[Server] Just Test Tribute

How many of you have ever played on Lag's original Just Test server?

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by garywhite » Post

rnd wrote:1.i propose:

have several moderators with spy mod so they can do screenshot evidence and ability to remove interact from offender. Lag didnt want to do that and look what happened.

You can disable /privs command so that cheater cant see who moderators are.

basically: clock and dagger operation

2. "If using a hacked client, do NOT use it offensively " heh like they will follow any stupid rules.. its a challenge to them to mess stuff up ;) not follow rules
I agree with rnd. Why should anyone be allowed to cheat if the rules specifically say "No cheating"? It makes it highly unfair to everyone else that they can get a bunch of stuff and make a load of money selling it back to everyone (or, in the case of the original JT, blowing up spawn and taking over all the land in it i.e. CleanerPro)

I propose the same thing, except having said moderators monitor any player who is accused of cheating. I have seen this stuff on several occasions (myself being an admin on another server before) so I know how it is with certain types of players.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

paramat wrote:maikerumine you make good videos.
Thanks mate!
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

Just a reminder that tonight's reset is postponed to tomorrow night. Jave fun!
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by GoldFireUn » Post

Subject: Crime
Crime: Griefing
Culprit: Guest0
Victim: Safarie

Additional Note: Guest0 might also be TinyDancer. I've heard a number of complaints about this player in RL.

Note on Images: The house was originally made out of cobble. The grief mainly consists of dug/placed blocks and walls torn down. The place has since been protected by 843jdc to prevent further damage.


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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

return_of_flipper - noclip + fast + (possible teleport), observed myself + warnings.
vote command is useless, voted 0.

Roberson5435 - constant spam with text "Wuzzy" (needs mute I guess)

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Wuzzy » Post

I have a few suggestions to make about telling newcomers what exactly is going on with the server restart, the so-called “player reset”, and so on. Because I think it's worded in a way which is confusing or even misleading.

First, the time:
It seems the server does not actually shutdown on 19:00 EST but 19:00 EDT because of Daylight Savings Time.
If it were 19:00 EST, I would expect a shutdown on 0:00 UTC (5 hours later), but based on my observation it actually shuts down on 23:00 UTC (4 hours later, which is UTC-4 or EDT).

To make things simple, just say the server shuts down daily at 23:00 UTC and let's just forget about EST, EDT, and so on altogether. Please use UTC for both forum post and server announcement.

Second thing:
I would suggest to add more restart warnings:
At 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes before restart.

Giving the warning only at 5 minutes may be critically to short, especially if the player's “home” is very far from spawn. Many players already write their own warnings in chat, so it makes sense to automate this.

Also, make it so that they appear in red in chat2 (no need to flood the chat, however) at 10 minutes and below. AFAIK this can be done by starting the message with “!”. The other messages can just use the normal chat, without any coloring.

Third thing:
“Player files are deleted.”
“Server is reset.”
“Players are reset.”

This is all rather vague. Especially “Player files are deleted.” sounds very scary, it is even a bit misleading. The newbie might ask, what exactly does it mean when a player file is deleted? Do I have to start over daily? Will I lose my protected areas? Will I lose everything? Will I lose my account and password? These were the questions I asked myself on my first day. Apparently, the answer is always “No.”.

I would reword everything in a way which leaves no doubt open and tells all the players need to know. Avoid technical descriptions, just tell players what is relevant to them.

Here are suggested texts:
The server will be restarted daily at 23:00 UTC.
After a restart, the player inventories are emptied and reset to the starter items, players are returned to the spawn point and they are fully healed.
To avoid losing your items, put them into chests before the server restarts.
This sounds a lot LESS scary than “Player files are deleted.”.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

No reset tonight also. Spread sa word.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by AndDT » Post

mod request: chatplus (it has /ignore command), which could be very useful right now :)

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Fixer » Post

are you using this playerplus mod? https://github.com/tenplus1/playerplus (it should not suffocate when standing near fences).

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Wuzzy » Post

I have just posted a PR on said playerplus mod to improve the suffocation criteria, as suffocation is kinda broken. Basically I use the same criteria as in real_suffocation as those criteria work reliably, based on my experience so far. So if you insist to keep using playerplus, playerplus should at least fix the broken suffocation.

Note the difference between real_suffocation and playerplus: Real_suffocation reduces breath and causes drowning damage, playerplus causes direct damage, plus it is a collection of other small gameplay changes.

PS: Snow vending machine needs fixing. ;-)

PPS: Crafting suggestion: orange dye + sand → desert sand

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by rnd » Post



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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Wuzzy » Post

Sad news, the Cobble Crusher is currently out of order indefinitely. The Cobble Crusher was a building with 2 crushing furnaces which could be operated by anyone. This only worked because crushing furnaces ignored protection; thus the crushing furnaces could be operated by anyone. Basically, this building used a bug in a creative way. :-)

While the bug is interesting that is allows for places like this, it makes it hard to operate your own private crushing furnaces unless you lock and hide them away deep in your private area.
Normal furnaces already recognize protection, so it is just consequential to force it for crushing furnaces as well.

But this also means the Cobble Crusher is now rather pointless. Does anyone have an idea on how to make it work again? I guess this would require a change in the protector mod or somehow, but I have no real good idea.
I fear I have to demolish, close or repurpose this building should no good solution come along.

And lastly, I have one question: Which version of the vendor mod is this server using? If you are using a customized version, can I have the source code, please?

Thanks for increasing the stack size of gold ingots.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by edub » Post

Michael Lorenger,
Can I have my interact privs back?


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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by burli » Post

Try to connect to this server, but got this error message

Code: Select all

2016-08-31 22:15:40: ACTION[Main]: Client: Contacting remote server "http://lorenger.org/minetest/esmjt/"
2016-08-31 22:15:53: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: PNG warning: Incorrect bKGD chunk length
minetest: /build/minetest-aG4gRy/minetest-201608152330/src/nodedef.cpp:608: void ContentFeatures::updateTextures(ITextureSource*, IShaderSource*, irr::scene::ISceneManager*, irr::scene::IMeshManipulator*, IGameDef*, const TextureSettings&): Zusicherung »liquid_type == LIQUID_SOURCE« nicht erfüllt.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

@burli try it again, i believe it is fixed now.

@edub nope.

@Wuzzy C-furnace is not fixed yet, players can still remove items it seems but not place them. The vendor mod is the same one in old just test and on esm: https://github.com/AndrejIT/vendor If this doesn't work I may repost it, I made a goldblock vendor also and it seems to have vanished from my github.
Desert-sand is craftable as requested too. :)

@rnd cactus dig up is fixed.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

20160831 MAP Three weeks later...
Geez people, you all did such a remarkable job building things, it is quite amasing to me how much you all made in such a short time.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mjoocazyxzr3 ... 1.png?dl=0
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by edub » Post

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by sorcerykid » Post

Let us recall the incident on August 21, 2016.

Exhibit a) A makeshift aqueduct was constructed by edub to channel lava directly over spawntown, to inflict maximum damage.


Exhibit b) By nightfall, edub initiated his attack on the city, citing vengeance for having been previously "banned" by admin.


I can see no redeeming qualities in any player that carries out wanton acts of destruction and violence on a server where such conduct directly contravenes the posted rules. In Minetest parlance, you are a griefer.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by edub » Post

@ sorcerykid: Do you know what the difference is between a butt kisser & a brown noser? It's the depth that you are willing to go. You are digging pretty deep there missy. Hope you enjoy the taste of shit.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by GoldFireUn » Post


So recounting actual facts is "butt kissing"?

Your comments on this server topic have been, for the most part, infantile, and that last one was disgusting. You are acting like a terrible person. Oh, and that video link you posted is an example of terrible music/lyrics (and that's just going by the title). I propose to you that you have learned to behave like what you listen to.


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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

Don't. Feed the troll. The butthurt is strong with this one.


You are not wanted here. Please grow into a man.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by Obito » Post

edub .More like edumb. Ohhhhhhh snap!

Sry x3
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by 843jdc » Post

/xban edub by IP permanently.

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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

843jdc wrote:/xban edub by IP permanently.
He switches. Thepaininthearse is his latest account. You all can vote too. ;;)

Stay dry my friend.
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Re: @test@ Just Test II [SERVER]

by maikerumine » Post

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