particlespawner property: kind = "line"

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particlespawner property: kind = "line"

by shanish2 » Post

In the doc it says:
"line": the particles are attracted to an (infinite) line passing through the points origin and angle. use this for e.g. beacon effects, energy beam effects, etc.

I'm interested in using it for beacon instead of using light nodes. But I have no clue how to use it.
Can someone give me an example how to use kind = "line"?

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Re: particlespawner property: kind = "line"

by Astrobe » Post

Shanish2, please note that MRVI's answer is an obvious copy/pasta of chatGPT that wasn't even reviewed for correctness.

This "user" has been reported.
My game? It's Minefall.

adam anbar
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Re: particlespawner property: kind = "line"

by adam anbar » Post

Pour utiliser la propriété kind = "line" dans ton système de particules pour créer un effet de balise, tu peux configurer les particules de manière à ce qu'elles soient attirées par une ligne infinie entre deux points. Voici un exemple pour t'aider :

Code: Select all

minetest.register_entity("mod:particle_beacon", {
    initial_properties = {
        visual = "sprite",
        textures = {"your_texture.png"},
        physical = false,
    on_activate = function(self)
            amount = 100,
            time = 0,
            minpos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
            maxpos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
            minvel = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
            maxvel = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
            minacc = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
            maxacc = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0},
            minexptime = 1,
            maxexptime = 2,
            minsize = 1,
            maxsize = 2,
            collisiondetection = false,
            vertical = false,
            texture = "your_particle_texture.png",
            glow = 10,
            kind = "line",
            origin = self.object:get_pos(),
            angle = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
Explications :
kind = "line" : Cela indique que les particules seront attirées par une ligne.
origin : Le point de départ de la ligne.
angle : La direction de la ligne.
Pour des exemples détaillés, tu peux consulter osTicket sur GitHub, qui montre comment configurer et utiliser les particules.

J'espère que cela t'aide !

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