Be a pirate, solve laser puzzles! This game is fully playable, but needs more levels and polish.
This game is almost feature-complete. Heavy level development is ongoing!
You're a pirate in the search of treasure. Find all shiny gold blocks in treasure chests in 50 levels located in tropical islands, mysterious caves, ancient ocean ruins and other lost places. To break the lock, you must first solve a laser puzzle by sending lasers to all detectors. Mirrors, beam splitters and many other things will help you.
Planned features for version 2.0.0
Work on version 2.0.0 is ongoing. The game is currently in BETA STAGE. Feedback is very welcome.
The current version 2.0.0.beta.4 is a MASSIVE upgrade compared to 1.4.0, with a TON of new features. It’s still not the real deal, but I’m getting there.
For version 2.0.0, these new features are planned:
- Even more levels
- Review low-quality/frustrating/boring levels
- Improve level sorting / organization
- Better-looking pirate ship
- Prevent nerdpoling (an exploit to circumvent some of the puzzles)
- Polishing
I wrote a post-mortem of the competition here.
The game has seen a ton of improvements since then and I’m more and more happy with how it turns out. This game is now VERY far removed from the original version, which looks like a joke compared to the latest version. My primary goal is to make enough levels to be happy.
- Version: 2.0.0.beta.4
- Needs Minetest 5.10.0
- Download: here
- ContentDB page:
- Git repository:
- Report bugs here:
- Online translation:
- Credits: ...
This is a BETA VERSION. More features (especially levels) to come.
As long the version is below 2.0.0 (which is the case right now), I am unhappy with this game and don't consider it to be "truly" finished.
Features of the beta version
- A warning that this is an incomplete version ;-)
- 50 levels (16 tutorial levels + 34 "true" levels with mind-bending puzzles)
- Loot 99 gold blocks in ships, beautiul islands, mysterious ocean ruins, ancient temples and caves
- Goldie the Parrot follows you on your travels
- Lasers in 7 mixable colors
- Laser emitters, detectors, mirrors, beam splitters, crystals, skulls, hollow barrels, color mixers, bombs, and more
- Take, place and rotate blocks to redirect lasers
- Plan all your operations from your pirate ship and watch your gold collection grow
- Full German translation, partial translations (>50%) in Spanish and French
- Powerful level editor (see
- Custom level pack support (see