Your choice.56independent_actual wrote: ↑Sun Jan 15, 2023 16:17Note: This message will self-destruct in 24 hours.
You will be the one with no past.Say goodbye to my past and continued (possibly not including replies to this post, depending on tempation level) presence on this thread, as well as every past post on the Advtrains thread.
I find Advtrains far too valuable, so expect to see continued contributions to those places.
All messages here will be replaced with a "💥", which is fitting as an explosion is the forced and quick expulsion of matter from an object. This is all being done manually by the way, just like what i did to the wiki. All advtrains posts will be replaced with "💥🚄", which represents the current political state of both myself and the British rail network.
Whilst i cannot do anything about the quote blocks slightly reducing the enigma of my posts, i have done all i can.
Your past contributions to Advtrains has been multiple drama on the forum thread, (in some situations) writing bullshit on the wiki and the forums, and enough shitty code contributions. Ironically, while you wrote about looking elsewhere to contribute to (and got a response from LMD):From now on, you must pay 10 euro cents to access any source code i produce for Advtrains. This includes the DoS and fuel systems i am working on. This will be enforced through a replacement server git repo, requiring 10 cents per git clone command or 1 euro for an account per week, paid immediately through paypal. This policy might change, but i'm beggining to get tired of my parents and feel like moving to my own flat.
... it turns out that you do want to contribute to Advtrains, although you also want to charge money for this. Considering the quality of your previous contributions, what makes you think people will take your future contributions seriously?LMD wrote: ↑Sat Dec 17, 2022 14:451. First of all, flesh out your programming & mod development skills (Lua API knowledge); these are prerequisites for MT mod development. Fellow modders might be willing to teach you the ropes of their mods, but you need to know Lua and the MT Lua API well, which does not seem to be the case currently. You should have developed some nontrivial mods before attempting to contribute to nontrivial mods; generally reading (foreign) code is harder than writing code, so how do you expect to be able to contribute if you haven't written nontrivial codebases yourself yet?56independent_actual wrote: ↑Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:46Clearly the codebase is not designed to be begginer-friendly [sic] so i will seek alternative codebases to contribute to. The developers also seem overworked for their teamsize so i will find a codebase with a larger team more willing to guide begginers [sic].
2. You seem to consider Minetest a more suitable codebase to contribute to. This is very likely not the case - at all. MT core devs are massively overworked and do not really have the time "guide beginners"; well-made PRs of professional C++ programmers or other core devs are already waiting for months or years because resources are so sparse. There really is very little to no core dev time for "guiding beginners". Prerequisites in this case are decent programming experience and C++ knowledge (I'll admit to my C++ knowledge being insufficient, but at least I bring the decent programming experience). C(++) also is much harder than Lua, and the Lua portions of Minetest are rather small. Trivial fixes or string changes like your first PR just clutter up the PR list and distract from more important PRs.
So fuck off.