[Game] Repixture [3.17.2]

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.12.1]

by Wuzzy » Post

Time for another progress report!

Mobs Rework

The Mobs Rework has seen significant progress in the last weeks. Here are the latest features:
  • All the existing mobs are now reimplemented
  • Mine turtle can explode again
  • Improved wool growing behavior
  • Re-implement death drop proability tables
  • Finished re-implementing the mob achievements
  • Mine turtle's lamp blinks instead of the whole mine turtle
  • Dogfighting and becoming aggressive was re-implemented
  • Updated strings in Weblate
  • Added compability code to the current Repixture version (so your mobs still work after the update)
  • Finished the API documentaion
  • Fixed animals jumping over fences
  • New sounds for Walker mob
  • Mobs can stop being angry after a few seconds
You can read more on the technical details of the new mobs system in this new thread.


Moreover on a separate branch, I started work on adding movement to the villager. Currently, villagers just stand around and don't move, unless provoked.

Villagers will get a new Lua pathfinder (A* algorithm) that has more features than the built-in Minetest pathfinder and become able to pathfind through doors, ladders and other climbable nodes while avoiding dangerous thistles, water ponds, cliffs, respecting 'disable_jump' as well as avoiding 1×1 holes in the wall they don't fit through. IMHO these are all features I should already have gotten "for free" in the Minetest pathfinder but whatever … *shrug*
Maybe the pathfinder code could serve as a template for an upgrade to the Minetest pathfinder later. :-)

The downside of the new pathfinder is that it is slower but I compensate that by executing it asynchronously so the server isn't blocked whenever a villager pathfinds. Without async support, this pathfinder would have been a non-starter.

I am also teaching villagers a basic 'day' schedule so they walk towards different points of interest during the day, matching their profession.

Further work

Now, the mobs rework is in a state I consider to be more or less feature-complete (FINALLY), now I am in the bugfixing and testing state. But this can still take a while. There are many many edge cases, especially for the villager, I needed to check and bugfix. Stability is one of the key goals of the Repixture project, I don't want to release a buggy mess.

I will be happy when I can finally close this chapter (for now) so I can start working on other features.

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Version 3.13.0 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 3.13.0 released! The Mobs Update!
RP_Mobs_Rework_release.jpg (30.32 KiB) Viewed 12203 times
After a long, long work, I am very happy to announce the release of version 3.13.0. Nicknamed “The Mobs Update”!

This update completely reworks the mobs system. This is a very technical update, and the mobs mostly behave like in the previous version, but much more stable and less buggy. Animals now have a much improved survival instinct and avoid most deadly situations.

The villagers have gained the ability to explore the village, open doors and climb ladders. Villagers also no longer collide with objects, so they are more like the player.

There are no new mobs however.

I also tried to make sure compability with the previous version works well, so you should be able to upgrade without problems. But if something breaks after the update, please let me know!

