The goal of this modpack is to make using Luanti and mods easier for both newcomers and advanced users.
It makes it easier for newcomers by making help more accessible.
It makes life easier for advanced user by making it more convenient to use, by centralizing the help where you most need it: Inside the game.
This modpack will also make modder's life easier by allowing them to add help texts directly into mods (see more about this below).
Mod list
- Basic Help [doc_basics]: Help entries about Luanti, controls, gameplay and other basic topics
- Item Help [doc_items]: Help entries for items (blocks, tools, weapons, crafting items, other items)
- Encyclopedia [doc_encyclopedia]: Item to access the help
- Lookup Tool [doc_identifier]: Tool to identify and show entries for pointed things
- Documentation System [doc]: User interface and core API. Allows mods to add help entries and categories of practically anything
Basic concepts
The help is very simply organized:
- The help is organized in entries which can be formatted quite freely
- Categories group multiple entries together
- For gameplay reasons (e.g. to avoid spoilering), certain entries can be hidden to be revealed later
To open the help, …
- Use the encyclopedia item,
- or click on the question mark button in one of the mods Unified inventory, Inventory++, or Simple Fast Inventory Buttons.
- Or use the command “/helpform”.
In the list of entries, entries which you haven't viewed yet are in cyan. Some entries may be hidden and could be revealed later. Whenever you revealed a new item, a sound is played. Players with the help_reveal privilege can use the command “/help_reveal” to reveal all entries instantly.
Help pages for items are revealed as soon as you: Punch them, mine them, craft them, carry them in your inventory, or use the lookup tool on then.
Encyclopedia A simple item to open the help. Just wield and leftclick.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
B=Book (from Minetest Game)
Itemstring: doc_encyclopedia:encyclopedia
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
G=Glass (from Minetest Game)
Itemstring: doc_identifier:identifier
This rest of this section is just an overview of what you can do with all this. Read the files of the mods for the real thing.
The modpack has been designed to be a viable choice for most players and most usual games and you should be able to install it just fine without modifications.
But it is also very flexible: For games which break with a lot of the core assumptions of Luanti, you can safely exclude or replace some or all of the doc-dependant mods (doc_items, doc_basics, doc_identifier) and start with an empty help, adding all categories and entries by yourselves.
Usual workflow
- For each item you add, you should also consider adding manually written help texts with doc_items
- For each entity you add, you also probably should add a) a help entry and b) accociate the entity with this help page with doc_identifier, so that using the Lookup Tool on it will work
- When you're done, proofread all of your entries and check if all important things have an appropriate help page. Use /doc_reveal to see all entries
- For very unique new concepts, you can add your own help categories
This contains the core API and the formspec. Most importantly, you can directly add categories and entries with it, but it also contains a bunch of utility functions. With doc alone, you have a completely empty help without any entries and categories. All other mods in this modpack depend on this mod.
Generates the item help. Adds the categories “Blocks”, “Tools and weapons” and “Misc. items”. All entries are partially built automatically (based on the item's metadata, such as stack size, pointing range, damage, group memberships, etc.) and partially manually written (optional).
This mod has its own API for adding manually written information on the items in a super-simple manner (you often only need to add additional fields to your item definition). You also need the API to filter out items where adding entries would be unneccessar or redundant. The automatically-written texts can also be extended, but this part of the mod is still WIP.
This mod automatically adds the entries for items without any intervention. However, the resulting entries are very bare-bones, only containing the automatically generated texts (obviously).
This mod is able to automatically find the correct help page for nodes, dropped items and players.
For custom entities, the mod can also show appropirate entries, but this must be explicitly defined by using this mod's very small API, to connect the entity to the help entry. The tool is unable to show a help page for entities where this has not been made.
Just adds the encyclopedia item. No API.
Just adds static help texts and images. No API.
This modpack and all of its mods are free software, licensed under the MIT License.
Here are the Git repositories for the mods (links lead to project pages with a long README):
- doc:
- doc_items:
- doc_identifier:
- doc_encyclopedia: ... opedia.git
- doc_basics:
- doc_example:
The modpack repository includes the mods as Git submodules.
- doc: 1.4.0
- doc_items: 1.4.0
- doc_basics: 1.3.0
- doc_encyclopedia: 1.4.0
- doc_identifier: 1.4.0
- Flying Carpet [flying_carpet]
- Watering Can [wateringcan]
- Magic Beans—Wuzzy's Fork [magicbeans_w]
- Dice [dice2]
- Pep: Player Effects Potions [pep]
- The Origin [origin]
- Point Teleporters [teletool]
- Slime Blocks and Liquids [slimenodes]
- Bedrock Layer [bedrock2]
- Mirror of Returning [returnmirror]
- Surprise Blocks [tsm_surprise]
- Easy Vending Machines [easyvend]
- Minetest Game Plus [mtg_plus]
- Minetest Game item help [doc_minetest_game] (does not add any own gameplay content, only provides help for Minetest Game)
- Modular tunnel boring/building machine [digtron]
- Path marker signs [breadcrumbs]
- QA-Block [qa_block]
- Smart Inventory [smart_inventory]
- [doc_reveal_chest]
- Complex items are often not explained at all or just poorly. Which means newbies have a hard time in even using an item in the first place
- Some modders try to be helpful by including additional help in the “description” field of the item (tooltip). I think this is the wrong approach as this just makes tooltips ugly and unneccessarily large. doc_items helps modders by adding additional fields for the “real” help texts
- Help is often scattered: In forum posts, in wikis, and other places. This makes it a long and tedious (and often frustrating) work to even get started. Don't get me wrong: I do like complex games, bu
- Maintaining wikis is especially time-consuming and tedious for items, especially for all the internal information like digging times, damage or luminance. Experience shows that this is a never-ending and frustrating work, also it becomes outdated very quickly and is error-prone. The mod “doc_items” helps modders by automatically extracting all the “boring” stuff so that you can concentrate on the actual game concepts
- On servers, the situation is very bad: Many servers are pretty complex and include many different mods. It is hard, time-consuming and very frustrating even for advanced users to find the help of each of the mods
- Existing help is often incomplete or of low quality or poorly maintained.
- In practice, you often cannot just quickly lookup even the simplest things like the damage of a sword
One thing which this mod is NOT concerned about are crafting recipes. Other mods are readily available for this task. I recommend Unified Inventory [unified_inventory] or, to a lesser extent, Crafting Guide [craftguide].
- Downloads: from ContentDB here:
- For Luanti 5.0.0 or later
- Dependencies: None.
- Optional dependencies:
- Unified Inventory [unified_inventory] (for a button)
- Simple Fast Inventory Buttons [sfinv_buttons] (for a button)
- Inventory++ [inventory_plus] (for a button)
- Central Message [central_message] (for notification messages when you reveal entries)
- [default] from Minetest Game (for optional crafting recipes)
- License of everything: MIT License
- Author of all mods: Wuzzy
- Repository command for developers: git clone --recurse-submodules