hometownserver.com Port 30000
Or look for HOMETOWN in the server list.
Edit: Much has grown over the last year, explore our web map here: http://media.hometownserver.com
Server Owners: ExeterDad and KibbieUPDATE: In a effort to be less disruptive to the official Minetest Forums, we strongly encourage our players to join the http://hometownserver.com community and to please keep the heavy discussion and chit chat there. Please forgive the crude design and layout... it is a slow work in progress.
Senior Moderators:
Guardians: mcg
Hosted on a dedicated:
XEON E31230 @ 3.20GHz
32 GiB RAM
240 GB SSD
Hometown was originally inspired by a small New England town, but has been taking on a life of it's own. Spawn area was built in keeping with the original theme, but we welcome all build styles and are hoping to attract more skilled builders. The word “hometown” means different things to different people, so we look forward to seeing your interpretive builds. If you enjoy the challenge of creating more sophisticated builds while monsters pile up on your head, this is the server for you!
Our server features custom jail and Post Office (mail delivery) mods, home decor, vending machines and shops, friendly and hostile mobs, and farming. Players are granted basic privs upon arrival (interact and shout).
Hometown was built using mg7
Now for the housekeeping:
1. Hometown is a PvP server, and fair fighting is permitted outside of the central spawn area. Players are expected to be able to move about within the spawn area without fear of being attacked by other players. To that end, anyone who kills another player within the central spawn area will go to jail, and won't like it. ;)
2. Hackers are not welcome. Anyone caught using a hacked client will be given consequences by ADMIN, up to and including permanent banishment.
3. Griefing protected areas is not permitted. Griefing may include building over or under a protected area, building a structure for the sole purpose of aggravating another player, or causing destruction (such as large holes) on the server. Players may not attach their builds to another existing build protected by another player. However, unprotected builds are fair game. If you do not protect your build, expect other players to steal, destroy, or even level your build.
4. HOMETOWN has a zero tolerance policy pertaining to hate speech, bullying, and harassment. Violators will be banned at the discretion of ADMIN. Cursing, sexual language, and inappropriate topics are not permitted on this server due to the vast age range of our players. No dating allowed for safety reasons. Please be respectful.
5. HOMETOWN encourages advanced builders to display their creativity. Please no cobble shacks or destruction of terrain. ADMIN reserves the right to remove derelict or abandoned properties and restore the terrain to ground zero.
6. Waterways must be boat accessible, any builds obstructing a waterway will be removed. Any structures spanning a waterway must allow for a minimum of three node clearance (three blocks off the water). Any structures built on the water must not span more than 50% across the water.
7. Deliberately causing lag or crashing the server will result in banishment at the discretion of ADMIN.
8. No impersonation of ADMIN or moderators. The only ADMIN is IOKA, who is not actually just one person. Due to the fact IOKA already has multiple personalities, additional personalities need not apply. ;)
9. Please do not ask ADMIN or moderators for items or privs. Go mining, grow a garden, collect your own resources. Don't be a mooch! However, ADMIN does reserve the right to grant special privs or items to loyal and productive citizens.
10. No spam.
Play, build, explore, socialize, and have fun!
Some random spawn area pics: