Some of the commands included, see the README for all
- /clearinv - Clear your inventory
/godmode - Toggle godmode (infinite health and breath)
/kill - Kill player
/killme - Kill self
/heal - Heal self or other player
/broadcast - Broadcast message to entire server
/top - Teleport to topmost non air block at current y position
/gettime - Get current time of day
/spawn - Teleport to static spawnpoint, if set
/setspeed - Set your or other player's speed
/whatisthis - Get itemstring of currently wielded item
/whois - Get network information of specified player
- Auto afk Kicking - Kick players who are afk for a specified period of time
First Time Join Message - Broadcast a message when a player joins for the first time
Much of this mod is configurable, see settings.lua for more info.
Dependencies: None
Licence: CC0