A highly configurable mod providing item magnet and in-world node drops
- pulls items to the player's inventory if item_drop.enable_item_pickup. (true by default)
- drops items in-world on dig if item_drop.enable_item_drop is set to true. (true by default)
- picks items one by one, sounds better.
- displays a particle of the item just picked above the player, useful in multiplayer
- Enable item pickups: Pick up items automatically.
- Enable item drops: Drop items in-world on dig, does nothing in creative mode.
- Use pickup key: Use a key to pick up items.
- Invert pickup key: Collect items when the key is not pressed instead of when it is pressed.
- Pickup keytype: What keytype to use as pickup key.
- Pickup sound gain: The volume of the pickup sound.
- Pickup radius: Player pickup radius, the maximum distance from which items can be collected.
- Magnet radius: Magnet radius, items between pickup_radius and this begin flying to the player.
- Magnet time: Item flight duration, items flying for more than this time are added to the player's inventory.
- Pickup age: Time delay in seconds after autopicking an item if it's dropped by a player.
- Pickup particle: Display a particle of the item picked up above the player
(All settings may be configured from Settings tab > Advanced settings > Mods > item_drop)
- Pickups by mouse disableable.
remove_items feature was removed as item_entity_ttl is now in engine.
Version 0.4.17 through creates lag when moving entities. This is fixed in 0.5.0-dev.
Download (zip)