[mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Imk » Post

2023-09-19 03:35:10: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: OOM error from mod 'draconis' in callback environment_OnGenerated(): not enough memory
2023-09-19 03:35:10: ERROR[Main]: Current Lua memory usage: 1230 MB
MT 5.8

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Re: [Mod] Dragons & Wyverns [0.1] [draconis]

by Lord_Narkissos » Post

runs wrote:
Wed May 22, 2019 20:45
Oh, impressive. Like the Game of Thrones ones. :-)
Game of Thrones had dragon armor?
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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by aecheverria » Post

I switched to 5.8. Now there are dragons EVERYWHERE. They spawn in clusters like the birds spawn. They are very hard to kill, even with the OP sword and they don't drop anything. I've killed swarms of them. Something broken?

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Festus1965 » Post

aecheverria wrote:
Fri Jan 05, 2024 19:33
I switched to 5.8. Now there are dragons EVERYWHERE. They spawn in clusters like the birds spawn. They are very hard to kill, even with the OP sword and they don't drop anything. I've killed swarms of them. Something broken?
Go back to older version !
Was is as of engine switch ONLY ?
We had the same problem on 'Crystal Land' even under faster engine 5.6.1 (not changed) using an newer version of draconis and so I kept an older version.
WE use : dragonis (744cab7/13.08.2026)
If you fall over a bug in needed (depends) creatura mob_meta.lua:1148 : self._util_cooldown = NIL
I got around with:

Code: Select all

			if not self._util_cooldown then
				cooldown = 0
				cooldown = self._util_cooldown[i] or 0
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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Hoshiyo » Post

aecheverria wrote:
Fri Jan 05, 2024 19:33
I switched to 5.8. Now there are dragons EVERYWHERE. They spawn in clusters like the birds spawn. They are very hard to kill, even with the OP sword and they don't drop anything. I've killed swarms of them. Something broken?
Hi, i'm having the same problem, wyverns are spawning everywhere. I tried to modify the settings by enabling the "random spawn" and by reducing the chance of wyverns to spawn but it didn't seem to do anything. It would be great to update the mod and solve this problem please.

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Grossam » Post

I've trouble when I try to kill dragons (MT 5.8) I hit them, but there is no sign that they are wounded. N noise or color change.

I should aim to a particular part of the body ?

[edit] : I tried the mod in creative. I was able to hatch ice dragons, but didn't succeed with fire dragons. I put 9 scorched bone, the egg in the middle and set fire to the central block. I do something wrong ?
Gloire à qui, n'ayant pas d'idéal sacro-saint,
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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Grossam » Post

I got this crash this morning :

Code: Select all

AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'draconis' in callback luaentity_Step(): /home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/draconis/api/behaviors.lua:199: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'turn_rate' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	/home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/draconis/api/behaviors.lua:199: in function 'get_method'
	/home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/creatura/mob_meta.lua:1043: in function 'move_to'
	/home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/creatura/methods.lua:395: in function 'action'
	/home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/creatura/mob_meta.lua:1200: in function '_execute_utilities'
	/home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/creatura/mob_meta.lua:938: in function </home/sam/minetest/bin/../mods/creatura/mob_meta.lua:903>
my dragon was simply following me.

Then the game crashes again each time I restart it. I've to disable Draconis then clear all objects to make it work again.

I'll provide more infos if you need :-)
Gloire à qui, n'ayant pas d'idéal sacro-saint,
Se borne à ne pas trop emmerder ses voisins.

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Neuromancer » Post

Draconis is installed on my server, and I'm seeing dragon's nests, but not seeing any dragons spawn at all. Any idea why this would be?

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by Bombuzal » Post

Grossam wrote:
Thu Feb 29, 2024 07:45
I got this crash this morning :
It's https://github.com/ElCeejo/draconis/issues/33
Fix: replace all "self.turn_rate" with "self.turn_rate or 6"

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by ronoaldo » Post

Hi, got the same error when trying to upgrade to 5.9 and also upgrade mods on my server.

I managed to run this on my own custom mod as a patch and it fixed it:


Just make sure to add this to a mod you depend on draconis and it should work.
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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by pivert » Post


Just struggling with the manuals. Questions:
- How can we tame a dragon (without using the /tamedragon) ?
- How can we ride a dragon ? Do we need saddle ? - It was working before, but with recent mod version it does not work.
- The Dragonbinder seems not to work neither, it was working before.
- Is there a way to prevent dragons to destroy buildings ?

I think our main problem is to have a comprehensive manual. Where can we find a comprehensive manual for the Draconis mod and all provided items ?

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Re: [mod] Draconis [2.0.5] [draconis]

by pivert » Post


I get plenty of Wyverns (1-2/spawn, usually every 5 minutes)...
How can I ensure Wyverns stop spawning at such a rate ?

My settings:

Code: Select all

$ rg '^[^#].*spawn' worlds/world/world.mt
14:static_spawnpoint = (4278,4,4587)
113:simple_spawning = false
114:wyvern_jungle_spawn_rate = 60000000
116:nest_spawning = false
118:i_f_spawning = false
119:roost_spawn_rate = 0
120:cavern_spawn_rate = 0
229:load_mod_spawn_command = true
237:load_mod_the_build_spawner = false
minetestserver on 3 K8S nodes with cloudnative-pg backend

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