Ferk wrote:I'm surprised that the Earth is so small.. how come the Moon looks bigger from here than the Earth from there?
It's not that small compared to the size of the player. That said, I read that there is a visual illusion whereby the brain magnifies the size of bright things against a dark background, making the moon look larger than it is against the background of the night sky.
Maybe it would make sense to turn this into a subgame instead of just a mod and add your own ores and stuff.. most of vanilla minetest_game is useless in this mapgen anyway, since there's no way to obtain wood, you won't be able to craft tools to begin with.
Or I can just leave it as is, for use in creative. (I don't actually play almost at all in Minecraft/Minetest myself, except in creative, and even then I generate almost everything procedurally, typically using python code.)
A different texture for lunar rock, instead of the stone from Minetest might also be nice. Even if it was just a brightened version of the stone texture.
The moon is actually not all that bright when you're on it.
Here are some photos of real moon rocks. It just looks bright against the night sky. The photos of moon rocks seem to match the stone texture pretty well.