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by ExeterDad » Post

Announcing the newest Minetest survival server on the block - HOMETOWN!

hometownserver.com Port 30000

Or look for HOMETOWN in the server list.
Edit: Much has grown over the last year, explore our web map here: http://media.hometownserver.com
UPDATE: In a effort to be less disruptive to the official Minetest Forums, we strongly encourage our players to join the http://hometownserver.com community and to please keep the heavy discussion and chit chat there. Please forgive the crude design and layout... it is a slow work in progress.
Server Owners: ExeterDad and Kibbie

Senior Moderators:




Guardians: mcg

Hosted on a dedicated:
XEON E31230 @ 3.20GHz
32 GiB RAM
240 GB SSD

Hometown was originally inspired by a small New England town, but has been taking on a life of it's own. Spawn area was built in keeping with the original theme, but we welcome all build styles and are hoping to attract more skilled builders. The word “hometown” means different things to different people, so we look forward to seeing your interpretive builds. If you enjoy the challenge of creating more sophisticated builds while monsters pile up on your head, this is the server for you!

Our server features custom jail and Post Office (mail delivery) mods, home decor, vending machines and shops, friendly and hostile mobs, and farming. Players are granted basic privs upon arrival (interact and shout).

Hometown was built using mg7

Now for the housekeeping:

1. Hometown is a PvP server, and fair fighting is permitted outside of the central spawn area. Players are expected to be able to move about within the spawn area without fear of being attacked by other players. To that end, anyone who kills another player within the central spawn area will go to jail, and won't like it. ;)

2. Hackers are not welcome. Anyone caught using a hacked client will be given consequences by ADMIN, up to and including permanent banishment.

3. Griefing protected areas is not permitted. Griefing may include building over or under a protected area, building a structure for the sole purpose of aggravating another player, or causing destruction (such as large holes) on the server. Players may not attach their builds to another existing build protected by another player. However, unprotected builds are fair game. If you do not protect your build, expect other players to steal, destroy, or even level your build.

4. HOMETOWN has a zero tolerance policy pertaining to hate speech, bullying, and harassment. Violators will be banned at the discretion of ADMIN. Cursing, sexual language, and inappropriate topics are not permitted on this server due to the vast age range of our players. No dating allowed for safety reasons. Please be respectful.

5. HOMETOWN encourages advanced builders to display their creativity. Please no cobble shacks or destruction of terrain. ADMIN reserves the right to remove derelict or abandoned properties and restore the terrain to ground zero.

6. Waterways must be boat accessible, any builds obstructing a waterway will be removed. Any structures spanning a waterway must allow for a minimum of three node clearance (three blocks off the water). Any structures built on the water must not span more than 50% across the water.

7. Deliberately causing lag or crashing the server will result in banishment at the discretion of ADMIN.

8. No impersonation of ADMIN or moderators. The only ADMIN is IOKA, who is not actually just one person. Due to the fact IOKA already has multiple personalities, additional personalities need not apply. ;)

9. Please do not ask ADMIN or moderators for items or privs. Go mining, grow a garden, collect your own resources. Don't be a mooch! However, ADMIN does reserve the right to grant special privs or items to loyal and productive citizens.

10. No spam.

Play, build, explore, socialize, and have fun!

Some random spawn area pics:
Last edited by ExeterDad on Sat Apr 28, 2018 13:06, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

WOW! I think I'll play here while I'm banned from JT2!

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BlueFireIceUn » Post

Blue who loves you all but mostly someone :)

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by ExeterDad » Post

BBmine wrote:WOW! I think I'll play here while I'm banned from JT2!
Ha ha! That just sounds wrong! To a admin anyway :P

Didn't see ya in game, but I did see your name on the server for quite a while.
Thanks for playing with us :)

P.S. TNT is not enabled for now (heh heh)

Good to see you there as well BlueFireUn :D

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

ExeterDad wrote:
BBmine wrote:WOW! I think I'll play here while I'm banned from JT2!
Ha ha! That just sounds wrong! To a admin anyway :P

Didn't see ya in game, but I did see your name on the server for quite a while.
Thanks for playing with us :)

P.S. TNT is not enabled for now (heh heh)

Good to see you there as well BlueFireUn :D
I love the server so much that I'm not sure if I'm even returning to JT2. Micah says that I should just stay here because I tend to act bad on JT2. (Tho I think Kibbie was close to banning me from this server today lol)

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

Even tho I'm unbanned from JT2 now, I'm STILL playing on this awesome server!!!! I only go to JT2 to recruit players for this server :D I haven't taken any screenshots yet, but I think I should. Wait for the screenies!! I also need to make a video of this server too!!

