In Other Well-Known Voxel Games™, darkness is dangerous because it spawns monsters. In MineTest (specifically, minetest_game), darkness just makes it more likely for you to walk into a tree.
This mod changes that in a very direct fashion: you are damaged by darkness, the darker the damager. Managing light and dark becomes a first-class game mechanic, and "surviving your first night" just got real. So craft those torches!
Current behavior
If you stand in a node with light level 7 or less, you slowly lose your sanity, represented by a "sanity meter" (a line of eyes). The darker it is, the more sanity you lose per second, and when it runs out, you get direct damage instead.
Stand in bright light to replenish sanity. Sunlight is best, but standing directly on a torch should help, too.
Future plans
None at the moment.
Version: 0.4.0
License: Code LGPL 2, Textures CC-BY-SA
Repository: GitHub