Game Ideas/Requests here

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Game Ideas/Requests here

by roboto » Post

I see discussion threads for modding. But not games!

So here it is.

Post away.

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by firefox » Post

how about the option of letting the subgame alter the mapgen settings without having you manually edit the word file ;)

let's say we have a fantasy steampunk themed subgame with lots of movement enhancing tools like grapling hooks and mechanical wings.
then you would have the optipn to choose any mapgen you like, but the parameters are automatically adjusted to generate more crazy terrain with steep mountains and cliffs and floatlands.

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by ThomasMonroe » Post

ever since playing BlackVoxel i've had an idea for a metalurgy based world
I don't make messes, I just, er...disturb the local entropy!

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by Punk » Post

I thought something like a small world (maybe 128³ or 256³ nodes) with a hard scarcity, and the player needs conserve resources, maybe could have pollution and clear systems. Damn, I don't remember what I thought...

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by ThomasMonroe » Post

I had a crazy idea for a subgame that is which team(out of four or eight) can claim the most amount of land in a single day, once a day, the map would reset, and it would all start again the next day.
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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by dawgdoc » Post

ThomasMonroe wrote:I had a crazy idea for a subgame that is which team(out of four or eight) can claim the most amount of land in a single day, once a day, the map would reset, and it would all start again the next day.
Using and having to place protector blocks would make this much harder than the areas mod where you just claim based on coordinates. Mostly due to the mining to get the mese to craft the blocks.
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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by ThomasMonroe » Post

right, thats what I was talking about
however the protector blocks can be dug by anyone, but they still protect the surrounding area
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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by Thermal_Shock » Post

I'd like to see someone take a crack at one of those extreme microcrafting type games that are popular with the Minecraft crowd. I'm fairly sure they're only made to be massive time sinks.

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by ThomasMonroe » Post

pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean microcrafting?
I don't make messes, I just, er...disturb the local entropy!

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by Thermal_Shock » Post

ThomasMonroe wrote:pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean microcrafting?
Generally it refers to complex and tedious crafting recipes that take a lot of steps to complete.

Say you're a modder and have a mod with a machine in it. Instead of using the materials commonly found in the game like wood and ingots you instead decide to make the player work for it. First metal plates are needed, those are crafted by another machine that needed to be built to process your ingots into the plate. Next you need circuits, these are created by two types of wires, three types of integrated circuits, and a printed circuit board. The bare wire has to be manually crafted with an ingot and special tool in the crafting slot, then the jacket for the wire has to be manually crafted as well with rubber processed from a tree. The IC chips require another machine that uses a special compressed and shaped ingot that is then arranged in a specific pattern for the IC chip type you need. The circuit boards have to be scavenged from dungeon chests because some guy that uses your mod made a mean comment on your youtube video so you hate everyone and everything about your life now. Oh and your machine needs a tier 8 machine frame that is crafted from 9 tier 7 machine frames. After several hundred ingots, other processed materials and 30 mins of crafting you now have a shiny new machine. That machine is needed for that other machine you want to make.

The above nonsense is why I try to keep things as simple as possible in the stuff I make.

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by SonosFuer » Post

Would anyone be interested in a fallout style game? I am thinking about drawing out some game design for one. Do you guys have any thoughts?
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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by firefox » Post

SonosFuer wrote:Would anyone be interested in a fallout style game? I am thinking about drawing out some game design for one. Do you guys have any thoughts?
if i remember correctly, there was some kind of nuclear waste mod.
it contained "contaminated nodes" with a different colour palette that damage nearby players.
in combination with a method of "purification" to make the land usable, this would be interesting.

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Re: Subgame Ideas/Requests here

by SonosFuer » Post

I will have to track that down! Is there anyone out there interested in helping make this?
Working on a content database for minetest mods, servers, and etc Check it out and give me feedback at viewtopic.php?f=14&t=18137

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by rubenwardy » Post

A few things I have on my to do list, but I've never got around to making:


Players form companies which can run shops, factories, and resource extraction facilities. These facilities are automated and run whilst the player is offline. The income is paid into the company's account, and then optionally paid out as dividends. To stop hyper-inflation, VAT is charged at every step and paid into a government account. Senator members can be elected to government, and can set policies after popular votes.

The craft chain would need to be reasonably complex such that one player can't possibly do everything. There should be a research cost to unlocking craft. Companies start with a certain amount of research points, and can gain points over time.

Individual players can buy the things they need, and be employed by companies.

See here for progress I made:

Greek/Roman Mythology

Players enter the world and can choose their Godly parent. The player gets certain unique actions depending on their godly parent, for example children of Zeus/Jupiter can summon lightning and push air. The player doesn't start with all actions unlocked, and their mana would start off weak (so can't summon much or for long).

The player can improve their mana and other abilities by using them.

The world should be partially procedurally generated and partially pre-made. The spawn city should be premade, and quests should be stored in schematics and then instanced for each player (so they don't bump into other players, or see evidence of other player, when doing a quest). Daedalus' Labyrinth should be procedurally generated and always present under the world. Entering the labyrinth should be a dangerous but affective way to gain experience and occasional treasures - unless you die.

When a player dies, any progress since their last save point is lost. If they're in a quest they can choose to exist the quest, in which point any progress in the quest is lost and they go back to the position they were at before the quest. Quests should be skyrim-style in that there are multiple available at a time.

See here for progress I made:
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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by pandaro » Post


The foundations of the "old school" role-playing game reinvent the new voxel paradigm.