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by ExeterDad » Post

Lol Baggins! Please dont go recruiting from JT2. It's frowned upon at just about any server. I'd hate it if Kibbie and I loose friendships with SK and others at JT2 as we still enjoy it over there and still intend playing there when some of the HOMETOWN work isn't dominating our time.

That said ... we do appreciate your support and enthusiasm. It's very encouraging :)

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

ExeterDad wrote:Lol Baggins! Please dont go recruiting from JT2. It's frowned upon at just about any server. I'd hate it if Kibbie and I loose friendships with SK and others at JT2 as we still enjoy it over there and still intend playing there when some of the HOMETOWN work isn't dominating our time.

That said ... we do appreciate your support and enthusiasm. It's very encouraging :)
843jdc almost banned me once from CW for joining the server for the sole purpose of recruiting players for Noob Academy. Also, what I said about going to JT2 for that reason was fake news. XD I didn't say a thing about this server on JT2. I just enjoy spreading fake news sometimes :P

BTW, I'm so glad to have finally met Tined and Itchy (he's your son, right?) :D I feel like there's one more that I haven't met. At first I thought Tined was a cheater when I did /privs. But then I found out she's your daughter :D

Anyhow, I LOVE this server. Even though I bribed Kibbie to give me my house before she was even done making it, I enjoy adding the staircase the the secret 3rd floor, which I got so mad at Kibbie for telling me exsisted AFTER she gave me the house LOL. But I'm still so thankfull to Kibbie for building and giving out houses for free. <:Dg


BTW so far, I'm the only one who's said anything about your server. When do you think you'll add TNT? I really want to blow up the underground with that junk!!!!

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

Thanks for all your kind words about the server, Baggins - I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! I would also like to thank all the people who have dropped by to say hello and acknowledge the new server, we appreciate your support very much! This server has dominated hundreds of hours since November, so the simple goodwill gesture of stopping by (whether you intend to play or not) means a lot to us. Of course, the ones who are putting down some roots on the server (and you know who you are) we are so happy you're with us!

We think we had a wonderful first weekend, we had as many as 24 people on last night on our very first day. Not bad for a brand new unknown server hanging out at the bottom of the server list. New builds are going up, people are utilizing the shops, much virtual popcorn has been consumed during some intense PvP stand-offs, and lots of escaped convicts have shown off their prison stripes. Any player who wants land as close to spawn as possible may want to get on it. :D

Just a few notes...
  • Many players have requested armor be installed. Originally we decided against armor because we did not want the server to be too easy, this is a resource-rich world and monsters do not spawn on protected areas. However, the monsters we DO have are total bastards. Some of our miners have found the monsters underground are hard to beat, so ExeterDad and I will be re-visiting the armor discussion. I'm going to have to drag him into the discussion - kicking and screaming, but we will re-visit it. :)

    TNT will be enabled as soon as we figure out the parameters and all the blahblah - and by *WE* I of course mean ExeterDad. ;)

    Farming mod is installed, but fruits and veggies cannot be found growing wild (with the exception of apples, of course). Again, this was done in an effort to make gameplay a little more difficult. A seed/garden store is going up soon, and if players want those elusive fruits and veggies they can either buy them at the grocery store or start farming.

    We forgot to mention in the initial post - players can use /sethome and vote.

    If any regular player wants a custom skin assigned, find us the skin you want (either a skin you have created or a skin licensed under a creative commons attribution) and we can convert (if necessary) and assign the skin to your player name. You can share the link to the skin in this thread.

    Look for an announcement about hometownserver.com, which will be an interactive site pertaining to announcements, reporting of issues and expected downtimes, as well as tips and instructions for the noobs who find gameplay is not so intuitive.
Thanks y'all! :D

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

Actually, supprisingly, ya'll's server is near the top of the list!!!!! I had ANOTHER blast on the server today. Fogot to take pics tho. Including a PvP stand-off at one point. Yes, we need armor, but I haven't done much mining yet because I don't have my TNT installed!

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by ExeterDad » Post

I was pestered too much and caved. I installed Stu's 3d_armor. I love the mod, don't get me wrong, I just feel for the new players getting beaten to a bloody pulp as they arrive.

