[Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

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Re: BREAKING: 56independent posts to LinuxForks AGAIN for 64th time to LinuxForks thread

by yw05 » Post

56independent_actual wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 16:17
Note: This message will self-destruct in 24 hours.
Your choice.
Say goodbye to my past and continued (possibly not including replies to this post, depending on tempation level) presence on this thread, as well as every past post on the Advtrains thread.

I find Advtrains far too valuable, so expect to see continued contributions to those places.

All messages here will be replaced with a "💥", which is fitting as an explosion is the forced and quick expulsion of matter from an object. This is all being done manually by the way, just like what i did to the wiki. All advtrains posts will be replaced with "💥🚄", which represents the current political state of both myself and the British rail network.

Whilst i cannot do anything about the quote blocks slightly reducing the enigma of my posts, i have done all i can.
You will be the one with no past.
From now on, you must pay 10 euro cents to access any source code i produce for Advtrains. This includes the DoS and fuel systems i am working on. This will be enforced through a replacement server git repo, requiring 10 cents per git clone command or 1 euro for an account per week, paid immediately through paypal. This policy might change, but i'm beggining to get tired of my parents and feel like moving to my own flat.
Your past contributions to Advtrains has been multiple drama on the forum thread, (in some situations) writing bullshit on the wiki and the forums, and enough shitty code contributions. Ironically, while you wrote about looking elsewhere to contribute to (and got a response from LMD):
LMD wrote:
Sat Dec 17, 2022 14:45
56independent_actual wrote:
Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:46
Clearly the codebase is not designed to be begginer-friendly [sic] so i will seek alternative codebases to contribute to. The developers also seem overworked for their teamsize so i will find a codebase with a larger team more willing to guide begginers [sic].
1. First of all, flesh out your programming & mod development skills (Lua API knowledge); these are prerequisites for MT mod development. Fellow modders might be willing to teach you the ropes of their mods, but you need to know Lua and the MT Lua API well, which does not seem to be the case currently. You should have developed some nontrivial mods before attempting to contribute to nontrivial mods; generally reading (foreign) code is harder than writing code, so how do you expect to be able to contribute if you haven't written nontrivial codebases yourself yet?
2. You seem to consider Minetest a more suitable codebase to contribute to. This is very likely not the case - at all. MT core devs are massively overworked and do not really have the time "guide beginners"; well-made PRs of professional C++ programmers or other core devs are already waiting for months or years because resources are so sparse. There really is very little to no core dev time for "guiding beginners". Prerequisites in this case are decent programming experience and C++ knowledge (I'll admit to my C++ knowledge being insufficient, but at least I bring the decent programming experience). C(++) also is much harder than Lua, and the Lua portions of Minetest are rather small. Trivial fixes or string changes like your first PR just clutter up the PR list and distract from more important PRs.
... it turns out that you do want to contribute to Advtrains, although you also want to charge money for this. Considering the quality of your previous contributions, what makes you think people will take your future contributions seriously?

So fuck off.

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Departing remarks

by 56independent_actual » Post

Last edited by 56independent_actual on Mon Jan 16, 2023 16:02, edited 1 time in total.
Warnig: Al my laguage ekscept English is bad, includig Hungarian (magyàränoлиски), Spanish (esпagnyoл), and Russian (рÿсскïанöл).

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Re: Departing remarks

by yw05 » Post

56independent_actual wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 19:04
yw05 wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 18:39
... it turns out that you do want to contribute to Advtrains, although you also want to charge money for this. Considering the quality of your previous contributions, what makes you think people will take your future contributions seriously?
To be fair, i have made code contributions to BOTH repositories. For now, you can see my DOS fork, but eventually i'll unpublish it and you'll lose access. Within, you can see how i was capable of changing the UI and at least making train crashes easier to handle (but also trains can't see stopped trains for some reason).
I saw that DoS work already. git show unsurprisingly only showed me disappointment.
So fuck off.
From where?
I would be more than glad that you leave both LF and Advtrains.

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Re: Departing remarks

by 56independent_actual » Post

Last edited by 56independent_actual on Mon Jan 16, 2023 16:02, edited 1 time in total.
Warnig: Al my laguage ekscept English is bad, includig Hungarian (magyàränoлиски), Spanish (esпagnyoл), and Russian (рÿсскïанöл).

