[Game] Mineclonia [0.110.0]
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
They look fine for me
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.107.0]
I always wondered what was that
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Thanks restcxk, just the info I needed. I'll review how I'm deploying.
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
That's caused by a change in the way structures are placed. You can safely just remove those blocks, there are probably not a whole lot of them. If you want to automatically remove them when they are loaded on a server you can add this as a mod:
Code: Select all
name = ":mcl_structures:remove_azalea_structblocks",
nodenames = { "mcl_structures:structblock_azalea_tree" },
action = minetest.remove_node,
run_at_every_load = false,
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Thanks, that did the job. There aren't many, but where they did exist the bright red "unknown node" text made them very obvious.corasTenthTry wrote: ↑Tue Oct 22, 2024 14:33You can safely just remove those blocks, there are probably not a whole lot of them.
Will this mod need to stay in place long term? I get the impression it only removes them as they appear to the player? Rather than just removing all of them in the world...
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Quick question, can zombies kill villagers in Minetest and turn them into Zombie Villagers. I know Zombie Villagers can be spawned but have never seen a villager with a profession turn into a zombified one.
I ask as some versions of Minecraft allow cured zombie villagers to give trading discounts and was hoping this mechanic had been added to Minetest.
I ask as some versions of Minecraft allow cured zombie villagers to give trading discounts and was hoping this mechanic had been added to Minetest.
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Yes they are removed when loaded. Removing them from the whole world would require some kind of offline operation on the database i suppose. Not sure if there is a simple tool that will remove them.
Personally I'll leave this running on my server for the time being and probably remove it in a few months or so ..
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Yes this should work now. Has been added/fixed fairly recently though.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
@ corasTenthTry, thanks for letting me know.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Hello, I've already post my mapgen problem here : viewtopic.php?t=31076
Maybe it's more appropriate to ask here as I'm modifing Mineclonia game.
We changed the depth of mineclonia to Y-1500. But when we go under Y-400, we enter a gigantic endeless cave, and so to the bottom of the world. The line we changed is :
It's located in the init.lua, in games\mineclonia\mods\CORE\mcl_inti
Firstly I was thinking that it's the Nether mapgen that is interfering with Overworld mapgen, but Nether is at Y-29 000, so it doesn't make sens. Maybe there is a "cave mapgen" line to modify ? Do you have any clue about that ?
Maybe it's more appropriate to ask here as I'm modifing Mineclonia game.
We changed the depth of mineclonia to Y-1500. But when we go under Y-400, we enter a gigantic endeless cave, and so to the bottom of the world. The line we changed is :
Code: Select all
-- Overworld
mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min = -1500
Firstly I was thinking that it's the Nether mapgen that is interfering with Overworld mapgen, but Nether is at Y-29 000, so it doesn't make sens. Maybe there is a "cave mapgen" line to modify ? Do you have any clue about that ?
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
It's probably the end mapgen that causes this. You may want to have a look at how dfcaverns does it: https://github.com/FaceDeer/dfcaverns/c ... f932c4R212wheat8 wrote: ↑Mon Oct 28, 2024 18:01Hello, I've already post my mapgen problem here : viewtopic.php?t=31076
Maybe it's more appropriate to ask here as I'm modifing Mineclonia game.
We changed the depth of mineclonia to Y-1500. But when we go under Y-400, we enter a gigantic endeless cave, and so to the bottom of the world. The line we changed is :
It's located in the init.lua, in games\mineclonia\mods\CORE\mcl_intiCode: Select all
-- Overworld mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min = -1500
Firstly I was thinking that it's the Nether mapgen that is interfering with Overworld mapgen, but Nether is at Y-29 000, so it doesn't make sens. Maybe there is a "cave mapgen" line to modify ? Do you have any clue about that ?
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Thank you very much. I just discovered FaceDear's work thanks to you, and I have to admit that it is trully impressive !corasTenthTry wrote: ↑Tue Oct 29, 2024 17:37It's probably the end mapgen that causes this. You may want to have a look at how dfcaverns does it: https://github.com/FaceDeer/dfcaverns/c ... f932c4R212wheat8 wrote: ↑Mon Oct 28, 2024 18:01Hello, I've already post my mapgen problem here : viewtopic.php?t=31076
Maybe it's more appropriate to ask here as I'm modifing Mineclonia game.