Choose a race, each with different physical characteristics.
Improve the character card.
Gather experience.
Empower skills.
Create better weapons.
Launches spells.
Explore an ever-changing world with dozens of strange biomes.
Trade with smart shopkeepers.
Explore exterminated caves.
Fight, get well, survive.
Complete daring missions and discover the secret of this land.

For the glory
rubenwardy wrote:A few things I have on my to do list, but I've never got around to making:


Players form companies which can run shops, factories, and resource extraction facilities. These facilities are automated and run whilst the player is offline. The income is paid into the company's account, and then optionally paid out as dividends. To stop hyper-inflation, VAT is charged at every step and paid into a government account. Senator members can be elected to government, and can set policies after popular votes.

The craft chain would need to be reasonably complex such that one player can't possibly do everything. There should be a research cost to unlocking craft. Companies start with a certain amount of research points, and can gain points over time.

Individual players can buy the things they need, and be employed by companies.

See here for progress I made:

This is very nice

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by Orby » Post

I have an idea for a mechanic for a new game. The basic motivation is to encourage players to share resources either through trading and economic activity, or cooperation.

Crafting recipes are all shapeless but require a blueprint item as part of their recipe. Blueprints are difficult to craft (require rare materials) but are crafted in large quantities. For example: a mining laser recipe may require 2 metal, 1 glass, 1 diode, and 1 mining laser blueprint to craft. These materials (with the exception of the blueprint) may be relatively common and easy to obtain. The mining laser blueprint may require 9 gold (or some other very rare block) to craft 99 copies. It might make sense to create a special "research" block which is required in blueprint recipes.

If 9 players each have 1 gold, it would behoove them all to pool their gold and share the resulting stack of blueprints. Alternately, if one player bought all of the gold from the other 9 players, they could craft a big stack of blueprints and sell them for substantial profit.

Just thought the blueprint idea was interesting and was wondering if anyone else would like to see something like this.

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by patrick55 » Post

One hour One life. I think that is a great idea.

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by ThomasMonroe » Post

I'd really like to see some sort of system where you can unlock crafting recipes as you play along the game and accumulate certain amounts of items in your inventory.
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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by sneakyMod » Post

Does anyone remember Space Station 13?
Simplified it's a spaceship simulation where every player has a distinct task and everyone has to work with another to survive inside deep space. However, (from my perspective) the engine isn't the best and not well suited for this purpose. Due to this situation, I'm trying to create a mod which imitates the gameplay in Minetest :

For starters the following functions would be enough for a small prototype:
- Different jobs which imply certain interactions with the game world
- One small map for testing
- Radio system with distinct channels
- Some basic machines (e.g. : vending or healing machine)

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by W3RQ01 » Post

I really like if someone can make RL Craft compatible for minetest

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by cuthbertdoublebarrel » Post

W3RQ01 wrote:
Sun Apr 04, 2021 19:57
I really like if someone can make RL Craft compatible for minetest
cant make it compatible . but I think it may be possible to create RLcraft like gameplay within minetest . most of the features minetest has already . apart from the leveling up and damage system . i have cobbled most of the minetest monster mods together and it is a very intense experience . thought it was safe underground but they blew the cave up with a nuke and piled on in.kinda made RLcraft look like a gentle stroll in the park .
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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by W3RQ01 » Post

cuthbertdoublebarrel wrote:
Sun Apr 04, 2021 22:58
W3RQ01 wrote:
Sun Apr 04, 2021 19:57
I really like if someone can make RL Craft compatible for minetest
cant make it compatible . but I think it may be possible to create RLcraft like gameplay within minetest . most of the features minetest has already . apart from the leveling up and damage system . i have cobbled most of the minetest monster mods together and it is a very intense experience . thought it was safe underground but they blew the cave up with a nuke and piled on in.kinda made RLcraft look like a gentle stroll in the park .
Ok, i really like RLcraft weapons, structures and mobs

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by cuthbertdoublebarrel » Post

W3RQ01 wrote:
Mon Apr 05, 2021 07:48
cuthbertdoublebarrel wrote:
Sun Apr 04, 2021 22:58
W3RQ01 wrote:
Sun Apr 04, 2021 19:57
I really like if someone can make RL Craft compatible for minetest
cant make it compatible . but I think it may be possible to create RLcraft like gameplay within minetest . most of the features minetest has already . apart from the leveling up and damage system . i have cobbled most of the minetest monster mods together and it is a very intense experience . thought it was safe underground but they blew the cave up with a nuke and piled on in.kinda made RLcraft look like a gentle stroll in the park .
Ok, i really like RLcraft weapons, structures and mobs
to be honest i have never played it but got hooked on the sourceforge vids on utube so can totally understand why it appeals to you .
Its what minetest should have been unfortuntly the community here missed the boat .
but we got some great mobs here too . not so simple monsters .
some big ass dragons too
try them out with planet alive , minetest extended or dream builder
and tell us what you think .
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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by Astrobe » Post

I would really like to see a MOBA (as in LoL or Dota) in Minetest. If nothing else, I don't know of any free open source MOBA game.

Of course, one would have to also take into consideration the limitations of Minetest, so it wouldn't be a faithful recreation of LoL or Dota. I think it would simpler to let players specialize in a specific role through equipment rather than having dozens of "champions" fit to a particular role ; spectating could be achieve with a glass ceiling and/or a network of tunnels between observation spots in the map - instead of letting flying no-interact players disturb games.

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Re: Game Ideas/Requests here

by debiankaios » Post

Supertux 3d for minetest
Why not. I have to many to do to do byself this game.

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