[Mod] Turtles (robots) [turtle] [WIP]

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[Mod] Turtles (robots) [turtle] [WIP]

by Nore » Post

This mod adds a programmable robot (turtle), which can move, and interact with the world. They also can interact with formspecs as a player would (for now limited to inventory actions, but that includes crafting). Finally, it is possible to use digilines with the turtle for IO.
Planned features are:
- try to make a self-replication program (that was possible in an earlier version too)

The turtle's computer is programmable in Forth, or in assembly (of a custom virtual CPU). To use it, place a turtle, create a floppy disk and a floppy programmer, put the floppy inside the programmer, and select the "Forth Boot Disk" program. Finally, put it in the turtle, and reboot.


Depends on:
- pipeworks
- digilines

Code: MIT
Textures are by kaeza, CC-BY-SA (see README for more precisions about the individual licenses of textures)

Github repo: https://github.com/Ekdohibs/turtle
Last edited by Nore on Fri Jul 24, 2015 09:38, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [Mod] Turtles (robots) [turtle] [WIP]

by Krock » Post

Interesting idea.
A bootable turtle :)
I'm looking forwards to this project.
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Re: [Mod] Turtles (robots) [turtle] [WIP]

by twoelk » Post

wonder when we may get an ingame "programmable brick" that uses NQC, NXC or maybe Logo. There should be lots of kids out there that have robot routines in languages as these. Simulating the sensors such robots use in real life might pose a little challenge though.

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Re: [Mod] Turtles (robots) [turtle] [WIP]

by Nore » Post

New version: interaction with formspecs, and digiline IO.

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Re: [Mod] Turtles (robots) [turtle] [WIP]

by Sokomine » Post

Perhaps it could do L-system as well and thus show how the trees come to be by placing them block-by-block?
A list of my mods can be found here.

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