096.0,  sharpness_factor * world_radius * world_to_texture * SOFTSHADOWRADIUS);

const vec2[64] poissonDisk = vec2[64](
	vec2(0.170019, -0.040254),
	vec2(-0.299417, 0.791925),
	vec2(0.645680, 0.493210),
	vec2(-0.651784, 0.717887),
	vec2(0.421003, 0.027070),
	vec2(-0.817194, -0.271096),
	vec2(-0.705374, -0.668203),
	vec2(0.977050, -0.108615),
	vec2(0.063326, 0.142369),
	vec2(0.203528, 0.214331),
	vec2(-0.667531, 0.326090),
	vec2(-0.098422, -0.295755),
	vec2(-0.885922, 0.215369),
	vec2(0.566637, 0.605213),
	vec2(0.039766, -0.396100),
	vec2(0.751946, 0.453352),
	vec2(0.078707, -0.715323),
	vec2(-0.075838, -0.529344),
	vec2(0.724479, -0.580798),
	vec2(0.222999, -0.215125),
	vec2(-0.467574, -0.405438),
	vec2(-0.248268, -0.814753),
	vec2(0.354411, -0.887570),
	vec2(0.175817, 0.382366),
	vec2(0.487472, -0.063082),
	vec2(0.355476, 0.025357),
	vec2(-0.084078, 0.898312),
	vec2(0.488876, -0.783441),
	vec2(0.470016, 0.217933),
	vec2(-0.696890, -0.549791),
	vec2(-0.149693, 0.605762),
	vec2(0.034211, 0.979980),
	vec2(0.503098, -0.308878),
	vec2(-0.016205, -0.872921),
	vec2(0.385784, -0.393902),
	vec2(-0.146886, -0.859249),
	vec2(0.643361, 0.164098),
	vec2(0.634388, -0.049471),
	vec2(-0.688894, 0.007843),
	vec2(0.464034, -0.188818),
	vec2(-0.440840, 0.137486),
	vec2(0.364483, 0.511704),
	vec2(0.034028, 0.325968),
	vec2(0.099094, -0.308023),
	vec2(0.693960, -0.366253),
	vec2(0.678884, -0.204688),
	vec2(0.001801, 0.780328),
	vec2(0.145177, -0.898984),
	vec2(0.062655, -0.611866),
	vec2(0.315226, -0.604297),
	vec2(-0.780145, 0.486251),
	vec2(-0.371868, 0.882138),
	vec2(0.200476, 0.494430),
	vec2(-0.494552, -0.711051),
	vec2(0.612476, 0.705252),
	vec2(-0.578845, -0.768792),
	vec2(-0.772454, -0.090976),
	vec2(0.504440, 0.372295),
	vec2(0.155736, 0.065157),
	vec2(0.391522, 0.849605),
	vec2(-0.620106, -0.328104),
	vec2(0.789239, -0.419965),
	vec2(-0.545396, 0.538133),
	vec2(-0.178564, -0.596057)


vec4 getShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	vec4 visibility = vec4(0.0);
	float scale_factor = radius / f_textureresolution;

	int samples = (1 + 1 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFSAMPLES; // scale max samples for the soft shadows
	samples = int(clamp(pow(4.0 * radius + 1.0, 2.0), 1.0, float(samples)));
	int init_offset = int(floor(mod(((smTexCoord.x * 34.0) + 1.0) * smTexCoord.y, 64.0-samples)));
	int end_offset = int(samples) + init_offset;

	for (int x = init_offset; x < end_offset; x++) {
		clampedpos = poissonDisk[x] * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);

	return visibility / samples;


float getShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadow(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float visibility = 0.0;
	float scale_factor = radius / f_textureresolution;

	int samples = (1 + 1 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFSAMPLES; // scale max samples for the soft shadows
	samples = int(clamp(pow(4.0 * radius + 1.0, 2.0), 1.0, float(samples)));
	int init_offset = int(floor(mod(((smTexCoord.x * 34.0) + 1.0) * smTexCoord.y, 64.0-samples)));
	int end_offset = int(samples) + init_offset;

	for (int x = init_offset; x < end_offset; x++) {
		clampedpos = poissonDisk[x] * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadow(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);

	return visibility / samples;


