Thanks for playing/playtesting the beta! :D
1. I think the first 14 levels are too focused on introducing the mechanics and are way too trivial. The mechanics should be introduced as in real puzzles and have more puzzles in between
the new mechanics. I also think some of these early levels could be completely omitted: "my first laser", "mobile mirror", "more movable blocks". Basically there is too much tutorialing before the actual puzzles start
I 100% agree. The current level order is just a dummy order for the beta version. I also noticed that putting almost all mechanics at the start is not the best idea. I just wanted the beta out fast after a long release drought. :P
Reorganizing and re-sorting the levels is part of the TODO list. The 14 first levels are tutorial levels that disguise themselves as real levels. :D They are intentionally trivial to showcase a particular mechanic in isolation. I think if the levels are more spread out, this will be fine.
2. The skull levels were by far the best and most fun of the bunch. I think there should be much more of them. They break the usual formula of the levels, for example the part in "Funny Skulls at Night" with the yellow laser, where you have to rotate the mirrors in the correct order to pass.
The skull mechanic is indeed quite unique and I don’t think I have used its full potential yet.
3. There is a bunch of levels that aren't even puzzles but rather time chores: "wannabe spiral", "capitan hook's fishing spot", "temple sewers" (i haven't managed to beat this one). These levels are just about flipping mirrors and not very exciting. "27 mirrors" Does this mirror flipping puzzle much better because it's easy to block your own way to the detector, so its an actual puzzle
Wannabe Spiral is an easy early level provided as a warm-up. The idea is going to stay. A laser puzzle game without at least one spiral is not a real laser game. :D Maybe I would remove one "round" of the "wannabe spiral" to make it shorter. But this level is already very short (can be beaten in under 1 minute).
I admit I’m not proud of Captain Hook’s Fishing Spot. This was the last level I made for the beta to reach the 50 level mark. Actually, there’s a high chance I might remove it again. This was meant as a very easy warm-up level but you’re right it’s hardly a puzzle and the principle is too similar to Wannabe Spiral.
I am sad you dislike Temple Sewers, as this level took long to build. I disagree this is entirely a chore, you still have to think (especially for the last gold block). Also, "flipping mirrors" is literally one of the key activitities in this game. :D
Too many levels can be summed up as "start at emitter and rotate the mirrors until you hit a fork in the road, do the same from the detector's side, and connect the two paths" and skulls seem to break this formula
This is true especially for the easier levels and is intentional to get the player warmed up but I should be careful not to overdo it late-game when the player has figured it out.
5. Walking feels way too slow for some levels. I wish i could run. I think "suspicious barrels" is the epitome of this, where you have to walk up and down all the time
I think this level can be fixed by making it easier to walk up and down. Maybe more staircases? Idk. Unfortunately, changing the player move physics at this point is not an option because the levels were carefully designed with jump distance in mind; I would have to re-check almost all levels. Not going to happen.
6. I think some elements are under explored. Like the double sided mirrors that rarely actually use both of the sides (imagine a level where you need to use both side of the mirror or else you won't have enough mirrors to get to the detector), the cobwebs that are only used in one level (though i don't know how else you could make puzzles with cobwebs). A thing that could be used more often is crystals mixing colours and not activating detectors that need a specific colour, im thinking of the thing done in "return to lamp cross" level
I completely agree; that's why I plan to build a lot more levels. I have actually written down notes for level ideas to cover some underused elements. Thing is, it is very hard to come up with good puzzles, especially at a large amount. But I keep trying. Things on my list include:
- Place hollow barrels to block/unblock lasers to open pathways
- Both sides of double mirror
- More color mixing levels in general
- A level where you can only rotate emitters
- ... and more
I think both level quality *and* quantity is important for this game, so that the potential of all game elements is used and that nothing is unused.
7. Some levels feel way too cramped. For example "The kitchen" and "chaotic colors". I have to break my mirrors to get to the other side of the level and then replace them, rotate them. More time should be spent solving puzzles, not backtracking
8. Similarly to point 7 i sometimes need to place mirrors mid air and dont have any light boxes, so i have to take apart my mirrors just the same
Chaotic Colors is the most cramped level, yes, but it's meant to confuse. I wonder if a enlarged version of this level (with broader walkways) would work.
I have been thinking about an idea to allow the player to place mirrors mid-air directly by holding down the Aux1 key. Alternatively, I could just place more light boxes as convenience. On the other hand, knowing how to place mirrors correctly can be considered a (mini) puzzle in its own right.
9. With some of the bigger levels the pirate sense isn't very helpful. The red pointer disappears too fast and i don't know what it activates. Maybe they should stick around until the player punches/right clicks
Yeah, good point. I've added a setting before to increase the timer, but keeping it indefinitely would also be an option (but that risks cluttering the UI; need to try out)
I don't like the levels that intentionally hide things from the player.
That's by design. Sometimes, the player has to think literally outside the box. :-) This is a thinking game, after all. But rest assured this game is not a searching game so I won't hide things in the darkest corner. I don't completely ban the concept of hiding tho (especially for "thinking outside the box" purposes), but I try not to overdo it.
10. With the bigger levels there is also an issue with 1 node tall tunnels for the lasers. They often go way of view and you don't know what they do. In the level "Palm fortress" i was shooting lasers to the tunnel into magenta detector way too many times because whenever i got stuck i thought "what if something changed and that tunnel is important now?" and ran up and down the stairs a lot, this issue compounds with point 5
Palm Fortress is one of the hardest levels in the game so this level really tests your skills! Spacial awareness becomes important late-game. The level is hard, but fair; in the tunnels, the laser always goes out *somewhere*.
My tip is when a level is (still) to hard for you, close the game and come back next day. Maybe then you have fresh ideas. ;-)
11. This one is entirely my fault, but maybe the specifics of how the hook rotates could be better communicated.
Okay, this is the second time someone was cunfused about the hook punch. Basically, you choose one of the 4 edges of a face of a block, and where the pointer was closest at, this is the edge towards the block will be rotated. It's 100% deterministic but apparently Goldie doesn't explain it well. Some kind of HUD overlay could improve it maybe.