  • Complete rework of the mobs system (animals, monsters, villagers)
  • Brand-new Mob API and pathfinder mod (see technical notes below)
  • Much-improved drowning and node damage handling (using drowning and node damage points)
  • Animals rise when in a liquid, villagers try to swim out of it
  • Mobs now more reliable retain internal status on server shutdown
  • Mobs now avoid walking into harmful blocks and ponds
  • Mob items are no longer stackable
  • Mobs are now capable of avoiding or escaping ponds, spikes, thistles and cliffs
  • Mobs no longer jump on blocks you're not allowed to jump on
  • New particle effects when mobs are breeding
  • Animals now follow and look at each other when willing to breed
  • Animals can no longer breed through walls. There must be a free line of sight
  • Boars now accept apples as food as well
  • Remove mob blood particles entirely (it was a setting)
  • Remove mobs_safe_spawn setting
  • Removed mob damage particle effects (for now)
  • Boar and walker mobs have new sounds
  • Baby boars now have a different skin
  • Sheep now need a minimum delay before wool can regrow (no matter how fast they eat grass)
  • Mobs and players now flash red instead of white when damaged
  • New Creative Mode item: Degrowth tool: Turns adult animals into children
  • Growth tool now turns child animals to adult
  • Captured mobs (in your inventory) now keep some of their information (health, etc.)
  • Captured sheared sheep now appear sheared in inventory, too
  • Mineturtle looks angry now when it's about to go boom
  • Mineturtle blinks differently when it's about to go boom
  • Villagers now follow a simple day schedule: They’ll walk around several points of interest based on their profession and current time of day
  • Villagers have gained the ability to open doors, climb ladders and find a path through complicated terrain
  • Villagers will claim a home bed and a worksite and walk towards it when it's the right time of day. Villager worksites:
    • Blacksmith: Furnace
    • Butcher: Furnace
    • Farmer: Any farmable plant like wheat
    • Tavernkeeper: Barrel
    • Carpenter: Bookshelf
  • Villagers no longer fight back, but they will still be angry at you
  • Villagers get new clothing based on their profession
  • Villagers drop new items depending on their profession
  • Villagers no longer collide with objects, like the player
  • Fix villager trades not being random enough
  • New sound effects for boar and walker mobs
  • Better mob death effect: Dead mobs now fall over, then disappear in a cloud of dust
Non-mob-related changes:
  • Various translation updates. German remains the only complete translation. Russian is now 90% complete.
  • Added "_gone" textures for statbars. The "gray" hearts now have their own texture.
  • Village: Add barrel in taverns (so the tavernkeeper will claim it as a worksite at evening)
Technical/compability notes:
  • The "mobs" mod is gone. The era of the Mobs Redo fork in Repixture is over.
  • New mods: "rp_mobs", "rp_mobs_mobs", "rp_mobs_spawn", "rp_mobs_mobs_spawn" and "rp_mobs_legacy"
  • The new mobs system is called "rp_mobs" and is extensively documented. See "API.md" in this mod if you're interested. Note the API is still officially experimental so I might do some API-breaking changes if I feel like it (hopefully not too many)
  • This update comes with a ton of backwards-compability code to ensure your mobs from previous versions still work smoothly. If something break about your mobs when you load the world in the new version, please complain!
  • The actual mobs are added in "rp_mobs_mobs".
  • Mod "parachute" renamed to "rp_parachute"
  • The "mobs:*" entities will be automatically replaced by "rp_mobs_mobs:*" entities when starting the new world. See the mod "rp_mobs_legacy" for details
  • New mod: "rp_pathfinder", a custom Lua-based A* pathfinder with many extra features compared to the Minetest pathfinder. However, it is slower (which can be compensated with async environments)
  • Mobs no longer use armor groups. They all have the same armor group now. The health of all mobs was adjusted proportionally. While the HP have changed, the gameplay effect should be minimal
  • The reason I removed object collision for the villager is because otherwise, the pathfinder would become even more complex.

Thanks for reading! I am relieved I can finally remove "Mobs Update" from my TODO list for this game. It was challenging and time-consuming work, but it was worth it. The new mobs system is quite powerful and more flexible which allows me to actually *add* a greater variety of mobs without the constraints of Mobs Redo.

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Version 3.13.1 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

Here comes a bugfix/maintenance release: Version 3.13.1 is here.

  • Fix crash when feeding animal
  • Fix possible color mismatch when stacking painted slabs
  • Fix player not get the door when the top piece was dug in Creative
  • Door now replaces replacable blocks like grass when placing (instead of placing it in front of them)
  • Remove crafting recipes for painted blocks, stairs and slabs
  • Use new texture file for bubble particles (separate from bubble.png)
  • Internal translation string updates
  • Use more precise biome height limits for the world edge
  • Can disable crafting recipes in rp_partialblocks now
  • Fix not_in_craft_guide being mostly ignored

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.13.1]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

Caught a crash that occurs in latest Minetest Git version. Don't know if it's the same as the one in another game which was already reported and pending a fix, but posting just in case.

