[Mod] rotation [rotation]

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[Mod] rotation [rotation]

by YuGiOhJCJ » Post


* Mod version: 20161209
* Mod license: GPL 3 or later
* Minetest version: 0.4.14
* Mod dependencies: none
* Report bugs or request help using my contact address

This is a minetest mod to set the rotation of the player.

This minetest mod adds four commands:
* rotation_set_h
* rotation_set_v
* rotation_set
* item_strings_version

You can check that by pressing the F10 key and typing: "/help".

The rotation_set_h command:
* Usage: /rotation_set_h <degrees>
* Description: Set the horizontal rotation of the player
* Parameters:
* <degrees>: The degrees

The rotation_set_v command:
* Usage: /rotation_set_v <degrees>
* Description: Set the vertical rotation of the player
* Parameters:
* <degrees>: The degrees

The rotation_set command:
* Usage: /rotation_set <degrees>
* Description: Set the rotation of the player
* Parameters:
* <degrees>: The degrees

The rotation_version command:
* Usage: /rotation_version
* Description: Show the rotation version
* Parameters: none

Link: https://github.com/YuGiOhJCJ/rotation

Download links:
Last edited by YuGiOhJCJ on Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Mod] rotation [rotation]

by Desour » Post

this could be useful, too
perhaps you should make more description eg that the mods adds chat commands which rotate the player and the names of the chat commands and what they do
he/him; Codeberg; GitHub; ContentDB; public personal TODO list; "DS" is preferred (but often too short)

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Re: [Mod] rotation [rotation]

by YuGiOhJCJ » Post

Yes, it is useful when you try to set precisely the angle of the first person view camera in order to take some screenshots in-game.
By using the "/teleport" command and the "/rotation_set" command together, you are able to take screenshot from an exact location at a specific camera angle.

OK, I have just added to the first message of this topic chat commands provided by this mod.

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