We changed the depth of mineclonia to Y-1500. But when we go under Y-400, we enter a gigantic endeless cave, and so to the bottom of the world. The line we changed is :
It's located in the init.lua, in games\mineclonia\mods\CORE\mcl_intiCode: Select all
-- Overworld mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min = -1500
Firstly I was thinking that it's the Nether mapgen that is interfering with Overworld mapgen, but Nether is at Y-29 000, so it doesn't make sens. Maybe there is a "cave mapgen" line to modify ? Do you have any clue about that ?
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
I am new to Minetest/now Luanti, and its current development state is great!
The first thing I recognized is the slightly longer reach the character can edit blocks; in Minecraft I always had the feeling that there's missing that little reach for intuitive gameplay. Thanks for this!
Also, the sinewy delay reaching new blocks before editing them seems to be missing for what I'm also thankful.
Currently, I'm playing Singleplayer and wandering around the code which I altered in some ways; if that's a problem to post here, please let me know. The alterations I did are due to either missing mods or encountering bugs.
First of all, I've set the Creeper's explosion damage to zero because there's just one mod to make Creepers more hard to detect which is the opposite of I want.
I've spawned just near a Village, placed some chests and did some farming what I do sell to the Villagers to get Emeralds (I've installed a mod so I can craft better Emerald Tools rather than searching for rare Diamonds). But sometimes the reaction time in inventories gets worse and worse, so I have to wait a couple of seconds before one stack in a chest moves or a Villager makes a trade (this is regardless of inventory type, eg. the phenomenon is also present in a Crafting Table or Furnace). I found out that there is a polling system within the Crafting Guide in style of Terraria where you get more recipes if you have the matching blocks/items in your inventory. I not only switched off the progressive mode but also set the polling timer to zero which improves reaction time not only in inventories alot, it also seems to delay this effect. If it approaches, I need to end the game and restart it. I'm not sure what's causing this effect, but I think there're some timing or polling problems.
The next thing is the Enchanting mechanics:
Unbreaking just adds the durability depending of the level to a tool or armour which is unsatisfactory because you have to repair a load of hits, either with resources or with Mending enchantment which seems to work after a fashion. Normally, the hit points of a tool/weapon stay the same and a random generator kicks in whether a hitpoint is decreased or not, eg. Unbreaking I has a 50:50 chance a hit is not counted, Unbreaking II 66:33 & Unbreaking III 75:25. Also, it would be desirable to have THE water-related enchantment active: Respiration.
If you have a working solution for ingame mod mcl_offhand to place anything in Offhand slot so you can eg. repair your Pickaxe while do some fish or gain otherwise XP points, please let me know. Currently, I've have installed a (modified) mod called "minetest_offhand" in which I've just deleted the first row that checks the present of MCL mods and then quits with a warning message. So it's working, more or less, however I can repair my stuff in Offhand slot with Mending.
Thank you for the good work!
I am new to Minetest/now Luanti, and its current development state is great!
The first thing I recognized is the slightly longer reach the character can edit blocks; in Minecraft I always had the feeling that there's missing that little reach for intuitive gameplay. Thanks for this!
Also, the sinewy delay reaching new blocks before editing them seems to be missing for what I'm also thankful.
Currently, I'm playing Singleplayer and wandering around the code which I altered in some ways; if that's a problem to post here, please let me know. The alterations I did are due to either missing mods or encountering bugs.
First of all, I've set the Creeper's explosion damage to zero because there's just one mod to make Creepers more hard to detect which is the opposite of I want.
