An inside of a scifi base:

An outside of the same one:

There are 10 nodes that are registered by PvP mode (most of these are enabled in building mode too):

Three types of concrete for building walls:
1.Plastcrete - the lightweight version of the original concrete, made from plastic.
2.Concrete - the concrete is made from cobble and stone so it is really easy to get.
3.Hardcrete - the strongest of the three, its crafting includes obsidian.
There are also variations of concrete nodes: windows (in the middle) and hidden doors, both easily craftable.
4.Next type of nodes are platings, they are crafted from steel ingots and dye, their use is in colouring the base in team colours, and they are also really strong.
5,6.Spikes are made from steel ingots but they are as useful as they're expensive.The ordinary spikes(5) slow down any player that gets inside them and cause 4 damage per second, while the heated spikes cause 8 damage per second and slowdown the player by 10 times. The heated spikes are made by placing lava near ordinary spikes.
7,8. Jump pad makes player jump higher, the ordinary jump pad is crafted from steel and leaves and it makes player jump 3 times higher while the orange jump pad makes player jump 5 times higher. Orange jump pads are also made by placing lava near ordinary jump pads.
9. Speed pads make player move 15 times faster, there is no stronger version of this pad yet.
10.Land pads are made to remove the falling damage, so any player who falls on the land pad from any height will receive no damage at all.
[UPDATE] Building version adds 10 new nodes to the game:

The new 10 nodes are:
B1 - Computer Panels, there are 3 versions: ordinary, half and quarter panel, they are the main ingreedient in crafting other tech nodes.
B2 - Locked Computer Chest - Like locked chest, just has the scifi texture :P
B3 - Computer Screen - A decoration node with an animation
B4 - Ventilation Aperture - A decoration node
B5 - Tech Panel - An ordinary computer panel with some circuits inside
B6 - Transition Panels - Nodes that make the transition from tech panels to other nodes (also to default nodes)
B7 - Blue Circuits - An decoration node that just looks good in combonation with panels :P
B8 - Corners - Concrete corners available in all colours
B9 - Concrete/Hardcrete/Plastcrete Lights - Light panels attached to concrete/hardcrete/plastcrete
B10 - Lamps - Nodebox lamps (3D) they emmit light, obviously :P
The Building mode crafts are more resource intensive in order to fit in survival games. The nodes REMOVED by the building mode are spikes and hidden doors.To change to PvP mode, go to the warzone folder, open the default_settings.txt and set the warzone_building_mode to anything else than 1.
Depends: moreblocks, default, dye
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License: GPLv3.0
Textures License: CC BY-SA
I hope you'll like it :D