/* poisson filter disabled */


vec4 getShadowColor(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	vec4 visibility = vec4(0.0);
	float x, y;
	float bound = (1 + 0.5 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFBOUND; // scale max bound for soft shadows
	bound = clamp(0.5 * (4.0 * radius - 1.0), 0.5, bound);
	float scale_factor = radius / bound / f_textureresolution;
	float n = 0.0;

	// basic PCF filter
	for (y = -bound; y <= bound; y += 1.0)
	for (x = -bound; x <= bound; x += 1.0) {
		clampedpos = vec2(x,y) * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadowColor(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);
		n += 1.0;

	return visibility / max(n, 1.0);

float getShadow(sampler2D shadowsampler, vec2 smTexCoord, float realDistance)
	float radius = getPenumbraRadius(shadowsampler, smTexCoord, realDistance);
	if (radius < 0.1) {
		// we are in the middle of even brightness, no need for filtering
		return getHardShadow(shadowsampler, smTexCoord.xy, realDistance);

	vec2 clampedpos;
	float visibility = 0.0;
	float x, y;
	float bound = (1 + 0.5 * int(SOFTSHADOWRADIUS > 1.0)) * PCFBOUND; // scale max bound for soft shadows
	bound = clamp(0.5 * (4.0 * radius - 1.0), 0.5, bound);
	float scale_factor = radius / bound / f_textureresolution;
	float n = 0.0;

	// basic PCF filter
	for (y = -bound; y <= bound; y += 1.0)
	for (x = -bound; x <= bound; x += 1.0) {
		clampedpos = vec2(x,y) * scale_factor + smTexCoord.xy;
		visibility += getHardShadow(shadowsampler, clampedpos.xy, realDistance);
		n += 1.0;

	return visibility / max(n, 1.0);



vec3 get_transparent_reflections(vec4 base, vec3 eyePosition, vec3 cameraOffset, vec3 worldPosition,
                        vec3 v_LightDirection, vec3 dayLight, vec4 col, float f_adj_shadow_strength,
                        vec3 vNormal, float shadow_int)
    if(base.a > 0.9) return vec3(0.0);
    shadow_int *= f_adj_shadow_strength; //adjust by strength

    // Get the Y component of base.rgb converted to YCbCr as an approximate
    // brightness of the albedo
    float albedo_y = dot(base.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
    albedo_y = albedo_y - min(shadow_int,albedo_y); //remove from the shadows

    // There are no specular map textures, so approximate the shininess
    // and specular reflections strength with albedo_y
    float shininess = 6.0 + (16.0 * (1.0 - albedo_y));
    float specular_visibility = albedo_y; //pow(albedo_y, 3.0);

    // view_dir: Vector from the fragment to the eye in world space.
    // (eyeVec is view_dir in view space, but v_LightDirection is in
    // world space)
    vec3 view_dir = normalize((eyePosition - cameraOffset) - worldPosition);
    vec3 halfway = normalize(normalize(view_dir) + normalize(-v_LightDirection));

    // Colour (and intensity) of the sun/moon light
    vec3 light_colour = mix(dayLight.rgb/4, col.rgb, 0.5);

    float multiplier = 7.0;
    specular_visibility *= multiplier - (shadow_int*multiplier); //set shadow correctly