I've spawned just near a Village, placed some chests and did some farming what I do sell to the Villagers to get Emeralds (I've installed a mod so I can craft better Emerald Tools rather than searching for rare Diamonds). But sometimes the reaction time in inventories gets worse and worse, so I have to wait a couple of seconds before one stack in a chest moves or a Villager makes a trade (this is regardless of inventory type, eg. the phenomenon is also present in a Crafting Table or Furnace). I found out that there is a polling system within the Crafting Guide in style of Terraria where you get more recipes if you have the matching blocks/items in your inventory. I not only switched off the progressive mode but also set the polling timer to zero which improves reaction time not only in inventories alot, it also seems to delay this effect. If it approaches, I need to end the game and restart it. I'm not sure what's causing this effect, but I think there're some timing or polling problems.
The next thing is the Enchanting mechanics:
Unbreaking just adds the durability depending of the level to a tool or armour which is unsatisfactory because you have to repair a load of hits, either with resources or with Mending enchantment which seems to work after a fashion. Normally, the hit points of a tool/weapon stay the same and a random generator kicks in whether a hitpoint is decreased or not, eg. Unbreaking I has a 50:50 chance a hit is not counted, Unbreaking II 66:33 & Unbreaking III 75:25. Also, it would be desirable to have THE water-related enchantment active: Respiration.
If you have a working solution for ingame mod mcl_offhand to place anything in Offhand slot so you can eg. repair your Pickaxe while do some fish or gain otherwise XP points, please let me know. Currently, I've have installed a (modified) mod called "minetest_offhand" in which I've just deleted the first row that checks the present of MCL mods and then quits with a warning message. So it's working, more or less, however I can repair my stuff in Offhand slot with Mending.
Thank you for the good work!
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
It has been several weeks since our last release but we can promise it will be worth the wait. We have some big changes coming up in the next update! Stay tuned!
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Beautiful!!!! Thank you so much!!!! :-)
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Thanks ryvnf for the announcement! This makes anticipation for the new version.
Currently, I found out that there're a lot of more settings in Mineclonia, eg. to disable Block Griefing, so Endermen & Creeper do not harm environment (but still damage entities & players). It took me a bit to find them ;-) sorry for any inconvenience.
I've changed in MineClonia's minetest.conf the parameter abm_interval from 0.25 to 10, and it seems that the game has a bit better flow. Unfortunately, I didn't found a documention what these parameters exactly do (I won't touch dedicated_server_step, of course, but I've experimented a bit with the others).
Nevertheless, though this game is still under development, it makes so much fun, and the mods are also incredible. So I found an "Air Tank" mod so I can stay a lot of longer underwater (until the Respiration enchantment will be implemented). This one is really fun!
Are any changes in map generation planned?
Thanks again for the good work! By the way: the update from Minetest to Luanti worked like a charm!
Currently, I found out that there're a lot of more settings in Mineclonia, eg. to disable Block Griefing, so Endermen & Creeper do not harm environment (but still damage entities & players). It took me a bit to find them ;-) sorry for any inconvenience.
I've changed in MineClonia's minetest.conf the parameter abm_interval from 0.25 to 10, and it seems that the game has a bit better flow. Unfortunately, I didn't found a documention what these parameters exactly do (I won't touch dedicated_server_step, of course, but I've experimented a bit with the others).
Nevertheless, though this game is still under development, it makes so much fun, and the mods are also incredible. So I found an "Air Tank" mod so I can stay a lot of longer underwater (until the Respiration enchantment will be implemented). This one is really fun!
Are any changes in map generation planned?
Thanks again for the good work! By the way: the update from Minetest to Luanti worked like a charm!
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Sorry vangrunz for missing your previous comment.
I have made issues on our issue tracker for the things you brought up:
This first thing sounds like some sort of lag spike. If there is lots of lag there will be a noticeable delay in inventory actions. Do you have any way to reliably reproduce it? I am not sure if it could be related to crafting guide (feels like it could be something else too).vangrunz wrote: ↑Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:25I've spawned just near a Village, placed some chests and did some farming what I do sell to the Villagers to get Emeralds (I've installed a mod so I can craft better Emerald Tools rather than searching for rare Diamonds). But sometimes the reaction time in inventories gets worse and worse, so I have to wait a couple of seconds before one stack in a chest moves or a Villager makes a trade (this is regardless of inventory type, eg. the phenomenon is also present in a Crafting Table or Furnace). I found out that there is a polling system within the Crafting Guide in style of Terraria where you get more recipes if you have the matching blocks/items in your inventory. I not only switched off the progressive mode but also set the polling timer to zero which improves reaction time not only in inventories alot, it also seems to delay this effect. If it approaches, I need to end the game and restart it. I'm not sure what's causing this effect, but I think there're some timing or polling problems.
