Depends: default, beds?, sethome, fire?, flowers?
Licenses: code: LGPL-2.1, media: CC BY-SA-4.0
API info
Multi dimensions
This mod adds a few dimensions to the game (you can add more)
You can find the "Dimensions teleport tool" in creative to go to them, or type "/giveme dim"
(You need the "dimensions" privilege to use it)
Teleport yourself to dimensions by point in air/blocks, or teleport other players/objects by pointing them.
There are also crafable "teleport blocks" (click to teleport, and works with mesecons)
All teleported players that not have the "dimensions" privilege will get there spawnpoint and home set in the new dimension (using "beds" and "sethome")
They cant get back unless teleporting in somehow or have/making "teleport blocks"
Players cant see or hear players from "other diamnsions" or just if they are 800 blocks away
You can change settings in the init.lua
Used settings:
[Main manu[--> [Settings[ --> [Advanced Settings[ --> [Server / Singleplayer[ --> [Game]
*dont set players gravity & compare players postion with all dims every 2th sec
+sky / set sky