* Mod version: 20161209
* Mod license: GPL 3 or later
* Minetest version: 0.4.14
* Mod dependencies: none
* Report bugs or request help using my contact address
This is a minetest mod to get item strings.
This minetest mod adds two commands:
* item_strings_get
* item_strings_version
You can check that by pressing the F10 key and typing: "/help".
The item_strings_get command:
* Usage: /item_strings_get [<pattern>]
* Description: Get the item strings corresponding to a pattern
* Parameters:
* <pattern>: The pattern (if it is not specified, you will get all item strings)
The item_strings_version command:
* Usage: /item_strings_version
* Description: Show the item_strings version
* Parameters: none
Link: https://github.com/YuGiOhJCJ/item_strings
Download links:
- 20161209 (.zip format): https://github.com/YuGiOhJCJ/item_strin ... 161209.zip
- 20161209 (.tar.gz format): https://github.com/YuGiOhJCJ/item_strin ... 209.tar.gz