The next thing is the Enchanting mechanics:
Unbreaking just adds the durability depending of the level to a tool or armour which is unsatisfactory because you have to repair a load of hits, either with resources or with Mending enchantment which seems to work after a fashion. Normally, the hit points of a tool/weapon stay the same and a random generator kicks in whether a hitpoint is decreased or not, eg. Unbreaking I has a 50:50 chance a hit is not counted, Unbreaking II 66:33 & Unbreaking III 75:25. Also, it would be desirable to have THE water-related enchantment active: Respiration.
If you have a working solution for ingame mod mcl_offhand to place anything in Offhand slot so you can eg. repair your Pickaxe while do some fish or gain otherwise XP points, please let me know. Currently, I've have installed a (modified) mod called "minetest_offhand" in which I've just deleted the first row that checks the present of MCL mods and then quits with a warning message. So it's working, more or less, however I can repair my stuff in Offhand slot with Mending.
Thank you for the good work!
I have made issues on our issue tracker for the things you brought up:
Last edited by ryvnf on Tue Nov 19, 2024 22:41, edited 2 times in total.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Thanks for your feedback!
Increasing abm_interval can counterintuitively result in worse lag spikes since more ABMs will be processed at the same time. Having a lower interval will result in the events being more spread out even though the time budget stays the same.
ABMs if you do not know are random events that happen to nodes. It is used for growing crops, leaf decay and other things. The abm_interval setting changes how often ABMs are performed. Updating it should not solve the lag issue you mentioned above. ABMs have a time budget (the abm_time_budget setting) which will ensure that slow and frequent ABMs do not lag the entire server.vangrunz wrote: ↑Tue Nov 19, 2024 15:01I've changed in MineClonia's minetest.conf the parameter abm_interval from 0.25 to 10, and it seems that the game has a bit better flow. Unfortunately, I didn't found a documention what these parameters exactly do (I won't touch dedicated_server_step, of course, but I've experimented a bit with the others).
Increasing abm_interval can counterintuitively result in worse lag spikes since more ABMs will be processed at the same time. Having a lower interval will result in the events being more spread out even though the time budget stays the same.
Is there anything specific you have in mind? We do not have any specific mapgen changes planned for now.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Thank you for opening issues on the Tracker!
I'm not quite sure what causes these lags. I've disabled the progressive crafting guide; also, it seems that disabling Waving leaves/plants/liquids has an effect. I have a mod (poshud) that shows me time and lag parameters, but if the inventory lags happen I don't see anything conspicuous (same for debug infos with F5). The FPS rate drops while I've got a chest open (eg. 60 -> 30, 34 -> 26), while the Draw scene increases (eg. 33k -> 27k).
When I harvest eg. Wheat from my 2x 32 blocks field and seeding, the crops appear with a lag, the more I seed. Until the stack of 64 Wheat seeds isn't counted down to zero (what takes some seconds) harvesting another field doesn't show up the resources. I don't know if this has to do with the inventory lag spikes, and it's not affected by a restart.
If there's some testing that could help you please let me know.
I'm not quite sure what causes these lags. I've disabled the progressive crafting guide; also, it seems that disabling Waving leaves/plants/liquids has an effect. I have a mod (poshud) that shows me time and lag parameters, but if the inventory lags happen I don't see anything conspicuous (same for debug infos with F5). The FPS rate drops while I've got a chest open (eg. 60 -> 30, 34 -> 26), while the Draw scene increases (eg. 33k -> 27k).
When I harvest eg. Wheat from my 2x 32 blocks field and seeding, the crops appear with a lag, the more I seed. Until the stack of 64 Wheat seeds isn't counted down to zero (what takes some seconds) harvesting another field doesn't show up the resources. I don't know if this has to do with the inventory lag spikes, and it's not affected by a restart.
