This mod adds some very fast vehicles, with an api for adding more. Instead of using the keyboard to turn, the vehicles are controlled using the mouse. There are cars, planes, a boat, a tank, a firetruck, and a gun turret.
The cars can increase their speed for a bit if the sneak button is held(nitro), and the tank, jet and gun turret will fire their weapons when sneak is pressed. Also the ute's can carry passengers, and the fewawi (deliberate misspelling) turns on it's lights when right-clicked whilst sneaking, and the fire truck will fire water when sneak is pressed. There are also a few nodes for decoration, and a missile launcher.
There is also a parachute and wings, but these don't work very well at the moment.
>Hovercraft and more boats
>Passengers in all cars
>Add the old driving function to replace the simple driving
>Police siren
>Mining/digging capability for vehicles
>Those tiberium things xD
>Better jump
>split the mod into a modpack
>Possibly redo the api so that velocity and acceleration are only applied on one line (idk how to word this, no seperate set_velocity/acceleration for each event).
If anyone has any requests or models they'd like to see in the mod, it would be greatly appreciated
I'm kinda busy lately, got enough on my plate for now.
grass, grass, grass
stick, X, stick,
X, wood, X
X, X, X
car body, car body, white dye
wheel, engine, wheel
X, X, X
X, engine, X
wheel, armor, wheel
Police car:
X, blue dye, red dye
X, car body, X
wheel, engine, wheel
Assault Suit:
tank gun, glass, armor
X, engine, X
armor, X, armor
>Improved steering and braking. Steering is better whilst the cars brakes are being used, and the difference between normal turning and turning whilst braking can be specified in a vehicles definiton.
>The boat has a boost effect similar to that of cars
>Pressing 'down' will now slow a vehicle to a stop before it moves backwards.
>fixed some bugs
>added braking (used by cars)
>improved boost effect
>improved turning (it should be smoother)
>added Tractor
>nodes destroyed by vehicles now drop items
>vehicles only play sound to their driver(apart from the ambulance)
>changed tank model and added desert tank
>added fourd
>changed the way vehicles turn, they now turn a little more smoothly and aren't perfectly matched to the players looking direction
>added option for keyboard steering, but it is not used by the vehicles included in the mod.
>added apache helicopter
>added crafting recipes for the helicopter and lightcycles
>added animation speed setting
>animation speed is relative to the speed of the vehicles
>attempted to improve the speed of the mod by moving some variables inside 'if' functions.
>visually, turning is a bit smoother (vehicle turning is divided into 4 yaw changes instead of 1)
>added lightcycles
>added helicopter
>added death_node, place_node, and destroy_node options to the the api(see the readme file for more detail)
by zaoqi:
>intilib support
>improvements to vehicle drop
by zaoqi:
>Vehicles explode when they hit lava
>Functions are in the format vehicles.function_name, eg: vehicles.object_drive
>vehicles have gravity when they are not driven
>functions are now entirely in the api
by me:
>vehicles are now dropped if punched by the driver whilst they are being driven.
>The built-in vehicles, items, and nodes can all be disabled(line 21)
>All vehicles except the parachute now use the same driving function. It's a lot easier to make new vehicles now.
>The assault suit can fire missiles with the 'use' key. It is now possible for vehicles to fire two weapons.
>vehicles get a boost(formerly nitro) with the 'use' key, and can still shoot with 'sneak'.
>added assault suit, geep, police car, and ambulance
>rockets and bullets are faster
>rockets have a smoke trail
>bullets are now a 3d model
>cars are slower in reverse
>Animation fixed for differrent vehicles
>added jumping/hovering
>merged object_fly and object_fly2
>bullet spawn height can be set
>fixed eye offset
>added driving sound for cars
>added accelleration for cars
>vehicles require ammo for weapons
>planes can no longer fly backwards
>vehicles slow down in water
>fixed an error in the parachute
>vehicles explode when destroyed
>stairs dependancy is now optional
>vehicles can be removed and picked up if there is no driver
>fixed the jet flying away after exiting
>added crafting recipes and materials
changes thanks to Wuzzy:
>added setting vehicles_nodes = true/false
>added sound to basic nodes
>made tyres fall
>changed tunnel lights texture
>fixed problem with animation in object_fly
>added yellow lambogoni(thanks to Kosmos for the texture)
>Missiles and bullets punch as if they are the player, so that mobs will chase after whoever shoots them
>missiles will point up or down depending on the direction they are moving.
Vehicle owners can remove a vehicle by punching it, and the spawner will be dropped
License(textures and models): CC BY-SA 3.0 UNPORTED
default, tnt, stairs?, intilib?