Licenses: code and media CC0
Depends: default, fire
1: Craft the barrels
2: Put somewhere or into water
3: Punch the barrels until those breaks and see the terrible effects >:D
mod updated, still crashes sometimes, but is better
It becomes gass over the water that you cant breath in.
You can be sick (poisoned) if you swim in the toxic water, swim in common water to be fresh.
The sicknes hurts depending on how sick you are, the sicknes infected other players too.
Swim in toxic water when it hurts making much more damage.
+ a poison gun - make your enemies & mobs sick >:)
It becomes hurting gass over the ice, and it can freeze you, if you walk on the ice (can breaked with steel pick).
You can be sick if you walk on the ice.
+ a freezing gun - freeze your enemies & mobs (can be sick too) >:)
This is a slow process that the barrels replacing the underground with vacuum,
its recommended to use many of this barrels at same time.
When its done it making the ground crackly then it falls if a player walks on it.
The very aggressive mobs attacks everything without their own team, even items.
Craft 3 Kalium bottles to make 1 Kalium pur / ender bottle (purple) 3x more health, teleports on attack & drops 2 common on death... Creepy! not even walls can hide you!
coal-block copper-block steel-block bronze-block
magnesium-block obsidian-block gold-block mese-block diamond-block
axov is a dangerours mob that spawns on effects by the barrels use this uncraftable tools to spawn them.
toxic pollution:axovrifle
ice pollution:axovicerifle
crystal pollution:axocrystalvrifle
acid pollution:axovyrifle
uranium pollution:axovurifle (extremely dangerous)
It replacing plants and trees in a big area around the barrel, and some dirt into it.
Break a crystal to use it as a sword with lightning power, it can hurt you until death in 1 hit!
(damage on each lightning shock) small=1, medium=2, big=5
The crystal mobs spawn on the crystal soil, and spread the soil too, so be carefull with this!
its as it sounds, be very careful with this, because it will burn (acid fire) next to everything that is near it, even players & ...
It does not starts common fire, but another that only burn objects, and it can unexpectedly spawn again on you (even you is far away from it).
The acid axov will spread fire everywhere at same time it burn everything it punching.
+ acid fire rifle (fire thrower) will throw some fire front of you, "place" it on blocks to fill the power, it wont get destroyed.
pollution:nukers (nuclear-reactor spawning tool)
1: Use a uranium barrel (orange) to put uranium fuel source in the hole, in middle of the reactor
(can be built by self, but build a wall around a hole and water/ice aound it before put the fuel)
2: break / place the generators (update the nodes)
3: Put a mineral item (stuff like coal, iron ... ) in generators (it restarts when you put in them)
4: Make sure no water comes near the fuel source, or no hot gas around it, or you will get devastating consequences.
If you quickly need more water, punch a nitrogen barrel few times to freeze the water above.
If you need remove the meltdown, punch a acid barrel a few times. it can remove the radioactive source
The radioactive source, will destroy everything around it (not only into like the acid)
It can also destroy stone, and keep dig for ever, the source+fire cause a flashing damage, that's hard to survive.
the radioactive bots can be spawned in the yellow fire, they using very powerfull attacks and shock attacks with fire, they have 800hp.
a common player cant kill it in the first meat, and it can kill about 150 mobs in about 5 secunds!
it is as it sounds too, a locked chest, you can put in stuff, pick it up place somewhere else, and your stuff will be there!
the stuff saves inside a tool that you will get when punch it.
Place the barrel into water and punch it until it cracks and see all water in the world be poisoned.
you need to restart to make it take full effect.
remove the "'pollution_arsenic" file in the world folder to disable it.
you need to use creative inventory or do /giveme pollution:arsenicbarrel to get it