If there's some testing that could help you please let me know.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Regarding my question if there're plans of changes in map generation: in Minecraft, more than once, the world generator has changed, and existing worlds became ugly if ungenerated chunks got explored. Currently, I did not spent very much time in my actual world so if a change has waited in line, I also would wait.
Thanks for the ABM explanation. I've reset to the original value now.
Thanks for the ABM explanation. I've reset to the original value now.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
This sounds like the server as a whole is lagging. Server lag is also generally unrelated from FPS. You can have lots of FPS and still have the server lag and the other way around. In Minetest/Luanti rendering is done entirely by the engine so we generally cannot do much to improve FPS.vangrunz wrote: ↑Wed Nov 20, 2024 13:48Thank you for opening issues on the Tracker!
I'm not quite sure what causes these lags. I've disabled the progressive crafting guide; also, it seems that disabling Waving leaves/plants/liquids has an effect. I have a mod (poshud) that shows me time and lag parameters, but if the inventory lags happen I don't see anything conspicuous (same for debug infos with F5). The FPS rate drops while I've got a chest open (eg. 60 -> 30, 34 -> 26), while the Draw scene increases (eg. 33k -> 27k).
When I harvest eg. Wheat from my 2x 32 blocks field and seeding, the crops appear with a lag, the more I seed. Until the stack of 64 Wheat seeds isn't counted down to zero (what takes some seconds) harvesting another field doesn't show up the resources. I don't know if this has to do with the inventory lag spikes, and it's not affected by a restart.
If there's some testing that could help you please let me know.
What kind of hardware you using? When I have tested it the game generally runs fine on old hardware (i have played on a laptop from 2008). Because of that I think there is some problem in Mineclonia which makes the game run badly for you.
In order to fix it would be helpful to be able to reproduce. Does it happen on new worlds too? Does it always lag like this or just in specific situations?
We also have a change ready for placing tools in offhand, should be included in the next release.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
Mineclonia uses Minetest's map generators (which you select when creating a world). This means that new terrain will never look weird because of future updates. We have made many changes like improved villages and biomecolored leaves without making existing worlds look bad.vangrunz wrote: ↑Wed Nov 20, 2024 13:56Regarding my question if there're plans of changes in map generation: in Minecraft, more than once, the world generator has changed, and existing worlds became ugly if ungenerated chunks got explored. Currently, I did not spent very much time in my actual world so if a change has waited in line, I also would wait.
The only exception is when we lowered the bedrock layer from -64 to -128 over a year ago. We made it convert old worlds by regenerating the bedrock layer and mapblocks underneath. This was however not perfect and resulted in some artifacts like duplicated end portals. I do however doubt we will ever have to make such a complicated change again.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
My CPU is an Intel Xeon E3-1270 v2 on an Asus P8B-X with 32 GB RAM. The Graphic Card is a Radeon RX 480 with 8 GB RAM. I already checked if the CPU or some cores are overloaded, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
I will test a new world and report.In order to fix it would be helpful to be able to reproduce. Does it happen on new worlds too? Does it always lag like this or just in specific situations?
The lag is omnipresent when farming or setting blocks. Sometimes, they disappear, the counter goes down and they're back.
I'm not sure if a mod could cause this lag. Here's my list: airtanks, chest_with_everything, enchantments_extractor, essentials, k_recyclebin, mcl_backpack, mcl_emerald_stuff, mcl_misk_recipes, mcl_quick_harvest_replant, mcl_wieldlight, minetest_offhand (modified, like described), modlib, no_fall_damage, permatime, poshud, sethome, simple_woodcutter, trash_can & xcompat.
Very nice, thanks! Can't wait to try out the new version. B-)We also have a change ready for placing tools in offhand, should be included in the next release.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.108.0]
So, I did some testing, started with a new map and the same mods: the issue persists. Then I've made another new map with less mods: the issue persists. Finally, I've made yet another map with no mods, and it looked good from the start, no lag spikes. But after a while they came back. I don't know if it has to do with enchanting via console I did for my tools? Seeding wheat and applying bone meal to the seeds show the same lag spikes. :shrug: