Throwing mod by PilzAdam
Throwing mod by Jeija
This mod is able to replace both throwing mods above without issues (if you name its directory throwing, the itemstrings remain the same).
This mod is actively tested on the Eurythmia server.
GitHub repository (includes issue tracker)
Download (Also available in .tar.gz)
Configuration and API documentation
Dependencies: default and farming (both included in the minetest game, you don't need to install them)
License for code: MPL-2.0
License for textures: Same as for the textures of the throwing mod by PilzAdam (WTFPL).
- Wooden Bow
- Stone Bow
- Steel Bow
- Bronze Bow
- Mese Bow
- Diamond Bow
- Arrow
- Golden Arrow
- Dig Arrow
- Admin Dig Arrow
- Teleport Arrow
- Torch Arrow
- Build Arrow
- Drop Arrow