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by W3RQ01 » Post

56independent: listen up kiddo.
I never offended you nor your server mainly because i have also self-controle problems too but you have exaggerated. In every sense and topic. LEAVE THIS THREAD, WE HAVE ENOUGH OF YOU. GO AWAY. PLEASE.

Nobody will pay you, you contribute to a public repo. Your contribs to the wiki are rather "strange or not very useful" apart for the english newsletter. I suggest you to leave minetest community, you have become too toxic for this environment. I also agree with y5nw. Leave advtrains for your health and for advtrains's health.

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Re: Departing remarks

by yw05 » Post

56independent_actual wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 19:21
yw05 wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 19:15
I saw that DoS work already. git show unsurprisingly only showed me disappointment.
Tell me what dissapointed you and i'll at least try and fix it.
  • You changed the code indentation and line endings. I had to use git show -w to ignore changes to whitespaces.
  • Some existing mechanisms of Advtrains are duplicated (especially acceleration)
  • The code iterates through the path system too many times. I am skeptical toward its performance on servers with multiple trains/
  • The calculations of (among other things) the speed limit does not seem to take acceleration, target velocity and (crucially) the direction of the other train into consideration.
I would be more than glad that you leave both LF and Advtrains.
I always seem to stir up hate due to my faux passes. It's one of the reasons i left the Wales for England, eventually the UK for Spain, why i'm planning on taking university in either the Netherlands or Switzerland (also because of trains), why i deleted my Discord account, why i deleted my Twitter account, and why i'm writing this comment. I am cursed to fail any situation where i talk to people. Eventually, only the outcasts can handle the cumilated effort of trying to handle me.
As a personal advice, consider socializing with people that you can actually get along well. Trying to mix into other groups while constantly stirring drama is not something I would suggest, to say the least. Sometimes change is also needed, although this highly depends on your situation, and my understanding of psychology is likely not sufficient to give you further (helpful) advice.
It's a real shame because i really liked Advtrains and the concept of making it better
Yet your actions do not match what you wrote, unfortunately. Frequent drama and low-quality patches are disappointing, and you do not seem to have the intention on changing this.

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by mrminer » Post

How do I join this server? It always says "username already taken" no matter what I put.
I speak C++.

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Blockhead » Post

mrminer wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 22:23
How do I join this server? It always says "username already taken" no matter what I put.
The server is still "whitelisted", in a way. You need someone on the inside to send you an invitation, basically.
/˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳\ Advtrains enthusiast | My map: Noah's Railyard | My Content on ContentDB ✝️♂

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by mrminer » Post

Blockhead wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 03:47
mrminer wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 22:23
How do I join this server? It always says "username already taken" no matter what I put.
The server is still "whitelisted", in a way. You need someone on the inside to send you an invitation, basically.
How would I do that? I've wanted to player on a train-centric server for a long time...
I speak C++.

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by erstazi » Post

mrminer wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 04:08
Blockhead wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 03:47
mrminer wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 22:23
How do I join this server? It always says "username already taken" no matter what I put.
The server is still "whitelisted", in a way. You need someone on the inside to send you an invitation, basically.
How would I do that? I've wanted to player on a train-centric server for a long time...
Try joining now. If that username is taken then try another username.

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by ROllerozxa » Post

Hi, could I get a password reset? It looks like I have an account on the server (named ROllerozxa), but can't remember the password because it most likely was years since I last hopped onto the server.
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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Blockhead » Post

ROllerozxa wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 07:54
Hi, could I get a password reset? It looks like I have an account on the server (named ROllerozxa), but can't remember the password because it most likely was years since I last hopped onto the server.
I tried looking you up with last-login and the ban database but there was nothing, sorry. Rolleroxza, ROlleroxza, Rollerozxa, ROllerozxa. No last-login date, no ban records (ban records exist for most players who have logged in, not just ones who have been kicked or banned). If that was the username you tried logging in with, then you must not have had an account, so would have hit the usual password security measure. I can PM you the password to log in if you want, but it looks like you don't have an account, unless it was under a different name.

Off-topic nonsense:
Congrats on your 100th post and my 1100th post, interesting coincidence of post counts.
/˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳\ Advtrains enthusiast | My map: Noah's Railyard | My Content on ContentDB ✝️♂

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URGENT: Wiki block list is now deceased

by 56independent_actual » Post


I'm sorry i have to break my promise regarding replies to this thread, but this is of the most serious importance to the integrity of the Wiki.

I was reading through the wiki like i do every now and then, looking at the screenshots and taking notes on Proper Railway Practice And Multiplayer Server Shenanigans, and accidentally pressed an edit button. Instead of the regular yellow box saying "you're banned", i was met by a free edit dialogue.

The wiki migration has messed a lot of things up, and i'm pretty sure that the ban list needs to be put back as soon as possible, otherwise people might mess up the wiki.

Image (taken with the 56independent account)


I've grown a little since my last reply to this thread and i'm not going to edit a wiki for a community which pretty much loathes me to bits, but i'm not sure if the other people who once sat in the block list will wish to abstain.

This message will self-destruct after action has been taken

PS: Cato, amazing work! I can barely interlock more then a small handful of routes before i start getting bored and make a cart line instead.

PSS: Sorry for all that's happened to you, Mary4. Nobody deserves being canned.

Edit Now i've been banned. Hopefully someone bans the nazis and griefers before they realise and do much worse then using their account to bypass "you need to log in".

Edit 2 Shortly after the first edit, it seems the log event been hidden and my player name has been removed from the block list.. You might also want to block Alone23, Vindaloo, and countless others even i have forgotten.

Edit 3 From a screenshot (i lost braincells watching the drama train-crash again), i have recovered a partial lsit of names of others who have been banned:
  • Vindaloo
  • Autoblock #37
  • 56independent
  • Gaylord
  • Lohlmann
  • Denisich (possible unban? Says "48 days left", expires 2021-02-02t10:52)
  • Golden-retriever
  • I-god
  • Patje
Edit 4 I think it's time we recognised that anyone who spends enough time on the internet to become a member of any Minetest community is a flawed person, just like anyone else is. And whilst your flaws may be less relevant in this context, i've come to the conclusion that i struggle with curiosity that both forces me to keep learning new things and keeps killing cats, the hyperfocus (a particularly deep kind of focus which mostly affects ADHD people an the like) that makes me take up so many different hobbies being redirected, some craving for drama (now i go to an international school, it's become slightly easier to get my fix as i watch cultures clash), and a complete lack of social skills. I'll probably end up spending the rest of my life patching up these problems. And i'd like to thank you all for tolerating these at their very worst as they started showing.
Warnig: Al my laguage ekscept English is bad, includig Hungarian (magyàränoлиски), Spanish (esпagnyoл), and Russian (рÿсскïанöл).

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by stacode » Post

Hey i used to play on this server but now i wanted to check it out again and i see i forgot the password anyway I can reset it?

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Blockhead » Post

stacode wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:53
Hey i used to play on this server but now i wanted to check it out again and i see i forgot the password anyway I can reset it?
You'd need to provide some way to prove your identity, like the old account name and details about your builds, contents of locked chests and so on. Register a new account for the time being and ask the moderators in-game about how you can prove it's you to recover the account. There's no easy or automated process, and the forum thread isn't monitored very much (as you can kind of tell from the delayed response).
/˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳\ Advtrains enthusiast | My map: Noah's Railyard | My Content on ContentDB ✝️♂

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by antienjoyer » Post


I'm trying to join this server but it appears that whatever name I enter is taken. I don't actually think this is the case; moreover, I've read that it's a form of whitelisting in place on this server. How may I get on the whitelist? I've looked at linux-forks.de and the HTTP server there doesn't seem to respond, if it exists. Additionally, I've searched for "linux-forks irc" and other related queries, and I couldn't find anything. Anyone have any pointers as to how I can get on the whitelist?


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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by erstazi » Post

antienjoyer wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 22:59

I'm trying to join this server but it appears that whatever name I enter is taken. I don't actually think this is the case; moreover, I've read that it's a form of whitelisting in place on this server. How may I get on the whitelist? I've looked at linux-forks.de and the HTTP server there doesn't seem to respond, if it exists. Additionally, I've searched for "linux-forks irc" and other related queries, and I couldn't find anything. Anyone have any pointers as to how I can get on the whitelist?

Hey antienjoyer, I sent you a PM for how to join. Thank you, erstazi

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Mr. Sun » Post

I tried to join on this server, but I can't. It always says "Underline is not allowed" or "Name you enter is taken". How can I join?
Sorry, I'm bad at English, I'm Chinese. | I'm a CTF player.

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by erstazi » Post

Mr. Sun wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:37
I tried to join on this server, but I can't. It always says "Underline is not allowed" or "Name you enter is taken". How can I join?
Hey Mr. Sun, I sent you a PM for how to join. Thank you, erstazi

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Scottysvptech » Post

I tried to register on Linux Forks server. I had a fair bit of trouble with that and I've seen a few posts here from people with similar problem. Could I please register on Linux Forks?
Kind regards,

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Grossam » Post

I can't find your mods anymore. Where are they ? Thank you ?
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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Blockhead » Post

Scottysvptech wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2024 03:22
I tried to register on Linux Forks server. I had a fair bit of trouble with that and I've seen a few posts here from people with similar problem. Could I please register on Linux Forks?
Kind regards,
It was good to meet you on the server and help you find your way to the wilds, I hope you enjoy your playtime. In case any outside observers are wondering: this thread isn't checked as often as it should be, but we do follow up with PMs usually.
Grossam wrote:
Mon Apr 29, 2024 08:36
I can't find your mods anymore. Where are they ? Thank you ?
Hi Grossam,

It's.. a bit of a mess and not always replicable 100% to exactly what's on the server at any given time, unlike say PandoraBox.

For LinuxForks originals they are often available on Bananach Space, or personal repositories of h-v-smacker@GitHub or Felfa@GitLab. If you have any old git copies that point to gpcf.eu or git.linuxforks (or something like that), then those URLs have gone bad and you should check Bananach Space where they should be re-uploaded.

For a complete, but out-of-date archive, there are the mod archives published to lifomaps.de (look for the archive filenames starting with mods). The most recent published there is from 2022 which is well out of date, though I'd bet a bunch of them haven't been updated since then except a security fixes.

For a Git repository that holds all of the mods as submodules, there is my own unofficial forks-modpack, though I just looked at it and noticed it's basically no more up to date than the latest lifomaps archive - also, it's had a few changes pushed that aren't on LinuxForks but my spinoff idea Aussieforks, sorry about that. However, I think there are some mods published to my personal GitHub that were previously only in the mod archive and so not git cloneable from anywhere, so you can check there for anything in particular you may be missing.

Your best bet if you want to get the latest version is to follow the URLs available in one of the mod archives with git remote -v or in the forks-modpack in the .gitmodules file, and pull the latest git version from those URLs. There are also ideas similar to LinuxForks that get published by Emojiminetest to ContentDB, but often those are not compatible with existing worlds that use LinuxForks forks/editions of mods. I would recommend some of his for new worlds, like the apartments fork, Living Room Furnitures, the mailboxes, safe TNT, train decoration blocks and possibly train gravels and condensed cobblestone.

I'm aware what I have just said is a bit of a mess but I hope I was at least comprehensive in listing where to get mods from. If you have a particular mod in mind, you can ask. Regards, Blockhead.
/˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳\ Advtrains enthusiast | My map: Noah's Railyard | My Content on ContentDB ✝️♂

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Grossam » Post

Thank you ! I can't see technic and ethereal on babanach. I'm very interested in your customizations.
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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Blockhead » Post

Grossam wrote:
Mon Apr 29, 2024 15:30
Thank you ! I can't see technic and ethereal on babanach. I'm very interested in your customizations.
Ethereal - Felfa/ethereal a.k.a "Ethereal undo"

Technic - h-v-smacker/technic a.k.a "LinuxForks Technic"

For changes compared to the main versions of the mods, check the git log, or log into the server and ask (PM if you want to join but don't have an account).
/˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳]_[˳˳_˳˳\ Advtrains enthusiast | My map: Noah's Railyard | My Content on ContentDB ✝️♂

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Re: [Server] LinuxForks (Lots of trains)

by Grossam » Post

Thank you very much !
Gloire à qui, n'ayant pas d'idéal sacro-saint,
Se borne à ne pas trop emmerder ses voisins.

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