Code: Select all

AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'rp_builtin_item' in callback luaentity_Step(): /home/mircea/.minetest/games/repixture/mods/mobs/api.lua:815: attempt to index local 's' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	/home/mircea/.minetest/games/repixture/mods/mobs/api.lua:815: in function </home/mircea/.minetest/games/repixture/mods/mobs/api.lua:370>

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.13.1]

by Wuzzy » Post

Hello. The error message shows you are using an old Repixture version. There is no longer a mod called "mobs" (=Mobs Redo) in Repixture. It has been replaced by rp_mobs, the new Repixture mobs mod.

Consider a re-install of the latest version. The "mobs" directory should not exist.


Current development news: For the next version, I decided to work on the GUI/HUD. Rubenwardy will like this because I *finally* upgraded this game from formspec version 1 to formspec version 7. :D
This allows me to do more cool thinks with the GUI.

Upcoming features include a new achievements screen, achievements notifications, armor screen with player preview + protection percentage and the crafting page now shows icons. For achievements, there will be intentionally *no* sound effect to not distract the player too much.

By the way, to those who didn't know: I occassionally post smaller updates on Repixture (and other stuff I do) on Mastodon: https://cyberplace.social/@Wuzzy

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.13.1]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

I run Repixture from Git and just did "git pull" before getting it. Must mean the repository has changed, I'll clone it again from the URL in the first post. That's a circumstance I often don't think about, I'm used to pulling everything and presuming it's updated.

Update: That seems to have been it, a few things have changed and everything feels better now also no more error! Some of the textures look a little too flat as much as I love the simplistic colorful look particularly the dense leaves look a bit off, but all in all this looks like a very solid game which I'd place right after Mineclone.

Just one question and small request: Can you enable the new sun shadows in the weather mod please, so those of us who enable shadows can enjoy them here as well? Perhaps the volumes too for god rays? Wavy water doesn't seem to follow the settings either? I presume giving players that choice doesn't harm the intended artistic direction of the game so much as to not be allowed.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.13.1]

by Wuzzy » Post

I do not offer any support for non-stable versions for any of my Minetest projects; git-pulling is always a risk. You probably caught me right during the grand mobs rework which changed a lot of things.

With proper releases, I can give compability promises. I believe the release frequency will be higher from now on. I am very active with Repixture development right now, this is now my main project; so stay tuned for many new exciting things!

I like the current textures and the flat design is intentional. But there is still room for improvement. One thing I plan is to make the textures so that there is more variety across a large space of blocks. The grass cover already does this as not every single block has the exact same texture. The trick here is by using not a 16×16 texutre, but a 64×64 texture stretched across 4 nodes. I still need to do that for stone, dirt, leaves, and more.

I am not sure if I want the new sun shadows. I need to test this but I think I will keep it disabled because it (a) does not fit the game style (pixels) and (b) (more importantly) it destroys the concept of light level, which is somewhat important in this game. Wavy water can be debated tho. In either case, I need to test this.

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Version 3.14.0 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

Repixture 3.14.0 released!

Nicknamed "The Interface Update". This Update overhauls all things related to the interface like the inventory menu and other menus. The crafting, armor, achievements and creative inventory pages were updated.

The Player Manual was also updated accordingly.

RP_new_crafting.jpg (29.98 KiB) Viewed 9177 times
RP_new_armor.jpg (18 KiB) Viewed 9177 times
RP_new_achievements.jpg (27.89 KiB) Viewed 9177 times


Interface updates:
  • Highlight active inventory tab
  • Crafting page now uses item buttons instead of text list
  • Crafting guide now gray out items you cannot currently craft
  • Armor page shows player preview
  • Armor page slots use icons; text removed
  • Armor page shows protection percentage
  • Creative inventory page no longer shows empty slots
  • Added search to Creative inventory page
  • Several small graphical improvements to inventory overall
  • Achievements page now has a "symbols" mode that shows all achievement symbols
  • Show achievement popup
  • Achievement notification is no longe delayed
  • All forms now use Repixture style by default, including Esc menu and death menu
  • Larger font for book menus
Other updates:
  • Fix crash if showing a villager a bookshelf, cotton or alga
  • Fix 'Smalltalk' achievement being triggered on trading
  • Fix 'Metal Age' achievement being triggered when you craft an iron ingot
  • Disable basic debug info for normal players
  • Reduce armor bonus for full set (was 10%, now is 1% to 5% depending on armor set)
Technical notes:
  • Formspec version was upgraded from 1 to 7
  • Updated rp_formspec API (it's recommended to check out the updates if your mods use it)

