[MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Thankfully it wouldnt need a dependency, although I'm open for ideas on how to make it renewable.
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Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
The most sensible way is propagation to adjacent nodes under certain conditions, such as presence of water and appropriate substrate. Maybe it should consume certain nodes in order to propagate
- Slime Mold spreads by eating Spore Grass.
- Tweak taiga and coniferous biome (better pine tree layout).
- Tweak jungle biome (biome levels).
- Tweak mediterranean biome (more trees and flowers).
- Tweak cold desert biome (add cold and dry grass).
- Tweak Mesa biome (red sand beach, redwood tree layer, mesa clay above).
- Add specific dungeon nodes per biome.
- Add frost ocean and thin ice (thin ice has a chance of breaking when using any on_walk_over mods like playerplus).
- Change cold_grass biome to snowy_grassland.
- Tweak jungle biome (biome levels).
- Tweak mediterranean biome (more trees and flowers).
- Tweak cold desert biome (add cold and dry grass).
- Tweak Mesa biome (red sand beach, redwood tree layer, mesa clay above).
- Add specific dungeon nodes per biome.
- Add frost ocean and thin ice (thin ice has a chance of breaking when using any on_walk_over mods like playerplus).
- Change cold_grass biome to snowy_grassland.
- Vertical blend biomes to hopefully remove straight-line transitions.
- Added 'ethereal.old_biomes' setting that you can enable to use the older heat/humidity for compatibility if wanted.
- Snowy Grassland and Cold Desert biomes not registered when above setting is True.
- Update settings.
- Basandra busy is no longer flammable.
- Tweak dry bush texture.
- Added 'ethereal.old_biomes' setting that you can enable to use the older heat/humidity for compatibility if wanted.
- Snowy Grassland and Cold Desert biomes not registered when above setting is True.
- Update settings.
- Basandra busy is no longer flammable.
- Tweak dry bush texture.
- Add permenant_flame to melting snow group.
- Alias bush3 to pine_needles_bush.
- Alias bush3 to pine_needles_bush.
- Tweak old Mesa layering.
- Update Russian translation (thx skybuilder1717)
- Re-add sapling removal on grow.
- Update Russian translation (thx skybuilder1717)
- Re-add sapling removal on grow.
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- GitHub: axcore
- In-game: Josselin
- Location: Tunnelers' Abyss
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
In schems.lua:
Is sidelen = 8 a typo for 80? (If so, the typo has existed for a few years, and it doesn't reflect brown mushrooms which use the "standard" value of 80.)
Also, this looks like a typo:
In earlier version of ethereal, the growth stage dropped 2 strawberries for a rarity of 3.
Code: Select all
-- giant red mushroom
register_decoration(ethereal.mushroom, {
place_on = "ethereal:mushroom_dirt",
fill_ratio = 0.018, sidelen = 8, y_min = 3, y_max = 25,
biomes = {"mushroom"},
schematic = ethereal.mushroomone,
spawn_by = "ethereal:mushroom_dirt", num_spawn_by = 8})
Also, this looks like a typo:
Code: Select all
-- stage 7
def.tiles = {"ethereal_strawberry_7.png"}
def.drop = {
items = {
{items = {"ethereal:strawberry 1"}, rarity = 1},
{items = {"ethereal:strawberry 1"}, rarity = 3}
minetest.register_node("ethereal:strawberry_7", table.copy(def))
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
@Josselin2 - Neither of those are typos, the first is a value chosen for the spread of the larger mushrooms, and the 2nd is a choice not to drop too many strawberries before the crop has matured in strawberry_8.
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- GitHub: axcore
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- Location: Tunnelers' Abyss
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Ok, but this time I have definitely found a typo ;)
In decor.lua,
That should definitely be snowy_grassland_ocean.
In decor.lua,
Code: Select all
biomes = {"frost_ocean", "deciduous_forest_ocean", "sandstone_ocean", "swamp_ocean",
- Fixed typo in decor.lua (thx Josselin2)
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- GitHub: axcore
- In-game: Josselin
- Location: Tunnelers' Abyss
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Jellyfish Salad, and Fish and Chips, both use two different eatable values. (This doesn't happen anywhere else in ethereal or farming_redo, so presumably they are typos.)
In biomes.lua, the register_biome() function overrides the vertical blend for biomes that specify their own values; for example, "swamp_ocean" uses 2 and "tundra" uses 4, both of those values are overwritten. Probably this is an oversight, otherwise why specify those values at all? Perhaps the code should be:
The same function adds default sand as the riverbed. Shouldn't biomes like "sandstone_desert" use desert sand as their riverbeds? (After all, the "cold_desert" biome already uses silver sand for its riverbed.)
