[mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

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[mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by maikerumine » Post


This is a WIP, but almost fully complete. :)

Insert image here:
Click this readme to see the mobs.
https://github.com/maikerumine/mobs_mc/ ... DME-amc.md

License: GPL 3.0
*Media, textures license is a mix, see attached readme's and license's.
*This will be organised better, sorry.

Morn76, blockmen, wuzzy, exeterdad, 22i, tobyplowy, and myself.
Specifics are sprinkled throughout the code, which needs tidy, as this is the 5th iteration of this mob pack.


I am constantly updating, tweaking and cleaning this pack, changes are daily.

Browse Code:

https://github.com/maikerumine/mobs_mc/ ... master.zip
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by BBmine » Post

Cool maike! I'll add this to my ever-growing mod repo at home! :D

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by ExeterDad » Post

maike, on the horse change line 151

Code: Select all

minetest.add_item(clicker.getpos(), "mobs:saddle")

Code: Select all

minetest.add_item(clicker:getpos(), "mobs:saddle")
the dot between clicker and getpos needs to be a " : "
If dismounting horse, saddle is returned to inventory unless inventory is full, then it's dropped.
Dismount with completely full inventory to make server crash to test.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by maikerumine » Post

ExeterDad wrote:maike, on the horse change line 151

Code: Select all

minetest.add_item(clicker.getpos(), "mobs:saddle")

Code: Select all

minetest.add_item(clicker:getpos(), "mobs:saddle")
the dot between clicker and getpos needs to be a " : "
If dismounting horse, saddle is returned to inventory unless inventory is full, then it's dropped.
Dismount with completely full inventory to make server crash to test.
ExelenterDad! Thank you! I will update in the am. :)
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Andrey01 » Post

Wow! Interestingly to see their in the game! I hope are they same as in minecraft?

Commentaries:Villagers must be passive, they must making farming, talk with people, breeding and more... Ender Dragon should have 500 lives as he is weaker than Wither. Wither boss should have 1000 lives as he is more powerful than Ender Dragon. Ender man must teleport of himself. Also, wither must use wither heads for attack. Enderdragon and wither use sounds that belong to Mese Dragon from NSSM! It`s wonder. Witch must use many of potions on attack and she can not use function "dogfight" attack. For next mobs i will comment when i see their in the game! Nice!

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by texmex » Post

The fact that this project now has its own thread seems promising! I haven't tried it for some months now, but will look into it soon.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Andrey01 » Post

By the way! Why developer blockmen listed in Contributors in first post? He lost the game already long ago! And he can not be developer anymore.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by BirgitLachner » Post

The models are great. More interactions with the players would be nice.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Andrey01 » Post

BirgitLachner wrote:The models are great. More interactions with the players would be nice.
Yes, but it would be more nice if developers would make mob engine as in minecraft exactly. Then may be community would be bigger.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by maikerumine » Post

Updated spawning, and merged PR from 22i (he added better animations and also added the illusioner to the pack. :)
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

Andrey01 wrote:
BirgitLachner wrote:The models are great. More interactions with the players would be nice.
Yes, but it would be more nice if developers would make mob engine as in minecraft exactly. Then may be community would be bigger.
great idea!
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Wuzzy » Post

First of all, thanks a lot for compiling a complete set of mobs of Minecraft-like mobs. The mod is obviously not really ready for release yet, but it a very good starting point.

The models are all very good, but the animations are sometimes buggy or incomplete, especially death. I like the textures as well.

I am still very puzzled about the sound licenses. “Freesound license” is not an actual license. Under these circumstances, I have to assume the worst case, which is full copyright. I cannot use these sounds for MineClone 2 unless I see evidence that they are free/libre.

Does anyone in here maybe know a free/libre Minecraft sound pack? For the cow, I can suggest a “moo” sound which is used in MineClone 2.

The mobs are okayish but often buggy.

Many mobs have really bad collision boxes which are often way too small or very poorly placed:
- Ocelot
- Vex
- Bat
- Horses
- Guardian
- Ender man
- Ender dragon
- Rabbit (too big)

Other bugs:
- Zombies and husks randomly teleport into the air above, I believe when they chase you (I also have this trouble in MCL2, no idea why). I would really appreciate if you could figure out why the hell this is happening here
- Death animation is randomly repeating for many mobs
- Slimes and magma cubes do not split like they should (fixed in MCL2)
- Sheep change their shape when dyeing
- Sheep color resets to white when you go far away from them and return (fixed in MCL2, the trick is to set base_textures as well when changing the texture, check out MCL2 for this)
- Skeletons (etc.) drop “ESM Bow” and “ESM Arrow”. I don't think a mobs mod should register its own bows and arrows.
- Some typos like “Polarbear” or “Enderman” or “Enderdragon”

About skeleton arrows: Well, it seems you can't just register existing arrow entities as arrows, Mobs Redo seems to behave buggy here. I really like to avoid registering two completely separate entitires for arrows. Your skeleton code works fine, but it will be redundant as soon the player uses any real bow and arrow mod. Maybe I should talk to TenPlus1 about this.

But thanks again for your work on this mod. Also huge thanks to 22i! :-)

I have a suggestion: How about we both concentrate our efforts on this mod in order to avoid duplicate work? I really like to see this mod become polished and easily usable in subgames. That way, both our subgames (Grieftest and MineClone 2) could more easily benefit from this.