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.14.0]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

Thanks for the response and clarification! I gave Repixture a more in-depth look last night: All in all I like the concept, even if I'm less likely to play with it as much as Mineclone / Mineclonia due to being simpler and not having as much content yet. After it however, I'd say RP is the second best complete game that exists for Minetest engine from all those I've seen, great concept and it's going in a good direction!

I think the most strikingly missing thing are biomes. Namely snow and desert, not sure if other exotic ones like volcano can be planned. The only thing that ever changes is the grass type which is either a little yellower or greener in some places, however it's always just grass and small forests which gets boring soon.

There's also not a lot of mobs including animals. Thankfully a few mods like Creatura offer good models, which should be easy to reimplement under the version of Mobs Redo used by MC / RP: With a retexture or a toon filter in Photoshop it should be easy to integrate them with Repixture's texture style and appearance.

But yes, the textures are okay overall. The only thing I'd say I perceive as ugly are the dense leafs, I feel they could be more transparent somehow. And maybe the torches which are a loosely detailed box... keeping them boxy isn't bad, but I wonder if more detail without breaking the theme could be textured to make them look more torch like and give them a better flame.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.14.0]

by Wuzzy » Post

Simplicity is one of the key aspects of this game; I don't intend to increase the complexity by much but my plan is to offset that with content. This is basically the "Battle for Wesnoth"-type of game design. :-)

The game already had a major biome update a while ago but I can see why it can still feel lacking given the low number of plants. There was a classic desert biome with sand and cacti before, but it has been removed intentionally as this biome is too crass a contrast with the rest. The game intentionally limits itself to the Temperate Climate rather than the biomes of the whole world. The idea is that exploration feels more like you're exploring a large countryside rather than the entire world. You know, I want the game to stand out by some way. :D I think what is needed right now is just more plant variety.

Maybe the desert could come back in a more appropriate form, like a gravel field or something. I also do plan some kind of mountain biome with firs. This one will be special as it only spawns above a certain height. At least that's the idea.

This game no longer uses a "version of mobs redo" anymore; I've completely written a new mobs system from scratch for 3.13.0. I guess I will need to postpone the creation of mobs unfortunately because it is impossibly hard to create new animated models due to arcane file formats. I wait for GLTF support in Minetest.

Right now, I'm still in somewhat of a "cleanup" and "polish" phase to make sure the features that do exist work really well. With the mobs system being renewed, the only major thing that needs cleanup/polish now are villages. They are too flat.

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Version 3.15.1 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 3.15.0 released!
Version 3.15.1 released!

A new Repixture version is here! This is the Signs Update!

License changed to AGPLv3+

The license of Repixture has been changed! The main source code license is now AGPLv3+. This replaces the old source code license of LGPLv2.1+. See the README.md file in the game files for details.

New Signs
RP_new_signs_release.jpg (78.97 KiB) Viewed 7762 times
In this version, signs got a complete makeover. The text will now finally be written on the sign itself, you no longer have to point it.

A huge number of Unicode characters are supported, including:
  • Latin
  • Greek
  • Cyrillic
  • CJK characters
  • Syllabics
  • Symbols/digbats
  • Emojis
  • And many more!
Over 60000 glyphs are supported, which is much more than Minetest can normally display. The signs still only support left-to-right scripts, however. So no Arabic, Hebrew, etc. (sorry)

There is also a new "pole sign" type that can stand on the ground, ceiling or hang from the side. They can be written on both sides.

If you know any non-Latin writing system well, please try out the signs and report any bugs.

How signs work:
Note that due to a bug in Minetest 5.8.0, the sign input form may not display some of the more obscure glyphs. In that case, try pasting text from an external editor, hit "Write" and see what happens.

