The rise and demise of ducky, the server's latest neighborhood moron
Hello folks! In more recent events, a player named "ducky" aka "bobman" aka "duckduck" was causing problems on the server. At the time of this post, he has apparently quit after discovering the server integrity was too much for him to handle. (hehe)
Unfortunately, people like ducky are attention suckers, and after getting bored of (or in this case, quitting) a server, they tend to seek out a new server to harass. So to any server owners reading this, keep an eye out for this guy.
Long Story Short:
For those that wish to have the short version of the story, ducky was a cheater with the intent to crash the server and make it unplayable for regulars. Between annoying people with his chat claiming that "he was the king of the server now" his favorite pastime was using a bot to spam the server and modifying a map chunk of the Overworld by filling it with an extremely high amount of metadata. (Anyone who loaded the area would have crashed the server)
After a few days of his self-proclaimed "reign" (which was incredibly pathetic) some new code that
was added to the server sent him and his spam/crash bots metaphorically flying. He hasn't returned since. Maybe couldn't find a new bot to download that would have worked against the recent server patch. :)
Long Story Long:
Chapter 1: The Marking
Below you can see one of ducky's earliest server appearances. He was already cheating at this point and harassing TurnipHarald.
For those unaware, registered cheaters are automatically kicked out of city areas
After getting bored of TurnipHarald, players started "mysteriously" getting marked.
Marking a player causes their coordinates to appear when they chat. A useful tool for those wishing to hunt and kill a player.
ducky, of course said he didn't know how to mark people:
The community was not convinced:
Though many players were marked over and over again, ducky (reportedly) never attacked a player he marked. Maybe he was too much of a coward? :)
We end this chapter on this note:
Chapter 2: The First Crashes and Spam
ducky, in his ultimate wisdom and mind for unique griefs, set a few trees on fire. (Like we haven't seen that before 1,000 times) After getting bored of doing this, his new goal was set on crashing the server by generating large amount of map chunks.
It was easy to spot him as the culprit, as the server cleverly names the player!
His insults were also very unimaginative:
eww, that's so gross!
As ducky was getting quite annoying at this point, I attempted to get him to come out of his rat nest hiding place so that I could kill him, but like a coward he hid behind his computer while typing up hilarious threats:
Apparently something I said triggered him, and he decided to crash the server again:
Like a typical script kitty, he downloaded another bot that filled up every available user spot on the server with bots. Since chat spamming is impossible, he flew all the accounts into the roof of the outback, which caused them to get caught in the Void, thus spamming the server for quite a while with server messages.
You can see a video of that here:
Unfortunately, at this time MustTest was unavailable, and this spam went on unchecked, until Nakilashiva came up with a clever idea on how to stop it. While ducky's bots were disconnected for brief times, we filled up all server spots with our own alts to lock him out of the server. It did work for a while, and eventually he gave up and went back to typing up garbage chat.
Chapter 3: The Temper Tantrum
ducky was baaaack! This time apparently he had set up a "lag machine" and claimed we would never find it.
Nobody tell ducky this, but his "lag machine" was found.
In a twist of events, ducky got brave enough to finally reveal his own coordinates!
I was quite determined to poke a hole through his massive ego and kill him, even after he claimed "his armor was just too good" LOL. He died in a very disappointing way. I was hoping for more of a challenge.
He then threw the biggest temper tantrum yet, and decided to crash the server with bobman, by logging him into the mapchunk filled with 30 MBs(!) of metadata. Seriously, the time this 12 year old has to waste!
After a while of this incredibly boring server abuse, ducky mysteriously gave up - we're going to guess his mom made him do his homework.
Chapter 4: The Demise
After ducky (that script kitty!) went to do his schoolwork (unwillingly, with lots of screaming involved) his bots were dismantled. The techniques he used to crash the server were patched, and the site of the crime has been memorialized by MustTest.
ducky managed to shove an insane amount of text into a pile of signs at the crash site. Here is what one of the signs looked like before it was removed by MustTest. Just hovering over the sign caused my client to experience extremely high lag:
MustTest decided to add his own touch:
MustTest seemed to be having fun writing on the criminal signs:
(He added a trigger warning after)
For those wishing to view the crime site for themselves, the coordinates are 30, 0, -10280 HUD.
And that wraps up the story of ducky! Hope you enjoyed reading this drama-infused string of events.