Baunilha Texture Pack

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Baunilha Texture Pack

by Mirtilo » Post

I finally released my first texture pack!

Baunilha is a pack that I created as a personal project to change some textures in the minetest game that I didn't like, but I ended up investing too much in it and changed almost everything. The goal was to create a more fun and consistent aesthetic for the game, but maintain the "vanilla" feel (baunilha means vanilla in portuguese). I think the look ended up evolving into its own style, but I still think the title suits it...

I plan on updating the pack in the future and make it compatible with some mods, so it's still a WIP!



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Skamiz Kazzarch
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Re: Baunilha Texture Pack

by Skamiz Kazzarch » Post

Just want to compliment it since it looks so good. And it even has (almost?) total coverage. You even styled the formspecs! (as much as MTG allows for it, anyway)
Definitively my texture pack of choice, should I play on a mostly unmodded world / server.
My only complaint, and no need to take it seriously, but the apple and acacia tree bark textures are still clearly based on the vanilla equivalent, which I have come loath over the years of seeing them on every mod tree with only a color filter applied on top.
On a high point, I love how you did the leaves. Over the years I also work on my own 'vanilla-ish, but fix stuff that annoys me' texture pack and various mod projects, and making leaf textures look even moderately good is always a struggle.

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Re: Baunilha Texture Pack

by Mirtilo » Post

Skamiz Kazzarch wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 17:38
My only complaint, and no need to take it seriously, but the apple and acacia tree bark textures are still clearly based on the vanilla equivalent
Thank you for the review, I'm glad you liked it! And yeah... you can see I enjoyed doing some textures more than others lol. But create more unique textures is something I want to do in future updates.

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Re: Baunilha Texture Pack

by rudzik8 » Post


Although I don't really like the style, and won't play with this texture pack on, some textures are really great, and I can see why people would fall in love with this style. This is much better than MTG's weird placeholders. Good job!

Voxelgarden had (and still kind of has) a big problem with placeholders. Blueberries and blueberry bushes were amongst them. I've been searching for a long time trying to find replacements, and none of the ones I found looked good enough to be included. But your work changed it.

As a result, I've incorporated some textures into Voxelgarden with attribution:

Thank you very much, and I hope you'll continue on making good stuff. You might just be the new Gambit (check out their work if you haven't already)! ;D
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