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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.7.0]

by 1248 » Post

Thank you for your post Wuzzy
Wuzzy wrote:First things first: Please get your game description right! The forum description of this game is bad. You fail to mention that this is a singleplayer puzzle game and don't really explain what you *do* in this game. So far this game reminds me a bit of Sokoban and Enigma. Getting the description right is critically important, otherwise nobody will take your game serious, like proven in many previous posts. “mini game” is a bad decription.
I will change the description in a few days (not done)
Wuzzy wrote: Now for the actual game:
Interesting concept, easy to understand. The gameplay is simple and fun so far, I like simple puzzle games like this one. It's somewhat unusual to see something like this in Minetest, but hey! Why not? xD I will probably play this for a longer period of time. :-) But the control are a major downer. :-(
What this game needs is polishing.

I am still in the Tutorial world, stuck at level 12. I have no idea what that black dot does (maybe I figure it out later). The tutorial does not really explain anything, so it is not a tutorial IMO. Either the levels should be so obvious it's self-explanatory or special tiles should be explained in 1-2 sentences. Otherwise it's not a tutorial.
I will change the name of this group of levels (done)
Wuzzy wrote: Critical bug: When I click on “WORLD1”, I get a crash!

2017-08-25 01:52:53: WARNING[Server]: Assignment to undeclared global "lv" inside a function at ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3188.
2017-08-25 01:52:53: WARNING[Server]: Assignment to undeclared global "formspec" inside a function at ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3196.
2017-08-25 01:53:36: WARNING[Server]: Assignment to undeclared global "le" inside a function at ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:914.
2017-08-25 02:01:28: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'labyrinthus' in callback node_on_punch(): ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2742: attempt to index global 'lv' (a nil value)
2017-08-25 02:01:28: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2017-08-25 02:01:28: ERROR[Main]: ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2742: in function 'get_formspec'
2017-08-25 02:01:28: ERROR[Main]: ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3270: in function <...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3266>
2017-08-25 02:01:28: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer leaves game. List of players:
Sorry, I will fix that (done)
Wuzzy wrote: The biggest problem I have with this game is that the controls are bad and tiresome. I don't like having to click on the wall all the time.
It would be ideal if the player could just use the controls on the keyboard to move the nyan cat. The Lua API allows to read the player controls. I bet you could figure something out here, the goal is that the controls are convenient and not a hindrnce like now.
Having the HUD on the wall is also annoying as it obstructs the view.
I am working on it (done)
Wuzzy wrote: There should be a reset button/key.
This is very hard (not done)
Wuzzy wrote: The level selection buttons should be moved to another wall so they don't obstruct the view.
I will think about that (I will not change that)
Wuzzy wrote: In the level selection, mark completed levels with a different color.
Nice idea (I will not change that)
Wuzzy wrote: The wall sign should not be editable.
I will remove the sign (done)
Wuzzy wrote: The current level should be visible somewhere.
Other status information like how many keys you have should also be visible. Maybe in a wall?
Ok I will write it somewhere (done)
Wuzzy wrote: There should be sounds, sounds are easy and make everything better. Now every move is silent. Walking on sand is silent, too.
There should be a more sophisticated victory effect other than just a lame chat message (sounds, visual effects, etc.).
The graphics are not really good and the “entry room” isn't nice-looking. The textures don't really fit to this kind of game. Maybe you want to browse some of the texture packs in the forums.
I will try to improve that (not done)
Last edited by 1248 on Tue Aug 29, 2017 15:05, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.7.0]

by Wuzzy » Post

I am looking forward for the next version!
There should be a reset button/key.

This is very hard
I think you misunderstood me. I actually just want a button to restart the current level. Not the entire game.
I can actually already do that by simply starting the same level manually. But I think an additional button for that would be more convenient.

Is it intentional that you have to figure out the game's mechanics on your own? Some levels are hard to understand. I finally figured out Tutorial level 12, but mostly just by pure luck by realizing the center thing between the arrows is a control, too. Now I am stuck at Tutorial level 18 and I have no idea what I am supposed to do.

More ideas:

- Make the goal block gray as long it is locked
- Use different symbol for the colorization block (asterisk sign) to make it more obvious (maybe paintbrush or paintcan)
- Use different symbol for the black dot from Tutorial level 12. Maybe a gun or bullet?
- Add close button on level selection dialog

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.7.0]

by kingoscargames » Post

This is now my favorite"[Game/Map]" :).