The text will automatically be scaled to fit into the sign, so shorter texts become larger.
Signs now also support multi-line text, but you must insert linebreaks manually.

The signs have soft and hard size limits. The hard size limit is 500 characters. Text will be automatically truncated after that.
The soft size limit applies when the text has too many lines or is too wide that the characters would become too small to read, or when too much data is used. The sign will then just show gibberish, but the text is still stored. You can always rightclick the sign to reveal the text.

The sign text is normally in black, unless you paint the sign itself in black, then the text turns white so it can be read.

The new pole signs can be rotated in 90° steps. I don't plan to add more rotation steps (although I could) because I want to enforce a strict grid. :P
Technical background on the signs update:
The font used is GNU Unifont. It contains all printable characters of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane, which already includes most modern writing systems. Additionally, it supports parts of the Supplementary Multilingual Plane.

The mod used for rendering is a heavily-modified fork of the mod "unicode_text" by erlehmann. I've made this mod more stable by restricting what it can render to prevent incorrect writing.

Repixture takes a careful approach: It rather not renders something than render it incorrectly. So I've manually disabled some glyphs. For example, Malayalam is completely disabled because of that.

This means the signs will refuse to show characters of writing systems that are too difficult for me, even if the font supports the glyphs. Only Left-To-Right scripts work. Cursive scripts do not work either.
I've manually disabled some writing systems I know do not work well right now, for example Malayalam.
I also manually disabled combining diacritical marks. Thankfully, Unicode has many codepoints where the diacritics are part of the glyph. So use those instead.

Unsupported characters will show up as question marks.

Moon Phases
The moon will now have 4 phases, from full moon to new moon. It changes every night. Currently, this is only a graphical effect. Each world will start with a random moon phase.
RP_moon_phases.png (5.33 KiB) Viewed 7762 times

The spyglass is a simple new tool that allows you to zoom in on locations that are faw away.
It's a simplified version of the tph_spyglass mod and I think it fits the game just perfectly.


Main changelog:
  • Source code license is now AGPLv3+
  • Sign text is now written on the sign, supporting a large portion of Unicode
  • Add spyglass, to zoom in
  • Add moon phases
  • Add pole signs that can stand on floor, wall or ceiling. Can be written on both sides
  • Allow multi-line input for signs
  • Sign formspec uses read-only text if sign is protected
  • Remove infotext of signs
  • Tweak sign side textures
  • Degrowth tool now degrows plants, too
  • Textures changed for degrowth tool and creative tool
  • Improve texture of door sides
  • Bed blocks are now individually pointable
  • If somehow a glitched "half bed" ends up in the world, you can now break it
  • Can dig your own bed while in bed
  • Can get up from bed with Sneak key
  • Fix crash if using supertool on unknown node
  • Fix crash if placing torch or compass in protected area
  • Fix typo in villager speech about vine
  • Fix Creative Mode search not finding villagers
  • Fix TNT explosion pushing things it shouldn't push
Technical changes:
  • rp_armor: Can register custom armor sets now
  • Added HUD flag semaphores. They must be used whenever you want to change HUD flags
  • Signs were moved to new mod rp_signs
  • Added heavily-modified unicode_text mod by erlehmann
  • Added mod rp_fonts that contains the sign font
  • rp_paint: Add _after_paint and _after_unpaint callbacks

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.15.1]

by apercy » Post

Today I was porting the Steampunk Blimp to run on Repixture. But I'm having some problems to use the paint brush to paint it and the water buckets to fill the boiler with water (but I can refill it landing on water). Soon I'll make it craftable on Repixture too.
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Repixture 3.16.0 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

Repixture 3.16.0 released!
Nicknamed “New Explosive Skies”!

This update is a little bit all over the place. Many small and not-so-small features. Here are 3 highlights:

New skies
RP_newsky.jpg (79.37 KiB) Viewed 6558 times
The sky colors got a complete overhaul. Now the sky color changes depending on the biome you're in. Most biomes have different shades of blue. The swamp has an unique green tint. The hottest biomes have a yellow or brown sky.