    // Calculate specular reflections with the Blinn-Phong model
    float spec = specular_visibility * pow(max(dot(vNormal, halfway), 0.0), shininess);
    vec3 retVal = light_colour * spec;
    return retVal;

void main(void)
	vec3 color;
	vec2 uv =;

	vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;
	// If alpha is zero, we can just discard the pixel. This fixes transparency
	// on GPUs like GC7000L, where GL_ALPHA_TEST is not implemented in mesa,
	// and also on GLES 2, where GL_ALPHA_TEST is missing entirely.
	if (base.a == 0.0)
	if (base.a < 0.5)

	color = base.rgb;
	vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb * varColor.rgb, 1.0);

	if (f_shadow_strength > 0.0) {
		float shadow_int = 0.0;
		vec3 shadow_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		vec3 posLightSpace = getLightSpacePosition();

		float distance_rate = (1.0 - pow(clamp(2.0 * length(posLightSpace.xy - 0.5),0.0,1.0), 10.0));
		if (max(abs(posLightSpace.x - 0.5), abs(posLightSpace.y - 0.5)) > 0.5)
			distance_rate = 0.0;
		float f_adj_shadow_strength = max(adj_shadow_strength-mtsmoothstep(0.9,1.1,  posLightSpace.z),0.0);

		if (distance_rate > 1e-7) {

			vec4 visibility;
			if (cosLight > 0.0 || f_normal_length < 1e-3)
				visibility = getShadowColor(ShadowMapSampler, posLightSpace.xy, posLightSpace.z);
				visibility = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			shadow_int = visibility.r;
			shadow_color = visibility.gba;
			if (cosLight > 0.0 || f_normal_length < 1e-3)
				shadow_int = getShadow(ShadowMapSampler, posLightSpace.xy, posLightSpace.z);
				shadow_int = 1.0;
			shadow_int *= distance_rate;
			shadow_int = clamp(shadow_int, 0.0, 1.0);


		// turns out that nightRatio falls off much faster than
		// actual brightness of artificial light in relation to natual light.
		// Power ratio was measured on torches in MTG (brightness = 14).
		float adjusted_night_ratio = pow(max(0.0, nightRatio), 0.6);

		// Apply self-shadowing when light falls at a narrow angle to the surface
		// Cosine of the cut-off angle.
		const float self_shadow_cutoff_cosine = 0.035;
		if (f_normal_length != 0 && cosLight < self_shadow_cutoff_cosine) {
			shadow_int = max(shadow_int, 1 - clamp(cosLight, 0.0, self_shadow_cutoff_cosine)/self_shadow_cutoff_cosine);
			shadow_color = mix(vec3(0.0), shadow_color, min(cosLight, self_shadow_cutoff_cosine)/self_shadow_cutoff_cosine);

		shadow_int *= f_adj_shadow_strength;

        vec3 reflections = get_transparent_reflections(base, eyePosition, cameraOffset, worldPosition,
                        v_LightDirection, dayLight, col, f_adj_shadow_strength,
                        vNormal, shadow_int);

		// calculate fragment color from components:
		col.rgb =
				adjusted_night_ratio * col.rgb + // artificial light
				(1.0 - adjusted_night_ratio) * ( // natural light
						col.rgb * (1.0 - shadow_int * (1.0 - shadow_color)) +  // filtered texture color
                        reflections +
						dayLight * shadow_color * shadow_int);                 // reflected filtered sunlight/moonlight

	// Due to a bug in some (older ?) graphics stacks (possibly in the glsl compiler ?),
	// the fog will only be rendered correctly if the last operation before the
	// clamp() is an addition. Else, the clamp() seems to be ignored.
	// E.g. the following won't work:
	//      float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
	//		* (fogDistance - length(eyeVec)) / fogDistance), 0.0, 1.0);
	// As additions usually come for free following a multiplication, the new formula
	// should be more efficient as well.
	// Note: clarity = (1 - fogginess)
	float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
		- fogShadingParameter * length(eyeVec) / fogDistance, 0.0, 1.0);
	col = mix(skyBgColor, col, clarity);
	col = vec4(col.rgb, base.a);

	gl_FragData[0] = col;

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by apercy » Post

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Re: Post your screenshots!

by Blockhead » Post

Cooking up some kelp
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