Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

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Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by grorp » Post

This is a pre-release version of the upcoming Luanti 5.10.0. We'd be very grateful for help testing it.
If all goes well, Luanti 5.10.0 should be released in about a week.


  • Redesigned the ContentDB GUI to show more information and make better use of space
  • Support for the modern glTF model format
  • Support for the Gettext translation file format
  • New visual effects (e.g. simple liquid reflections, translucent foliage)
  • Modding: Object observers API ("per-player entities")
  • Android: Support for keyboard/mouse controls, new grid menu for touchscreen controls
This is the first version to be released under our new name.

TODO: full changelog

Known issues

  • None yet, make sure to find some :)
Please report any issues on GitHub or in this thread.


Commit hash: 5c55386
Tag: 5.10.0-rc1

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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by ROllerozxa » Post

I just fixed the minetest-git AUR package for the rename, and building it now should give you the RC release. I'll rename the package once 5.10.0 releases:

I have also made a new RUN_IN_PLACE=0 Windows build that corresponds to RC1: topic
Last edited by ROllerozxa on Thu Oct 31, 2024 19:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by mark-wiemer » Post

I like the new ContentDB GUI :)
Contributor to, hoping to eventually make a Luanti game! 🤓

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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by erlehmann » Post

Here is a show-stopper issue for older hardware:
  1. Starting a game crashes with default settings on Thinkpad R60 (can not compile star shader)
  2. Game no longer crashes when disabling shaders (e.g. by manually editing the Luanti config file)
  3. Settings dialog tells me that not using shaders is not recommended, offers to enable them
  4. If I do the recommended thing and enable the shaders, the game crashes again
I get 30fps in Mineclonia, so this laptop is perfectly able to run Luanti, as far as I can tell.


Depending on how capable the users hardware is, shader-related crashes can happen either when joining a world (making it possible to disable shaders in the GUI if the user can figure the reason out) or when the application starts. It should be possible to reproduce the latter with this invocation (but maybe not? I do not know):


Edit (2):

If the game crashes at startup, this is the (sanitized) error message:

Code: Select all

2024-10-31 22:32:30: ERROR[Main]: An unhandled exception occurred: "Shaders are enabled but GLSL is not supported by the driver."
2024-10-31 22:32:30: ERROR[Main]: In thread b64a9900:
2024-10-31 22:32:30: ERROR[Main]: $FOO/src/main.cpp:275: int main(int, char**): A fatal error occurred: "Shaders are enabled but GLSL is not supported by the driver."
Edit (3):

The 3D clouds in the main menu no longer show up on older hardware. I first thought that it was a stylistic choice, but it seems to be a regression.

Edit (4):

The enter-the-world-and-the-game-crashes issue seems to have been a red herring – something was messing up the shader directory when updating from an older version via git. Thanks to luatic for helping me to debug this.

The start-the-game-and-it-crashes issue seems to be a real thing though. Older hardware that can run the game perfectly fine (unless I am mistaken somehow?) is no longer able to see the menu when shaders are turned on, which seems to be the default.

Edit (5):

Discussing this on IRC I learned that I apparently have “garbage hardware” and why the game can crash at startup.

<sfan5> reading the RC forum post, I strongly advise we dont care about whatever garbage hardware the Thinkpad R60 has

<sfan5> main menu clouds require shaders so the menu will crash if they dont work unless you edit minetest.conf and disable shaders

IMO, menu clouds requiring a gaming GPU seems not necessary, an they worked fine without it for many years and the game seems to run perfectly fine on my “garbage hardware”.

