[mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_water]

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[mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_water]

by blert2112 » Post

A few water critters ported from other mob frameworks to Mobs-Redo.
Add some life to your oceans!

Latest update REQUIRES mobs_redo latest git as of Oct 24, 2015!

Supports the seaplants, seacoral, and seawrecks mods by spawning near certain node types, if available.
They all still need a bit of tweaking regarding spawn rate, rarity, and balance but should all work.

  • blue/white fish from animals_modpack
    crocodile from not-so-simple-mobs
    clownfish from animals_modpack
    jellyfish by me ... my first model, yeah, it's not that great
    shark from animals_modpack
    turtle by AspireMint
License information for the models and textures can be found inside the respective folders.

If you own the graphics contained in this mod-pack and want them removed please just say the word.

zip ... https://github.com/blert2112/mobs_water ... master.zip
github ... https://github.com/blert2112/mobs_water.git
Last edited by blert2112 on Sun Oct 25, 2015 01:28, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by Sokomine » Post

Nice! I hope all those simple mobs based mobs get collected somewhere so that players which are intrested can download them easily.
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

I actually have an ass-ton more ports to "mobs_redo" that I have done. I will release them soon I think.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by TenPlus1 » Post

Sweet, cant wait to see them blert2112 :) checking fish now...

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post


I like variety, others not so much... There are now three versions of a crocodile mob. The first is spawned in shallow water and floats, it will attack you and even come up onto land to take a bite of you. The second is spawned in shallow water but is a swimmer, it will not attack you unless you fool with it. The third is a walker spawned on land near water, it will attack you but it does not float so if it wanders into water it won't attack unless aggravated. You can enable/disable each in the SETTINGS.txt file in the crocodile folder.

Tweaked around with spawn rates, hit points, damage, and other "numbery stuff" of each critter.

Made a new model and texture for the jellyfish. Both files are now much small and, I think, look better.
TenPlus1 wrote:Sweet, cant wait to see them blert2112 :) checking fish now...
Hope you like it!

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by RoseLite » Post

What do I re-name the file to?
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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

RoseLite wrote:What do I re-name the file to?
As it is a mod-pack it doesn't really matter. Remove the "-master" if you like.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by RoseLite » Post

I've tried. I have the mod required but if still wont work. Removing master doesn't help. Thanks though. I've also downloaded for both the zip and github.
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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

RoseLite wrote:I've tried. I have the mod required but if still wont work. Removing master doesn't help. Thanks though. I've also downloaded for both the zip and github.
Are you getting any errors in the terminal?
Do you see the spawn eggs in the inventory (enable creative)?
Do you have Mobs_redo installed and enabled?

I just downloaded it and tried and it works fine for me, with and without renaming the pack folder.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by TenPlus1 » Post

Crocodile is pretty good and scary when it comes chartging at you :) Turtle is simple and jellyfish look cool... As for the fish, they have a tendency to come onto land and roam around so I recommend changing the stepheight to 0.2 in the code...

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post


Shark now comes in three types: small, medium, and large. They also now sport three random skins. You can dis/enable in SETTINGS.txt
Crocodile now sports a second skin. It is a bit less bright and more on the brownish-green side.
Clownfish now have two skins... the original orange and a black one. Texture file size now much smaller than before.
Blue/white fish now has three random skins... the blue, a green, and a yellow. Texture file size now much smaller than before.

--Told you I like variety. :)

Fish stephieght changed to 0.2 to try to fix the roaming around on land thing.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by Minetestforfun » Post

Great !
(your initial post needs screenshots, it's better :))

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by TenPlus1 » Post

Re-did the fishies part of your mod so that it doesn't need the 80kb mesh files and only uses upright_sprites to work and a few simple textures...
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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

Fixed some things I broke with the last update... sorry about that.
Because the "blue/white" fish now has three random skins, I renamed it to "Tropical fish". This will cause some unknowns to float around if you had the mod installed previously... just kill them.
Turtle now has two random skins. Because of the way it now uses overlays and colorize, you will probably have turtles roaming around with no skin. Yikes! Kill them too.

