(I like to imagine the Inn full of players, hollering for their bread and ale)
Server IP: elkien3.com ( Port: 30000 (is now a factions server)
IRC: #minetest-kingdoms on xeroxirc.net/+6697
Mumble: elkien3.com ( Port 64738
Discord: https://discord.gg/jYTEftV
Github: https://github.com/Elkien3/kingdoms_game
Basic idea: create a world were players interact in a way different, more cinematic way than normal. also its medieval. (so build accordingly)
(not sure if these are quite the right words for it, but oh well.)
Player's objective: Join a team and ask what needs to be done, or mine and get geared up.
Rules: See /rules ingame.
First and foremost, I have most of rubenwardy's ctf_pvp_engine modpack.
I've set stuff up so everything is lootable for any wars.
minetest_game changes: diamond and mese swords removed. steel doors can be dug by anyone (if the door isn't protected by their flag)
voice mod is on for private conversation purposes with multiple people. Also there are some sound-making devices for longer range communication. (horns, bells...)

tags ATM there are entity based tags. normal tags are 100% hidden. (stealth ftw)
3d_armor has been balanced: diamond and mithril have been removed, steel, bronze, and gold slows you down a bit. (listed lightest to heaviest)
(this list is not all the mods, just the fairly important ones)
Map: http://elkien3.com/images/kingdoms_map_2-5-18.png
Other Notes:
Flags protect 64 blocks radius, in a sphere.
Strict protocol checking is on, you will need Minetest 0.4.14 or newer to play.