Edit (6):

sfan5 already knew about the shader clouds main menu issue since 2024-10-13:
<sfan5> something I just noticed is that since clouds now use shaders and we have clouds in the main menu that means Minetest will just not launch if you don't have shader support
<sfan5> this should affect approximately nobody and can be fixed by adding 'enable_shaders = false' to minetest.conf
<sfan5> IMO we should just keep it like this and see if anyone ever complains
Well, I am complaining … I disagree about the solution though. It is IMO unreasonable to require better hardware support for the main menu than for the rest of the game. It is not like the clouds are hard to render.
Last edited by erlehmann on Thu Oct 31, 2024 23:21, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by erlehmann » Post

Another issue: Textures of TGA Type 1 with color format B8G8R8A8 are decoded with messed up colors.
  • 100% opaque blue → blue
  • 100% opaque red → transparent
  • 100% opaque green → transparent
  • 50% transparent black → transparent

Textures of TGA Type 1 with color format A1R5G5B5 seem to have their transparency bit ignored.

Edit (2):

All other TGA variants that I examined seem to work perfectly fine, in particular, colors and transparency are displayed correctly for all non-Type-1 images with the color formats B8G8R8A8 or A1R5G5B5.

Edit (3):

FYI: TGA Type 1 are colormapped/palette images.
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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by Wuzzy » Post

When will the Weblate translations unlock again?

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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by grorp » Post

Wuzzy wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2024 00:57
When will the Weblate translations unlock again?
They are unlocked now: ... #i_6213384

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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by cHyperspeed » Post

I like the new GUI screens for download games/mods/texturepacks.
when IT's done ...

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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by erlehmann » Post

cHyperspeed wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2024 23:02
I like the new GUI screens for download games/mods/texturepacks.
The new screens are a great idea, but the overview has some issues.

Most importantly: Author names after titles “escape” layout boxes.

You can see this in the screenshot below for the following games:
  • Backrooms Test
  • Piranesi-Restorationsprojekt
  • Void - An empty game
  • Modular Portals
  • VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
I hereby suggest to put the name of the author on a separate line.

Edit: You can also see unused vertical space in the screenshot.
luanti-5.10.rc1-cdb-menu-overhang.png (416.82 KiB) Viewed 1997 times
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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by rubenwardy » Post

erlehmann wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:55
The new screens are a great idea, but the overview has some issues.

Most importantly: Author names after titles “escape” layout boxes.

You can see this in the screenshot below for the following games:
  • Backrooms Test
  • Piranesi-Restorationsprojekt
  • Void - An empty game
  • Modular Portals
  • VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
I hereby suggest to put the name of the author on a separate line.

Edit: You can also see unused vertical space in the screenshot.
The dialog currently uses a two step process to build the grid - at load time it decides how many tiles to show per page, and then at render time it decides how to layout these tiles. When these two steps disagree, you end up with unused vertical space like that. On the to do list, I mentioned switching to a single step process: ... 2399245948

This is also why the titles are cut off - the tiles are smaller than they should be
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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by Knightech86 » Post

I think the names of the authers should be on sepret line is a good idea, and im also wondering is the main menu and startup going to change?

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Re: Luanti 5.10.0 release candidate 1

by erlehmann » Post

I wrote a patch for the “Textures of TGA Type 1 with color format A1R5G5B5 seem to have their transparency bit ignored.” issue, cora tested it, luatic opened a PR, sfan5 merged it. Thanks to everyone who took part in this!

I also wrote a patch for the “Textures of TGA Type 1 with color format B8G8R8A8 are decoded with messed up colors.” issue. It turned out this is a regression, but due to the messed up irrlicht merge (instead of doing a subtree merge, all code was simply imported in a single commit) I did not bother to figure out when and how it happened. These textures used to display better though and with that second patch, they do again. ... th-c.patch

**Edit:** Attached are images of my TGA test nodes in Luanti 5.10 rc1 and with both patches applied.
TGA test nodes with both patches applied
TGA test nodes with both patches applied
minetest-5.10-rc1-tga-fixed.png (250.7 KiB) Viewed 1481 times
TGA test nodes in Luanti 5.10 rc1
TGA test nodes in Luanti 5.10 rc1
minetest-5.10-rc1-tga-unfixed.png (266.63 KiB) Viewed 1481 times
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