Blast resistance
RP_blast.jpg (37.19 KiB) Viewed 6558 times
The explosion system got a rework. Using code from VoxeLibre, blocks now resist explosions and may even block them. Stronger blocks are harder to destroy. As a rule of thumb: Metal blocks are the strongest, then come the "reinforced" blocks (Reinforced Cobblestone, etc.), then come hard blocks like stone, then comes everything else.

Label and Graphite
RP_label.jpg (26.88 KiB) Viewed 6558 times
Combine paper with graphite in crafting, and you will get 20 Labels and Graphite. You can put labels on creatures and containers (like chests) to give them a name.
Name containers to organize your storage system better.
Name creatures to tell them apart.

Note that naming creatures will NOT protect them from despawning!


  • New item: Label and graphite
  • New blocks: Wooden Fence Gate, Birch Fence Gate, Oak Fence Gate
  • Slabs and stairs can now be placed upside-down depending where you point to (exception: path slab)
  • Rework explosions system:
    • Blocks now have blast resistance: Stronger blocks withhold explosions better
    • Standing behind a block protects you from explosion damage
  • Change sky and cloud color depending on the biome you're in
  • Death messages: Show a message in chat when you die, telling you how you died
  • Your worn armor is now shown left of the hotbar
  • Villagers now talk about missing home bed or worksite
  • Villager trading menu reworked: The trading list now uses icons instead of text
  • Improve color scraping particles for fences and signs
  • Boat breaks faster if hit with tool that deals more damage
  • Screen color while in swamp water is now more blueish
  • 19 new main menu backgrounds (replacing the old ones)
  • Minor GUI tweaks
  • Fix crash if villager has no schedule
  • Fix weather not being restored on restart when weather changes are disabled in settings
  • Sheep follows player holding wheat again
  • Don't starve dead players
  • Fix villager moving forever if pushed by explosion
  • New mod APIs: rp_death_messages, rp_explosions, rp_armor
  • Mark two rp_tnt functions as deprecated
  • Add bed.get_bed_segment
  • Update outdated clunky player model code (now using player_api code from Minetest Game 5.8.0)

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Re: Repixture 3.16.0 released!

by dax » Post

Wuzzy wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 09:55
Label and Graphite


Combine paper with graphite in crafting, and you will get 20 Labels and Graphite. You can put labels on creatures and containers (like chests) to give them a name.
Name containers to organize your storage system better.
Name creatures to tell them apart.

Note that naming creatures will NOT protect them from despawning!
Is there any way to keep animals from despawning for farming?

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Re: Repixture 3.16.0 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

dax wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 16:15
Is there any way to keep animals from despawning for farming?
Actually, mobs currently rarely despawn. They only despawn if you disable hostile mobs and the mobs are hostile. But it's possible I'll implement mob despawning later. Until then, I'll probably have thought of a mechanism to prevent the despawning of mobs.

Of course, there's also /clearobjects, which mobs can't prevent. This command should only be run in case of an emergency.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.16.0]

by dax » Post

How can I check the current altitude of the player?
I'm trying to mine for resources but I can't tell when I am at the right height for a specific ore as the debug coordinates have been disabled (which is fine). If there was an item like the compass but instead showed how high or low the player was, that would be great.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.16.0]

by Wuzzy » Post

Currently, this is not possible, and the Orienteering mod is not compatible with Repixture.

Maybe I could add an altimeter item, but in simplified form (I don't want to add more HUD text).

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.16.0]

by Blockhead » Post

Wuzzy wrote:
Thu Jun 27, 2024 15:22
Currently, this is not possible, and the Orienteering mod is not compatible with Repixture.

Maybe I could add an altimeter item, but in simplified form (I don't want to add more HUD text).
Just an idea out of left field: change the altimeter's inventory image according to altitude and/or display that image as a HUD image as well so it doesn't have to be on the hotbar.
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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.16.0]

by rudzik8 » Post

Blockhead wrote:
Thu Jun 27, 2024 15:35
and/or display that image as a HUD image as well so it doesn't have to be on the hotbar.
Actually, I'd like the same thing for compasses. When you're holding one in your hand, it's always very jittery and your hand always jumps because of the "change item" animation that MTE does. Sure, you could leave it on the hotbar, but the hotbar is generally much smaller and doesn't feel as good.

