It seems at least one string has been forgotten to be uploaded to Weblate: "Enable updates available indicator on content tab" (in the settings). And Weblate displays the "red exclamation mark" meaning it is out of sync with the Minetest repository.
* Mutlithread Lua mapgen (no idea how it works yet but wow!)
* Nodes can block pointing without being pointed at (this will help fix the annoying selectionbox when you spectate the builder in Quikbild in A.E.S.)
* Overridable pointing range for items (because why not?)
* Overridable fog color (surprised this wasn't already possible; apparently fog color was linked to sky/horizon color?)
* URL buttons: Click and the webbrowser opens
* Can force mods to load first or last in a game (will help massively to avoid some very hacky Lua code that depend on some load order)
* L-System trees as decorations (maybe we will soon get to see them more in actual worlds?)
* minetest.get_node_boxes to get de-facto nodeboxes of a node (GREAT simplification of horrible hacky code to emulate the logic)
* Translatable game name, mod name and game/mod description (it's only 2 strings, but I celebrate every improvement of the translation system)
* Custom wear bar color (I GLADLY removed this one from the
List of hardcoded features)
* Physics overrides for walk speed and Fast Mode speed (I was partially involved) (player physics are very important for games to balance right, so any customization option is good)
* Wallmounted nodes on the floor or ceiling may now be rotated 90°. This now makes uses of the 2 previously unused values 6 and 7 of wallmounted nodes. Useful for e.g. floor signs. (feature by me)
I haven't tried these all yet but they sure sound useful.
* Smooth scrolling (I HATE this and it can't be disabled :-( )
* For no apparent reason, hud_elem_type was renamed to type thus introducing a pointless deprecation (or is there an actual reason for this?)