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by ExeterDad » Post

I installed the kick butt looking waffle mod of GreenDiamond. Look for it in game, it's very fun to play with and restores health.
Also minetest.conf setting were tweaked in hopes of optimizing a bit as fps's are begining to fall around spawn.
Thanks to all for a fun time today :P

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by GreenXenith » Post

Nice! Server looks great, logged on just to see that the mod was there. Just so you know, the mod version you are using is outdated. Current is 1.2, and I assume you have 1.1. I will try the server for realz some time :D
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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

Armor stands are bugged. If you were around this morning to experience the server shutting down repeatedly, we apologize. While setting up an armor shop and using the armor stands we kept experiencing an internal error. For now the stands are disabled, and ExeterDad has cleared objects. Hopefully this will solve the issue. We apologize for the disruption.

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

ExeterDad, to keep your mods up-to-date, I would strongly suggest using an automatic script for updating all the mods every time your server restarts (or when you're munching on popcorn watching me spit it out). I use a script like that for my mods. NOTE: For my script, you MUST have linux. If you have Windows, I would STRONGLY suggest deleting Windows and installing Linux on your server.

Haven't tried the wafflemaker yet tho. Will try (One day, I hope, tho I think I'll need to grow wheat first)

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

I see that you announced to the whole world that today's micah's birthday lol. Happy birthday micah!

Has/have TNT been added yet?

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

BBmine wrote:I see that you announced to the whole world that today's micah's birthday lol. Happy birthday micah!

Has/have TNT been added yet?
Micah openly announced it in chat several times this past week, don't be a fun suck. *shoves birthday cake in Baggins's mouth*

ExeterDad is still working on TNT, along with even more converted as well as custom skins, an automatic restart script, a custom anti-curse script, trying to hunt down the issue between the armor and the hunger mod communicating and causing the server to crash at times, and about 10 other requests from players. Be patient, Daniel-san. :D

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

HOMETOWN is officially ONE WEEK OLD today!

Our new HOMETOWN residents have been busy busy busy, builds are going up everywhere, and there is much drama and cold blooded killing to behold! We've seen many familiar faces, and lots of new players to get to know. Instead of me yabbering about it, I'll just post some screenshots.

The night we opened...


One week later, the map is expanding. :)


ExeterDad's unfinished ship, and the little mining cottage and boat dock to the left providing evidence of the ever-elusive twoelk. :)

shipa.png (646.8 KiB) Viewed 10649 times
mapshot2-24-17a.png (404.01 KiB) Viewed 10649 times
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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

Spying on GreenDimond, because.........waffles.


Haunter's excellent build and gardens


HOMETOWN's version of WholeFoods, where players can purchase the fruits and veggies they can't find in-world.


Thanks for playing during this very first week, and for being a part of the fun! :D
grocerya.png (593.34 KiB) Viewed 10649 times
Hauntera.png (940.17 KiB) Viewed 10649 times
greendimonda.png (902.47 KiB) Viewed 10649 times

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

Thanks for the birthday cake, ExtraMom! I am officially 10 days older than micah :D

Why you call me Daniel San? That's not my name.....

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

BBmine wrote:Thanks for the birthday cake, ExtraMom! I am officially 10 days older than micah :D

Why you call me Daniel San? That's not my name.....
Happy belated birthday to you! :D

Daniel-san is an expression. You know, Karate Kid? Mr. Miyagi? Oh, nvm. lol

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by BBmine » Post

Kibbie wrote:
BBmine wrote:Thanks for the birthday cake, ExtraMom! I am officially 10 days older than micah :D

Why you call me Daniel San? That's not my name.....
Happy belated birthday to you! :D

Daniel-san is an expression. You know, Karate Kid? Mr. Miyagi? Oh, nvm. lol
I'm called Daniel Smith on my youtube channel... Thanks for saying happy birthday!

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

BBmine wrote:
I'm called Daniel Smith on my youtube channel... Thanks for saying happy birthday!
Too funny! I had no idea! It's just an expression I use with my kids a lot, that and "You're killin' me, Smalls" :D

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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by GreenXenith » Post

Kibbie wrote:Image
That's a nice FPS you got there...
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Re: [Server] HOMETOWN

by Kibbie » Post

GreenDimond wrote:That's a nice FPS you got there...
I know, right? When my craptop is feeling especially froggy it will take me down to FPS=0... and I'm like "How can it be ZERO frames per second, yet I'm looking at something?? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!???" *cry*