I don't plan on messing with the textures any more, other than to maybe add more skins but that wont effect already spawned mobs. Sorry for the inconvenience.
TenPlus1 wrote:Re-did the fishies part of your mod so that it doesn't need the 80kb mesh files and only uses upright_sprites to work and a few simple textures...
Those look really good, pretty lightweight too. I think I will keep the mod in this pack using the meshes because I like the blockiness of them. My personal server and clients all have loads of RAM and plenty of bandwidth so I am not worried about that kind of stuff but it is good that others have an alternative.

Now, time to stop fiddling with this one and package up the flying critters. :)

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by mahmutelmas06 » Post

Duck from not so simple mobs. I have edited a bit

Edit : Edited spawn rate
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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

mahmutelmas06 wrote:Duck from not so simple mobs. I have edited a bit
Thank you. This is already on my list to add, just finishing up a few things. But... it is going into the sky pack I think as there is a flying model also.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by nvrsbr » Post

I hit a shark, and then it floated up into the sky like it took off flying?

- Sharks swim above water if you get close or hit them.
- Crocodiles do the same thing.
- Ducks are spawning like crazy.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

nvrsbr wrote:I hit a shark, and then it floated up into the sky like it took off flying?

- Sharks swim above water if you get close or hit them.
- Crocodiles do the same thing.
- Ducks are spawning like crazy.
There are no ducks in this pack so I can't help with that one much. Open the init.lua and increase the spawn chance variable in the spawn function call.
The sharks and crocs doing that is strange though, I have not seen that before. I'm going to the beach today but I will look into it this evening.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by nvrsbr » Post

The Ducks are from 3 posts up :D

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by mahmutelmas06 » Post

nvrsbr wrote:The Ducks are from 3 posts up :D

Change these values

8, -- Interval to 20
7000, -- Chance to 9000
5, -- Active Object Count to 2

or download again i reuploaded fixed version.
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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by blert2112 » Post

requires mobs_redo v1.13 or better, new capture function implimented

This should fix the sharks and crocs levitating into the air after you hit them. I had to change the fall speed to -1... unfortunately, that means they won't swim around in open water anymore, instead they will slowly "fall" in the water until they hit something solid.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by nvrsbr » Post

blert2112 wrote:Updated
requires mobs_redo v1.13 or better, new capture function implimented

This should fix the sharks and crocs levitating into the air after you hit them. I had to change the fall speed to -1... unfortunately, that means they won't swim around in open water anymore, instead they will slowly "fall" in the water until they hit something solid.
Thanks, seems to work great now.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [water_mobs]

by dannyplaysminetest » Post

Thanks for this Mod, brings the natural game envoriment realy to life, and thanks mahmutelmas06 for the Animal_duck.zip added that one as wel. ^_^

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_water]

by blert2112 » Post

Updated ... important, read below

This update adds no functionality or tweaks! It is purely a name (and therefore, directory structure) change done for compatibility reasons. The turtle mob was conflicting with another mod so I changed all the mod names for consistency and alphabetical listing. If you are not having any issues with conflicting mod names there is no need to update to this release. PLEASE NOTE: Since this is still a WIP mod there is no backward compatibility implemented (it wouldn't work with the conflicting mods anyway). Any mobs in this mod currently in your world will be "unknown" entities (kill them all or run the clear unknown command). Remember to disable and delete the old mod folder.

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Re: [mod-pack] water critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_water]

by blert2112 » Post

REQUIRES mobs_redo latest GIT version!
The rotated mesh mobs (MOBF converts) should now attack instead of run away from you.

If you did not update yesterday then be sure to disable and delete the old modpack folder as the mod names, including the modpack, have all changed for compatibility reasons. Any mobs from this pack currently in your world will be "unknown entities", kill them at your leisure or run the clear unknowns command.

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