While building my pixelated empire, a power outage struck. Bam! No more lights, no more computer, and worst of all, an abrupt interruption of Minetest mid-game.
EDIT : No, it was not due by the power outage, but because of a bad configuration of my backup tool, see the discussion on the ticket
When I restarted, everything seemed normal, so I continued building, exploring, and digging. But horror struck a few days later when I discovered that my map.sqlite file was corrupted. The worst part? Minetest allows you to keep playing with a corrupted database, so I didn't notice anything and continued building...
For those who find themselves in the same mess, here's how I managed to repair my database with a lifesaving Python script. It covers two scenarios: with a sane backup and without a non-corrupted backup.
EDIT : It will be useful if the command
Code: Select all
$sqlite3 map.sqlite "PRAGMA integrity_check;"
Code: Select all
On tree page 99135 cell 249: Rowid 23819277 out of order
On tree page 99135 cell 239: Rowid 23819048 out of order
On tree page 99135 cell 239: 2nd reference to page 131356
On tree page 2459 cell 7: Rowid 23819647 out of order
Error: stepping, database disk image is malformed (11)
Here's a walktru for Debian users. Adapt it if you're using other system
Create dedicated directory:
Code: Select all
mkdir -p ~/Minetest/recovery
cd ~/Minetest/recovery
Code: Select all
cp ~/minetest_directory/worlds/your_world/map.sqlite
cp ~/minetest_directory/worlds/your_world/map.sqlite ~/Minetest/recovery/
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 python3
Code: Select all
sqlite3 ~/path_to_corrupted_world/map.sqlite .dump > dump_broken.sql
sqlite3 ~/path_to_backup/map.sqlite .dump > dump_old.sql
Code: Select all
touch dump_old.sql
Code: Select all
import re
from collections import Counter
def parse_sql_dump(file_path):
data_dict = {}
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
match = re.match(r"INSERT INTO blocks VALUES\((\-?\d+),X\'(.*?)\'\);", line)
if match:
pos, data = match.groups()
if pos in data_dict:
data_dict[pos] = {data}
return data_dict
def get_char_pairs(s):
return [s[i:i+2] for i in range(len(s) - 1)]
def calculate_pair_similarity(data1, data2):
pairs1 = get_char_pairs(data1)
pairs2 = get_char_pairs(data2)
counter1 = Counter(pairs1)
counter2 = Counter(pairs2)
common_pairs = sum((counter1 & counter2).values())
total_pairs = len(pairs1) + len(pairs2) - common_pairs
return common_pairs / total_pairs if total_pairs > 0 else 0
def calculate_complexity(data):
pairs = get_char_pairs(data)
return len(set(pairs))
def create_cleaned_dump(broken_data, old_data, output_file):
with open(output_file, 'w') as file:
file.write("""PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
CREATE TABLE `blocks` (
`data` BLOB
for pos, data_set in broken_data.items():
if pos in old_data:
old_data_set = old_data[pos]
to_keep = []
for data in data_set:
max_similarity = 0
for old_data_value in old_data_set:
similarity = calculate_pair_similarity(data, old_data_value)
if similarity > max_similarity:
max_similarity = similarity
if max_similarity < 0.5:
if not to_keep:
max_complexity = 0
most_complex_data = None
for data in data_set:
complexity = calculate_complexity(data)
if complexity > max_complexity:
max_complexity = complexity
most_complex_data = data
to_keep = [most_complex_data]
max_complexity = 0
most_complex_data = None
for data in data_set:
complexity = calculate_complexity(data)
if complexity > max_complexity:
max_complexity = complexity
most_complex_data = data
to_keep = [most_complex_data]
for data in to_keep:
file.write(f"INSERT INTO blocks VALUES({pos},X'{data}');\n")
def main():
broken_file = 'dump_broken.sql'
old_file = 'dump_old.sql'
output_file = 'dump_cleaned.sql'
broken_data = parse_sql_dump(broken_file)
old_data = parse_sql_dump(old_file)
create_cleaned_dump(broken_data, old_data, output_file)
print(f"Cleaned SQL dump created as '{output_file}'.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Code: Select all
python3 clean_sql_dump.py
Code: Select all
sqlite3 new_map.sqlite < dump_cleaned.sql
cp new_map.sqlite ~/minetest_directory/worlds/your_world/map.sqlite
⚠️ Please note that this script was tested in a specific context (duplicated entries) and may not work for all cases of database corruption. Use it at your own risk, and make sure to back up your files before making any changes.
I hope this solution helps others who face a corrupted database. Feel free to use, share, improve this script.