Less text on the HUD, more images on the HUD! :D
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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.13.1]

by kuboid » Post

MirceaKitsune wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2024 16:27
Caught a crash that occurs in latest Minetest Git version. Don't know if it's the same as the one in another game which was already reported and pending a fix, but posting just in case.
In case someone else has the same error (I did): updating from ContentDB is not enough. You need to delete Repixture and reinstall. My world even survived that process.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.16.0]

by FreeLikeGNU » Post

Goblins are now working (not crashing at least, hopefully!) with Repixture. For now they are needing Mobs Redo, but I'll try to make them use your new mod system at some point in the future. Mapgen dungeons are also decorated. I may need to make a more Repixture-y texture set for them to fit in better as well.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.16.0]

by Wuzzy » Post

Using a HUD image instead of the wield image for the compass to avoid the annoying "item change" animation is one possible workaround. The real fix, of course, is when Minetest allows to skip the animation altogether.

Nice that you try to make goblins work with Repixture. If you have any problems with the new API, please let me now!

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Version 3.17.0

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 3.17.0 released!

Version 3.17.0 has been released. Nicknamed “The Fir Update”.

This update adds a new species of tree: The fir. You can find it in the mixed forest biome. Some villages may now also generate using fir wood. Finally, you may obtain fir wood by trading with villagers. Maybe more fir biomes will be added in later versions.

Fir wood stands out due to its darker color. As a result of this, painted fir wood looks much darker than other painted wood. And if you write on a fir wood sign, the text will be white instead of the usual black.

Like all tree saplings, the fir sapling will grow differently depending on the dirt you plant it on and on available space. Experiment!

This update comes with several smaller stability/bugfix updates.

You need Luanti (aka Minetest) version 5.8.0 or later.
fir_update.jpg (76.11 KiB) Viewed 3087 times
Changelog for version 3.17.0:
  • Add fir tree and fir wood
  • Fir generates in mixed forests and some villages
  • Fence gate now generates in villages
  • Lumien crystals no longer activate TNT
  • Lumien now glows for humanoid/animal mobs
  • Animals no longer try to jump over fence gate
  • Villagers now stop when walking towards danger
  • Villagers now prefer to walk on certain blocks
  • Farmers now walk at their farm (just a little)
  • Add player_api compatibility
  • Flowing water now only makes noise when exposed
  • Fix crash if placing plant in protected area
  • Fix deprecation of hud_elem_type
  • Fix color of wield image of paint brush
  • Fix missing sound effect when placing slab on slab below a solid block
  • Many translation updates (Top 3 translations: German (100%), Russian (78%), French (73%))
A shout-out goes out to all translators who have contributed translations in the past months: AbduSharif, mondstern, Dacmot, Application-Maker, rudzik8 ,standmit, Gabri06. Thank you! I want to remind translators that RTL languages like Arabic are NOT supported in Repixture still, because Luanti does not support it. This is why in this version, Arabic texts will still not be displayed.
Last edited by Wuzzy on Fri Oct 25, 2024 21:03, edited 1 time in total.

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Version 3.17.1, version 3.17.2

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 3.17.1 is now out. This fixes broken door crafting recipes and adds a new game screenshot and main menu background.


Version 3.17.2 is out, which adds the missing crafting recipe for the fir fence gate. The README file and player manual also now feature improved installation instructions for Luanti newbies.

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Re: [Game] Repixture [3.17.2]

by Wuzzy » Post

I'm happy to announce the translation system of Repixture has been converted to use the gettext PO file format natively. The Codeberg Translate pages have been updated accordingly. This file format allows for a few new features:

I've added translator comments to strings that need them, thus making the job of the translator a bit easier.
Also, each page now correctly displays the origin source code file and line in the side bar.

Repixture is always looking for translators, so check out the Codeberg Translate if you want to help.

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