A "lite" mode is available for use on devices with restricted screen sizes or servers that cater to them (just add unified_inventory_lite = true to your minetest.conf)
Download: https://github.com/minetest-mods/unifie ... master.zip
Or browse the code: https://github.com/minetest-mods/unified_inventory
Please make sure you don't have any previous versions of the mod installed.
Download the zip, unpack it into your mods directory, and enable the mod in your desired world.
No need to rename anything, just download and unpack.
Dependencies: Minetest engine version 5.4.0 or newer.
Recommends: datastorage (enables the waypoints component); mods such as Worldedit (its GUI component), 3d armor, and others can register additional pages in the inventory display as well. Mods can control whether they are accessible in "lite" mode, also.
License: GPLv3+
Credits: Much credit goes to the creators of the separate parts used to make this mod:
Cornernote, Jeija, PilzAdam and others.
Please post any ideas you may have to help improve it.
"Full" formspec mode, showing the craft grid page, with creative inventory
"Lite" formspec mode, showing the same page
Crafting Guide page, showing how to make a bookshelf
Bags page, showing a large bag with some random content