Looking for servers with Draconis

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Looking for servers with Draconis

by SakhotGamer » Post

I like that mod but there is no easy way to know if a server has draconis.
I can't login into tunnelers' abyss due to how heavy the modpack is, eternal elements uninstalled draconis to ease lag, mystic survival is down for now and roaming lands is gone. It's like servers don't want me to play it :p
"That ain't a train of logic, it's a roomba! Except my roomba actually knows how to not fall downstairs..."

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Re: Looking for servers with Draconis

by Blockhead » Post

I have a script for finding servers with a mod,

Code: Select all

jq '.list | map(select(.mods != null)) | map(select(.mods | contains(["draconis"]))) | .[].name' serverlist-2024-10-108.json -C | less -R
or for the full info,

Code: Select all

jq '.list | map(select(.mods != null)) | map(select(.mods | contains(["draconis"])))' serverlist-2024-10-108.json -C | less -R
(the serverlist file comes from servers.minetest.net/list.json, you can fetch it with curl https://servers.minetest.net/list.json -o <name>
I ran it on the serverlist just now and this is what it spat out:

"Tunnelers' Abyss"
"[Brasil] Metaverso [ComiteNerd]"
".: Mercurio :."
"Halb und Halb"
"Night City"
"Shipwreck Island"
"Un monde merveilleux"
"Dragons et Villages [FRANCE]"

A lot of those seem not to be targetted at English-language players or may be in a bad region for ping, but I hope it helps.
/˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳\ Advtrains enthusiast | My map: Noah's Railyard | My Content on ContentDB ✝️♂

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Re: Looking for servers with Draconis

by SakhotGamer » Post

Blockhead wrote:
Tue Oct 08, 2024 03:52
I have a script for finding servers with a mod,

Code: Select all

jq '.list | map(select(.mods != null)) | map(select(.mods | contains(["draconis"]))) | .[].name' serverlist-2024-10-108.json -C | less -R
or for the full info,

Code: Select all

jq '.list | map(select(.mods != null)) | map(select(.mods | contains(["draconis"])))' serverlist-2024-10-108.json -C | less -R
(the serverlist file comes from servers.minetest.net/list.json, you can fetch it with curl https://servers.minetest.net/list.json -o <name>
I ran it on the serverlist just now and this is what it spat out:

"Tunnelers' Abyss"
"[Brasil] Metaverso [ComiteNerd]"
".: Mercurio :."
"Halb und Halb"
"Night City"
"Shipwreck Island"
"Un monde merveilleux"
"Dragons et Villages [FRANCE]"

A lot of those seem not to be targetted at English-language players or may be in a bad region for ping, but I hope it helps.
Oh thank you! That's a very useful script, and yeah only NXE, shipwreck island and tunnelers' abyss seem to be aimed at english speaking players. I can't find night city right now, it may be down but I have seen in the server list before
"That ain't a train of logic, it's a roomba! Except my roomba actually knows how to not fall downstairs..."

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