This mod adds two new blocks and a tool:
1. an Active and Inactive Automata Cell
2. a Remote Control tool for triggering activation of cells according to 1D, 2D and 3D cellular automata rules, Importing of Game of Life .LIF files, and pausing resuming patterns.
3. a chat command (//owncells) to follow up WorldEdit commands such as //replace, //set. //mix, //load etc. Used to recover orphaned cells, create random fields, save and load patterns, and convert terrain and in-world objects into cells ready to activate with the remote.
Explanatory video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSBbuvQmhwY and the readme.md included in the mod is also thorough. Most recently a new tab has been added to the remote control to adjust the settings of an example of a non-totalistic 3D automata to create giant trees complete with roots, leaves and fruit.
Mod dependencies: worldedit (optional for certain features)
Mod only tested with Minetest v.0.4.12
Author: bobomb
License of code and textures WTFPL
(Included .LIF file collection by Alan Hensel, Game of Life patterns generally attributed to original discoverers)
repository: https://github.com/bobombolo/automata (has a full readme with screenshots)
zip: https://github.com/bobombolo/automata/a ... master.zip (always current)