Also in register_biome(), the .node_dungeon_alt value is ignored, possibly because of a typo. Shouldn't the code look like this instead? And if not, why bother specifying default:desert_sandstone in the mesa biome, among other examples?
Code: Select all
minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:jellyfish_salad", {
description = S("Jellyfish Salad"),
inventory_image = "ethereal_jellyfish_salad.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(6)
ethereal.add_eatable("ethereal:jellyfish_salad", 4)
Code: Select all
minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:fish_n_chips", {
description = S("Fish & Chips"),
inventory_image = "ethereal_fish_chips.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(6)
ethereal.add_eatable("ethereal:fish_n_chips", 4)
Code: Select all
if def.y_min > 0 and def.vertical_blend == nil then def.vertical_blend = 1 end
Also in register_biome(), the .node_dungeon_alt value is ignored, possibly because of a typo. Shouldn't the code look like this instead? And if not, why bother specifying default:desert_sandstone in the mesa biome, among other examples?
Code: Select all
def.node_dungeon_alt = def.node_dungeon_alt and "" or "default:mossycobble"
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
@Josselin2 - Jellyfish Salad and Fish & Chips values changed to suit, swamp_ocean and tundra_ocean both have y_min value below 0 so vertical_blend for those aren't overwritten, and node_dungeon_alt tweaked slightly. Thanks for assist!
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- GitHub: axcore
- In-game: Josselin
- Location: Tunnelers' Abyss
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Apologies, here's another definite typo, in leaves.lua:
Last line should be maxacc.
And in fishing.lua, should be Cichlid.
Code: Select all
amount = 1,
time = 2,
minpos = {x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z - 1},
maxpos = {x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1},
minvel = {x = -0.8, y = -1, z = -0.8},
maxvel = {x = 0.8, y = -3, z = 0.8},
minacc = {x = -0.1, y = -1, z = -0.1},
mixacc = {x = 0.2, y = -3, z = 0.2},
And in fishing.lua, should be Cichlid.
Code: Select all
{"Blue Ram Chichlid", "blueram", 2},
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
@Josselin2 - Fixed, thanks for noticing :P
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- Posts: 69
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- GitHub: alerikaisattera
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Suggestion: add underwater clay to desert and silver sand
- Added clay blobs to silver/desert sand ocean.
- Added old biome compatibility for healing tree placement.
- Added old biome compatibility for healing tree placement.
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- GitHub: axcore
- In-game: Josselin
- Location: Tunnelers' Abyss
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
In fishing.lua, what is the meaning of the -2 value?
We might expect that it means "reduce the player's HP, if the raw fish is eaten". But that's not what happens. Instead the pufferfish can't be eaten (like the shrimp and squid, which use the value 0).
Code: Select all
{"Tiger Pufferfish", "pufferfish", -2},
Code: Select all
if fish[n][3] > 0 then
usage = minetest.item_eat(fish[n][3])
groups = {food_fish_raw = 1, ethereal_fish = 1}
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
@Josselin2 - I was hoping not to subject players to the eating of raw pufferfish, changes made :P
- Use [multiply to colour candles which uses less images.
- Update german translation (thanks MrUncreative).
- Eating raw pufferfish damages player health -16.
- Add bamboo moss type.
- Fix mushroom biome ambience.
- Update german translation (thanks MrUncreative).
- Eating raw pufferfish damages player health -16.
- Add bamboo moss type.
- Fix mushroom biome ambience.
- Add desert cobble spikes to caves biome.
- Add dry shrub to permafrost areas.
- When Caverealms in use, add icicles to glacier biome.
- When Caverealms in use, add stone with algae to permafrost areas.
- Replace torch drop abm with on_flood.
- Add dry shrub to permafrost areas.
- When Caverealms in use, add icicles to glacier biome.
- When Caverealms in use, add stone with algae to permafrost areas.
- Replace torch drop abm with on_flood.
- Limit sandy generation to -45.
- Add deep sea vents it Nether mod active.
- Tweak LBM's.
- Tweak schematics.
- Add sandy recipe.
- Add deep sea vents it Nether mod active.
- Tweak LBM's.
- Tweak schematics.
- Add sandy recipe.
- Add stone spikes under caves biome.
- Tweak desert cobble spike decor.
- Tweak desert cobble spike decor.
- Add flight potion to vessel group.
- Add 5x new pond lucky blocks.
- Add 5x new pond lucky blocks.
- Deadlock
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- GitHub: Distributed-DeadLock
- In-game: Jimmey
Re: [MOD] Ethereal NG [1.32] [ethereal]
Missing dependencies in food?
installing just Ethereal on the Minetest_Game,the following food items are missing ingredients:
installing Farming Redo fix all the issues except for sushi_tamago.
i think there are some dependencies missing.