Do you like cubic node?
Here is a small hack mod.

1. Change some mesh node to nodebox. (meshtobox.lua)
For now, bushes,mushrooms,sunflower,pebbles.
(and molehill become more simple.)
2. Change some node behavior. (behavior.lua)
Pebbles have oddly_breakable_by_hand=2.(We can break it with hand)
Twigs have dig_immediate=3.(We can pick it immediately. easy than digging dirt.)
Ivy(climbing) have climbable. (We can use it as ladder)
3. Add some recipe.(I want to make them useful.) (newrecipe.lua)
*4 Juncus -> 2 wetreed
*4 Pebbles -> 1 Cobblestone (normal/dessert)
*Moss -> 1 dark green dye
*Moss + cobblestone -> 1 mossy cobblestone
*2 ivy (seedling) -> 1 ivy(sproutling)
*2 ivy(sproutling) -> 1 ivy(climbing)
Dependencies: Plantlife (and it's depends)
License: WTFPL