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.7.0]

by 1248 » Post

Wuzzy wrote: I think you misunderstood me. I actually just want a button to restart the current level. Not the entire game.
I can actually already do that by simply starting the same level manually. But I think an additional button for that would be more convenient.
Ok I can add a restart button (not done)
Wuzzy wrote: EDIT:
Is it intentional that you have to figure out the game's mechanics on your own? Some levels are hard to understand. I finally figured out Tutorial level 12, but mostly just by pure luck by realizing the center thing between the arrows is a control, too. Now I am stuck at Tutorial level 18 and I have no idea what I am supposed to do.
I am working on a tutorial video (not done)
Wuzzy wrote: - Make the goal block gray as long it is locked
I will add this (done (comming in 1.9.0))
Wuzzy wrote: - Use different symbol for the colorization block (asterisk sign) to make it more obvious (maybe paintbrush or paintcan)
- Use different symbol for the black dot from Tutorial level 12. Maybe a gun or bullet?
I will change many textures (not done)
Wuzzy wrote: - Add close button on level selection dialog
I will add one (done)
Last edited by 1248 on Tue Aug 29, 2017 14:33, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.7.0]

by 1248 » Post

Labyrinthus 1.8.0 will come tomorrow
new control
new name for the first 18 Levels
some bug fixes
Added close button on level selection dialog

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.0]

by 1248 » Post

Labyrinthus 1.8.0 is released
with 15 new levels

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.0]

by Wuzzy » Post

Nope. Now clicking on WORLD2 crashes the game. Similar error as in 1.7.0.
2017-08-28 00:47:19: WARNING[Server]: Assignment to undeclared global "lv" inside a function at ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2759.
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'labyrinthus' in callback node_on_punch(): ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2764: attempt to index global 'lv' (a nil value)
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2764: in function 'get_formspec'
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3334: in function <...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3330>
Tested in 1.8.0.
Both subgame and map updated.

But the controls are now much more convenient. Thank you! It took ages to guide the nyan cat through the levels before.

By the way: How can I update Labyrinthus without wiping out my entire game progress? It seems you always update both subgame and map.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.0]

by 1248 » Post

Wuzzy wrote:Nope. Now clicking on WORLD2 crashes the game. Similar error as in 1.7.0.
2017-08-28 00:47:19: WARNING[Server]: Assignment to undeclared global "lv" inside a function at ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2759.
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'labyrinthus' in callback node_on_punch(): ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2764: attempt to index global 'lv' (a nil value)
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:2764: in function 'get_formspec'
2017-08-28 00:47:19: ERROR[Main]: ...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3334: in function <...zy/.minetest/games/Labyrinthus/mods/labyrinthus/init.lua:3330>
Tested in 1.8.0.
Both subgame and map updated.

But the controls are now much more convenient. Thank you! It took ages to guide the nyan cat through the levels before.

By the way: How can I update Labyrinthus without wiping out my entire game progress? It seems you always update both subgame and map.
No, you don't have to update the map.
Map changes will be done by lua code

Is the bug now fixed?

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by Wuzzy » Post

Yes, I can now finally play in World 2. Great!

Minor comments and suggestions:
- It should be “Level: World 2.23”, not “Level:World 2.23” (missing space)
- Instead of using text, show the number of keys and balls graphically (e.g. show 3 key symbols in HUD when player got 3 keys).
- Change the color of the box while it is over a BOX symbol
- Make the nyan cat look a little scorched and unhappy when it walks into a flame for the first time
- Print a message when you killed the nyan cat

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

Wuzzy wrote: - Print a message when you killed the nyan cat
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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by Wuzzy » Post

I now have completed levels 1.1 to 1.17 and 2.1 to 2.80. I enjoyed the game quite well so far. :-)

Some bug reports:

These levels are identical:
- 1.15 and 2.76

The following levels are very similar:
- 1.14 and 2.47
- 1.9 and 2.68

- You can use your hand to dig some blocks in the upper part of the puzzle and thereby accidentally destroy the puzzle. Please make sure that no block can be dug by hand.

- If you destroy a mese lamp lying on a switch, the piston(s) won't go up immediately, but only after you made another step. This can be reproduced in level 2.61.

- If you move a mese lamp on top of a ball, and then push it again in any direction (even into walls), the mese lamp is destroyed. Is this intentional? You can abuse this even more if the puzzle has multiple balls and you already got a ball in your inventory. This is very odd.

And a final comment about a block: Reverse controls.
The reverse controls block is just annoying because it doesn't add an unique puzzle mechanic, just an annoying confusion. Gameplay-wise, this is almost equivalent to the apple because they both block movement of blocks until collected.
Plus, it can be easily circumvented by editing the controls by hand in the controls menu.
There is also a bug, I guess: When your controls are reversed, the ball shooting direction is (oddly) not reversed. Very annoying to find out.
I suggest to remove the reverse controls block entirely. In the non-trivial levels in which this block is used, I suggest to replace it with an apple or empty space (whatever seems more appropriate, depends on the level).
The levels 2.53, 2.54 and 2.55 should be removed or replaced as well because they become pretty much pointless without this block.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by 1248 » Post

Wuzzy wrote: - It should be “Level: World 2.23”, not “Level:World 2.23” (missing space)
- Instead of using text, show the number of keys and balls graphically (e.g. show 3 key symbols in HUD when player got 3 keys).
- Make the nyan cat look a little scorched and unhappy when it walks into a flame for the first time
- Print a message when you killed the nyan cat
I will chage this
Wuzzy wrote: - Change the color of the box while it is over a BOX symbol
I will think about
Wuzzy wrote: - You can use your hand to dig some blocks in the upper part of the puzzle and thereby accidentally destroy the puzzle. Please make sure that no block can be dug by hand.
- If you destroy a mese lamp lying on a switch, the piston(s) won't go up immediately, but only after you made another step. This can be reproduced in level 2.61.
- If you move a mese lamp on top of a ball, and then push it again in any direction (even into walls), the mese lamp is destroyed. Is this intentional? You can abuse this even more if the puzzle has multiple balls and you already got a ball in your inventory. This is very odd.
I will fix that

For more things i will chage look in "to do" list on first post

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by Wuzzy » Post

I am currently completely stuck at levels 1.18 and 2.108.
I have no idea what these strange blocks are supposed to do.

The only thing I figured out so far is that the big block can be collected and as long I continue to walk in the same direction, I stop 1 block before any obstacle. When I move in the other axis, this strange effect stops.

I haven't figured out how to interact with the floor symbol in any way. There's no reaction whatsoever, no change in color or whatever.

I also pressed the jump key at every step but nothing happened.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by 1248 » Post

Wuzzy wrote:I am currently completely stuck at levels 1.18 and 2.108.
I have no idea what these strange blocks are supposed to do.

The only thing I figured out so far is that the big block can be collected and as long I continue to walk in the same direction, I stop 1 block before any obstacle. When I move in the other axis, this strange effect stops.

I haven't figured out how to interact with the floor symbol in any way. There's no reaction whatsoever, no change in color or whatever.

I also pressed the jump key at every step but nothing happened.
The block becomes transparent when you move it.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by Wuzzy » Post

The block becomes transparent when you move it.
Haha. OMG. I would never have figured that one out. I always thought I collected or destroyed the box.

Here a box pushing sound, or a fade-out animation (or both) would have been a vital clue. Or may be not fade-out animation, but maybe make the block semi-transparent after the first push and completely invisible after the second push.
I would first have complained that this box is pointless as this is just the same as the wooden box but then I saw what you did in level 2.115. Quite clever. :-)
I just wouldn't overuse this box because it can get quite frustrating to try to remember the box positions everywhere.

Level 1.18 is especially nasty because it introduces 2 concepts at once.

Anyway: I have now completed all the levels! Hooray! It's a good puzzle game overall. :-) But it needs some polishing and I am looking forward for more levels.

What I like about this puzzle game is that it has many different elements.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.8.2]

by 1248 » Post

Wuzzy wrote:
The block becomes transparent when you move it.
Haha. OMG. I would never have figured that one out. I always thought I collected or destroyed the box.
Wuzzy wrote: Here a box pushing sound, or a fade-out animation (or both) would have been a vital clue. Or may be not fade-out animation, but maybe make the block semi-transparent after the first push and completely invisible after the second push.
I would first have complained that this box is pointless as this is just the same as the wooden box but then I saw what you did in level 2.115. Quite clever. :-)
I just wouldn't overuse this box because it can get quite frustrating to try to remember the box positions everywhere.

Level 1.18 is especially nasty because it introduces 2 concepts at once.
I will add a sound if you move a block and when you hit fire
Wuzzy wrote: Anyway: I have now completed all the levels! Hooray! It's a good puzzle game overall. :-) But it needs some polishing and I am looking forward for more levels.

What I like about this puzzle game is that it has many different elements.
With labyrinthus 1.9.0 I will add 15 new Levels and also new elements.
There is still a lot to do.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.9.0]

by 1248 » Post

Labyrinthus 1.9.0 is released with 15 new Levels and many other changes.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.9.1]

by Wuzzy » Post

You wrote “RESART LEVEL”. xD

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.9.1]

by TumeniNodes » Post

Wuzzy wrote:You wrote “RESART LEVEL”. xD
It's like "resTart"..., only without the "ta"! [Mator]
A Wonderful World

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.9.1]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

Gone, but not dead. Contact me on discord: azekill_DIABLO#6565
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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.9.1]

by 1248 » Post

Wuzzy wrote:You wrote “RESART LEVEL”. xD
My spelling is not very good :)

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.9.1]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

:D as long as you do good games
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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.10.0]

by 1248 » Post

Labyrinthus 1.10.0 is released with 15 new Levels

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.10.0]

by Wuzzy » Post

The late levels are quite tricky. Nice!

By the way: You still haven't fixed the “RESART LEVEL” typo.

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Re: [Game/Map]1248's Labyrinthus[1.10.0]

by 1248 » Post

Labyrinthus 1.11.0 is released
Wuzzy wrote:The late levels are quite tricky. Nice!

By the way: You still haven't fixed the “RESART LEVEL” typo.
Should be fixed now

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