It is very likely that I will use this mod for my subgame, if it is reasonably polished.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by GreenXenith » Post

Hey! Where are the parrots?!
EDIT: *Ahem* er... I mean "Where are the parrots in the README?!"
Last edited by GreenXenith on Tue Jun 13, 2017 16:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Wuzzy » Post

Ummm … this mod has parrots. This mod is updated daily (says maikerumine), so make sure to re-download.
The parrots are just not very good right now.

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by GreenXenith » Post

It wasn't in the list of mobs :P
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Andrey01 » Post

GreenDimond wrote:It wasn't in the list of mobs :P
These parrots exist in the mod. Look at GitHub in first post..

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by maikerumine » Post

I am very interested in working with you on this. :). I love what you have done with mcl, and want to see it flourish. :)
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by maikerumine » Post

Wuzzy wrote:First of all, thanks a lot for compiling a complete set of mobs of Minecraft-like mobs. The mod is obviously not really ready for release yet, but it a very good starting point.

The models are all very good, but the animations are sometimes buggy or incomplete, especially death. I like the textures as well.

I am still very puzzled about the sound licenses. “Freesound license” is not an actual license. Under these circumstances, I have to assume the worst case, which is full copyright. I cannot use these sounds for MineClone 2 unless I see evidence that they are free/libre.

Does anyone in here maybe know a free/libre Minecraft sound pack? For the cow, I can suggest a “moo” sound which is used in MineClone 2.

The mobs are okayish but often buggy.

Many mobs have really bad collision boxes which are often way too small or very poorly placed:
- Ocelot
- Vex
- Bat
- Horses
- Guardian
- Ender man
- Ender dragon
- Rabbit (too big)

Other bugs:
- Zombies and husks randomly teleport into the air above, I believe when they chase you (I also have this trouble in MCL2, no idea why). I would really appreciate if you could figure out why the hell this is happening here
- Death animation is randomly repeating for many mobs
- Slimes and magma cubes do not split like they should (fixed in MCL2)
- Sheep change their shape when dyeing
- Sheep color resets to white when you go far away from them and return (fixed in MCL2, the trick is to set base_textures as well when changing the texture, check out MCL2 for this)
- Skeletons (etc.) drop “ESM Bow” and “ESM Arrow”. I don't think a mobs mod should register its own bows and arrows.
- Some typos like “Polarbear” or “Enderman” or “Enderdragon”

About skeleton arrows: Well, it seems you can't just register existing arrow entities as arrows, Mobs Redo seems to behave buggy here. I really like to avoid registering two completely separate entitires for arrows. Your skeleton code works fine, but it will be redundant as soon the player uses any real bow and arrow mod. Maybe I should talk to TenPlus1 about this.

But thanks again for your work on this mod. Also huge thanks to 22i! :-)

I have a suggestion: How about we both concentrate our efforts on this mod in order to avoid duplicate work? I really like to see this mod become polished and easily usable in subgames. That way, both our subgames (Grieftest and MineClone 2) could more easily benefit from this.

It is very likely that I will use this mod for my subgame, if it is reasonably polished.
Thanks m8!

Sound: Many were pulled from many mods, particularly Blockmens wasteland game for zombies, morn76 for cows and chicken I think from his Stampy world subgame, as well as villager.

I really am not sure any of these are free to use therefore a complete remake of the sounds will be needed.

I want to work with you on this, to make modular for both MCL and regular MT. My Idea is to make a switch in the mobs to check if mcl is used and if so to switch to code that refrences those specific nodes, this may double the file size in lua, but be able to swiftly work with each subgame smoothly.

Last night I tweaked a few things:
naming errors, some collision boxes (which always need refinement), swapped out sheep code with your sheep, and fixed the replace code to replace dirt_with_grass to dirt.
Fixed zombie from jumbing like a spaz,
Fixed other bits as well.

seperate bows from the mobs and integrate your throwing, and regular throwing via switch so there will be no major errors or conflicts.
Fix all collision boxes.
Redo all sounds.
Fine tune spawning and attributes.
Fix specifics, like slimes splitting, death animation callbacks (mobs_redo problem)
And finally, to release as a working mod wit all appropiate credits and licenses listed!

More to come, my first step is to make the switches and remove bows and have a dependancy.
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Andrey01 » Post

[quote=maikerumine]Fix all collision boxes.[/guote=maikerumine]
Oh! It`s nice idea! All mobs have weird collision boxes at the moment. They`re as in the blocks. I don`t understand one: why did nobody guess to do normal collision box? For that sone lacks happen, for example, on server Just Test. There huge stone monsters can go through the each walls. I don`t like much it. I try to hide in my house, but they attack me even in so cases. What do you think?

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

have three meter large walls.
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Andrey01 » Post

azekill_DIABLO wrote:have three meter large walls.
It does not work. I have a house four meters but they can jump high and in total they go through my house. I don`t know yet what to do!

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by maikerumine » Post

I will be focusing in this mod greatly next week. Stay tuned for details.
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

Andrey01 wrote:
azekill_DIABLO wrote:have three meter large walls.
It does not work. I have a house four meters but they can jump high and in total they go through my house. I don`t know yet what to do!
get wall with 25 meters high + 5 meter large + lava and water inside the walls + some fire/barriers/barricade/spikes around your house
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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by Nexus24680 » Post

Can you make a version of this mod with only the animals.
I mean that it only has animals coded not monsters

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Re: [mod] MC Like Mobs [mobs_mc]

by texmex » Post

Nexus24680 wrote:Can you make a version of this mod with only the animals.
I mean that it only has animals coded not monsters
You can do that yourself by editing its init.lua file in a text editor and comment out the mobs you don't like with -- at the beginning of each line (two dashes). Save and reload the world.

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