Keywords: Farming, Food, Crops, Cooking

A set of farm crops meant to extend the default game.
Design considerations are specific, and intentionally different from some other crop mods:
- No HD textures or ultra realism, textures are 16x16 and look good in the default texture set
- Supplement gameplay. A variety of crops helps gameplay. The default wheat-only edible farm crop is not enough
- Not be "free food". Farming is hard work, repetitive actions are needed to keep crops up
- Crops are all unique, and have their own quirks and properties, like growing differently, or be harvestable multiple times, or wilt when spent.
- No extensive 3D models, minimal surfaces/meshes only.
A default configuration file, "crops_settings.txt" will be added to your world folder that contains suggested "easy", "normal" (the default) and "difficult" settings for this mod. You can currently tune the ABM interval/chance, and required light level for plant growth.
Some of the plants can be found in the default game through mapgen or other. Melon and Pumpkin plants are rare, but you can find them if you look in the right places. Potatoes can be obtained by digging dirt, once in a while you will find a potato. Other plants are not obtainable naturally in non-creative mode yet. I'm open to ideas.
Except for the "easy" difficulty, where watering and hydration is disabled, plants need water. Plants need more water when they grow. This mod implements mechanics of plant hydration and what happens when you over-water or not water your plants properly: Plants may wither or soak, and if they wither/soak too much, the plant will get damaged.
You can see that plants are under stress visually. When a plant withers, there will be particles that are steam/smoke-like floating upwards from the plant. When a plant is over-watered, water bubbles can be seen at the plant base. These are implemented as particles.
In the default difficulty settings, plants don't accrue enough damage to kill the plant. But at difficult settings, withering will end up resulting in plant death, or the loss of crop entirely. At default settings, plants will yield significantly less harvest if not taken care of! So if you do decide to not water your plants, make sure you don't let them sit around for days and harvest them as soon as they are ripe to limit the effects.
Environment factors can influence hydration: nearby water, night time moisture. And of course, the watering can. The watering can holds 20 watering charges, and it takes 3-4 charges to water a plant from completely dry to maximum wetness. Some plants will want more water, some will do better with less, so make sure you use a hydrometer to measure plant humidity. Recipes for the watering can and hydrometer are listed below.
Melons, and Pumpkins:
Melon seeds can be planted and grow to a mature melon plant. After flowering, a melon is grown adjacent to the melon plant. Harvesting the melon allows the plant to grow another flower, and thus melon. Digging the melon yields melon slices. From the slices, you can again get melon seeds, as expected.
Pumpkins are similar, but digging them yields a pumpkin block. Roast it or get a seed from that. Unfortunately, the pumpkin plant doesn't last forever, so save some seeds to replant next year.
Corn is a 2-block high plant. There is a new 3d model/mesh for corn plants. Corn can be planted (a single corn kernel is a seed). The plant has several growth stages, one of which yields corn cobs. Corn cobs can be crafted to corn again, or cooked to corn-on-the-cob. After harvesting, a "wilted corn bush" remains that needs to be removed, just like in real corn fields.
Tomatoes can be processed to seeds, aren't very nutritious by themselves. The seeds grow to a mature plant that on harvesting yield only one or two tomatoes at a time, but can be harvested several times. After several harvests the tomato plant is spent and wilts, and needs to be removed so that a new tomato seed can be planted.
The potato plants themselves don't drop anything. Only if the plant matures can you dig potatoes from the soil. If you can reach the soil from the side you can save yourself one dig by digging the soil as that will remove the plant from the top, but otherwise you need to dig twice: once to remove the plant, once to dig out the potatoes.
You get 3-5 potatoes. Each potato gives one (set of) "potato eyes" which are the clones that can grow back to potatoes. Be careful not to dig the plant when there's flowers! You have to wait until the soil below shows potatoes. It's fairly easy to see the difference, though.
Green Beans.
These green beans are unnaturally green, but there's so many of them that grow on a vine! Sadly, these beans don't grow beans unsupported, so you stick some sticks together to make a beanpole, something like this way:
Code: Select all
empty empty empty
stick empty stick
stick empty stick
Sadly, once the beans are picked, this plant turns into an unusable mess that makes it hard for the next plant to grow on the beanpole, so you salvage the beanpole's sticks after harvesting in order to make more beanpoles again. It's a bit of work, but worth it, these beans are delicious!
Cooking / Crafting
The corn cobs can be cooked directly to make Corn-on-the-Cob.
This mod includes a bowl recipe. The bowl is made from clay lumps, which results in an unbaked clay bowl that needs to be baked in an oven to be usable:
Code: Select all
empty empty empty
clay_lump empty clay_lump
empty clay_lump empty
Code: Select all
empty empty empty
grean_beans potato tomato
empty clay_bowl empty
The watering can can be made as follows:
Code: Select all
steel_ingot empty empty
steel_ingot empty steel_ingot
empty steel_ingot empty
The hydrometer can be crafted like this:
Code: Select all
mese_crystal_fragment empty empty
empty steel_ingot empty
empty empty steel_ingot





Green Beans on beanpoles:

Plants soaking:

Plants withering:
Download the current version from git as zip file from here: ...
Dependencies: none
all code: LGPL-2.0+
all artwork: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Cheers! Please test and feedback!
Check out my mods:
- Crops - viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11795
- Sedimentology - viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11028
- Warps - viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12005